
Smoke area conversations

I don't smoke but I often take a pack in so I can spend some time with the honey's in the smoke area. The ladies let their guard down and often talk about some interesting behind the scenes stuff.

Today, one of the honeys was talking about working in an ultra high mileage club (one of my favorites) and having to deal with cum all over the walls in VIP. She also talked about what it is like to get fondled by dudes she knows was just fingering a different dancer minutes before. Grossed her out.

I think I will quit smoking.


  • PhantomGeek
    10 years ago
    Over the course of three or four smoke breaks, one dancer told me her current life story: she was in an emotionally abusive relationship; her shithead PL husband stole all of the money she had saved up; she felt trapped because he was the son of a local sheriff; she, her two boys, and her mother were living off the grid and with her friends so she could avoid her husband. But she was still up for doing some OTC with me!
  • steve229
    10 years ago
    "She also talked about what it is like to get fondled by dudes she knows was just fingering a different dancer minutes before. Grossed her out. "

    Did she say anything about sausage fingers?
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    In Cali, your smokes better be of the cannabis kind.
  • motorhead
    10 years ago
    Nylon stockings and chocolate bars
  • azdd
    10 years ago
    Haha, I've sometimes wondered what I've been missing out in those smoking areas, thanks for clearing up the mystery! I think I'll stay inside.
  • rickdugan
    10 years ago
    Azdd, your loss. The guys who join the girls for their smoke breaks are smart men who understand that getting to know their dancers, outside of the black lights and blaring music inside the club, and also seeming cool about the whole smoking thing, can loosen up all sorts of things up.
  • shadowcat
    10 years ago
    I remember a couple of years ago I met Samusung1 and minnow for lunch at Kahoots in Columbus OH. There were about 8 dancers and we were the only customers. During our stay we went outside to the smoking patio and that is where most of the girls were. We found then to be a lot of fun to talk to. One even had to have photo of the t-shirt that I was wearing that day.
  • Prim0
    10 years ago
    There's a double edged sword in here....you might end up seeing what they really look like without the darkness and neon lights....that has been a big letdown for me in the past.
  • Clubber
    10 years ago
    Been to cities where clubs have smoking areas. Sad to see that so many have taken away those peoples freedom.
  • georgmicrodong
    10 years ago
    @Clubber: You're blaming the cities, right? If the clubs are doing it on their own, nobody's freedom is being taken away.

    But I agree with the comments about relaxing with them. All kinds of useful and/or juicy information comes to light. It only took a couple of times when my ATF lit up a joint for the rest of the girls to start acting like I wasn't even there. And if I ever want any weed, their dealer knows I'm "cool". :)
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    "...one dancer told me her current life story: she was in an emotionally abusive relationship; her shithead PL husband stole all of the money she had saved up; she felt trapped because he was the son of a local sheriff; she, her two boys, and her mother were living off the grid and with her friends so she could avoid her husband. "

    This sounds like the typical sort of white shithead dancer one finds from coast to coast. It is not just dancers either, it is the entire white underclass. It something about our country.

    I've searched myself long and hard to try and understand why I am often finding myself attracted to Asians. This is the reason.

    my reply to Gawker's article

    How to get to TJ Hong Kong Bar quality?

  • GACA
    10 years ago
    @ SJG that is exactly the sort of Korean elitism that gets your women wanting to be with every other race than Asian. You think I haven't banged a few trashy Japanese, Korean, and definitely Chinese girls. At yes by percentage there's a lot more white vs asian trashy girls, but let's wait a few more generations. Asians are catching up.
  • GACA
    10 years ago
    @SJG and I'm blaming your homogeneous Korean up bringing for your racist rant. Should have kept it color ambiguous my friend. That's what we do here in the USA. Or we target cultural aspect, but never make it about color. God, they even know this in the South. I'm ashamed to be from the same CA (well clearly I'm from the butter part) that you are. Please don't let the illegal immigrants turn you into a xenophobe like me. Fight the good fight. You seem like a really nice guy.
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    Mostly the ones which are not corrupted are the ones that are immigrants. These are the ones who work in the storefront AMPs. The Asians that are just here on a short term visa tend to be into gambling, especially if they are from Mainland China. These are the ones who work the apartment AMPs ( AAMPs ).

    Asians that are born here, yes they get corrupted.

    I have a Chinese woman friend who insists that Amy Tan's "Joy Luck Club" has very little to do with Chinese people. Rather it is about what happens to Chinese as they become Americanized.

    But there is really a typical social type of the white shithead. It is not just strippers and not just the women, not by a long shot. I think it is because we no longer have a working class. Instead we have an underclass. Marx talked about this. He identified the Lumpen Proletariat as alcoholics, drifters, and those only occasionally employed. What he saw as being the difference between the Lumpens and the Working Class was that the Lumpens lacked class consciousness. Now Frantz Fanon and then the Black Panthers would go a different direction with this. But for now just looking at how Marx saw it in the mid 1800's, what we have are people who do not see themselves as oppressed or disadvantaged. Instead, they believe in the self-reliance ethic, so they blame themselves. They have also been poisoned by things like evangelical Christianity and motivationalism. So most of the time their lives are about alcohol, drugs, and tobacco. So you have this huge contingent of persons who have nothing but grief and pain, but they try not to feel it. And of course they support right wing politics. I am certain that this was the type that Lone Wolf and PhantomGeek were talking with.

    No, I don't mean to promote any race over or under another. It is not caused by race. It is caused by what country the person has grown up in, and what were the social and emotional dynamics of the family. What it always comes down to is people who have children so that they can use them.


    Jennifer Lopez - Let's Get Loud
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    I would also point out that this shithead culture is the real subject of Oliver Stones excellent film which goes over most people's heads, "Natural Born Killers".


    Stones, Live Lisbon 2014
  • Clubber
    10 years ago

    I should have clarified that. Correction accepted.
  • PhantomGeek
    10 years ago
    SJG, even with your larger vocabulary and better education, you're definitely coming off as the shithead. And did I say she was white? All she did was run down the stripper checklist of sob stories.
  • GACA
    10 years ago
    And did I say she was white?
    @PhantomG actually no, no you didn't . SJG definitely knows about the Asian stripper game being from the bay area. It's has to be the place with the most Asian strippers in the USA?
    K. Strippers are strippers are strippers. You think she's nicer because she's blah blah race and your getting took for allllllllllllllll you got.
  • georgmicrodong
    10 years ago
    @Clubber: Given your past posts, I assumed you mean the cities, rather than the clubs. :)
  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    Man – one of my pet-peeves is smokers – don’t like the shit at all – I tolerate it like I tolerate other things at the SC (especially if she’s really fine) – but a chick walking up to me w/ a cig in hand or even worse in her mouth and trying to chat me up is a turn-off - I especially hate when they take a long-ass drag and place the cig on the side of their mouths where the upper and lower lips meet – that shit looks awful to me – and hate even more if they are smoking while they are dancing for me – how non-feminine.
  • Duke69
    10 years ago
    I love the smoking patios at clean clubs...got a blow job that way a few times lol
  • Clubber
    10 years ago

    Understood, but the level of intelligence on TUSCL has been declining for some time.

    'Your" a old timer I sure you seen to
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    "SJG, even with your larger vocabulary and better education, you're definitely coming off as the shithead. And did I say she was white? All she did was run down the stripper checklist of sob stories."

    Sorry, but there is a severe syndrome at work in the lives of white Americans. About the only way it will be stopped is by protecting the children from their parents, and by being able to better reach them through the public school system. Evangelical Christianity is a big part of the problem too, as it is intended to obliterate awareness of things like child abuse. More permanent change will have to be economic. About this you cannot blame the people themselves, as it has been built into capitalism. But it still can be changed.

    And yes I agree, the high smoking rate among strippers is a vast problem too. It has always been like this, and in some areas it is improving. But the problem is still severe and as I read more from this forum, I see that in some states it is still as bad as it ever was. And of course, it is a huge turn off. It is vulgar and disgusting.

  • ime
    10 years ago
    "Evangelical Christianity is a big part of the problem too, as it is intended to obliterate awareness of things like child abuse"

    Based on what statistics?
    you run your mouth a lot on a lot of subjects you really have no working knowledge of, like TJ bars you made them into this utopia and I can almost guarantee you what you think they are is not what they are and you have never been there. SJG we get it now you don't like whitey or Christianity yet you can only get laid with a captive girl who finally submits to you, you sir are a first class creep who is utterly full of shit.
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    Evangelical Christianity is based on denial, on making people believe that it is their own "Rebelliousness", just like as it was with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, which is the source of all problems.

    This year I helped put one of their people into the State Prison, San Quentin, for sexually fondling his daughters. His entire church stood with him, blaming the daughters for making an issue of it.

    If his daughters had not come forward and told the truth, who knows what could have eventually happened. They could have ended up at one of his church's outreach ministries, being told that they themselves are the reason for all their problems.

    I wrote over 35 pages to the DA, to aid in getting this guy convicted. Most of it was an explanation of how his church works and how a very large portion of its members have serious histories with drugs and alcohol. They never found out why they were drinking and using, they just moved onto a more serious addiction. Even more than that, most of them have people in their own families who were designated as the black sheep from childhood. The family black sheep is the one who cannot live the denial systems.

    What originally attracted me to this guy's case was how much emotional energy I could see that he had invested in black sheeping his eldest daughter.

    I did everything in my power to insure that he was convicted and got a severe sentence.


    Stones, 2014
  • ime
    10 years ago
    Dipshit you are choosing one person based on one case not much of a sample size. You really don't know anything about Evangelical Christianity just what you assume, you probably have assumptions about Catholics, Baptists, and each other group that are just as incorrect as your last one. I'm not going to really argue your ignorance about religion on a strip club site, but you make a lot of incorrect assumptions.
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    Evangelical Christianity is the reason that those at the bottom of society do not organize and demand change. Evangelical Christianity is a drug, an opiate. It keeps people down. It is based on the abuse of children. This abuse is at a minimum psychological. It is based on the premise that children are bad, that they are living in error, and so they need to be broken.

    This was the justification that this perp was using to fondle his daughters. I explained all of this to the DA and it came out in the trial testimony too.

    No, not every member of an Evangelical Christian church is bad, just like not every member of the Ku Klux Klan has engaged in racial violence. But both are still hate groups. One is against children, the other is racial.

  • ime
    10 years ago
    Sorry man you are just wrong on this. I have known many, many evangelical Christians and that is not the case at all, and things like that would not be put up with in any manner. Maybe you went to one messed up church, I don't know, but if choose to believe that then that's your choice.
  • ime
    10 years ago
    You are also a person who has very little life experience which is something you have mentioned. Maybe you should get out of your mom's basement and off the computer and go see some things in real life.
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    I got involved in this guy's case because I was deeply offended by his tirades against his daughter. So I went and read the court file and the police report. Then I decided that the only way I could really decide about it for myself was to listen to the daughters testify. So I attended the entire trial.

    The Evangelical Movement is a repackaging of the South's pro slavery religion. It is based on the making of professions of belief, of allegiance. So it demands submission and external conformity.

    It supported slavery, then during Reconstruction it supported racial supremacy and something pretty close to attempted genocide, by far the worst terrorist violence in our nation's history. Then it supported Jim Crow segregation.

    After the Civil Rights Movement it was repackaged.

    Originally it has not been specifically regional. But in the North the emphasis shifted from concerns over personal sinfulness and salvation, to reform of the society.

    In the South, focus on personal salvation alone was used to excuse and legitimate slavery.



    North Carolina State of Conflict

    It is still the case today that Evangelical religion is used to excuse all manner of social injustice. You just make everyone believe that they might be at risk of going to hell. You make them believe that social justice activists are going to hell, because they are "rebellious". Basically you just have to make them live in fear of the idol.

    So the reasons people today do not recognize the Evangelical religion as being part of our nation's legacy of slavery are 1. It is no longer specifically regional. 2. It is fully racially integrated. But for minorities to be a part of it though they have to surrender any claim to a different history or a different vision of the future. They have to become Uncle Tom's. 3. It promotes a right wing agenda where the racism is coded.


    As for this guy molesting his daughters, he had started out in adult hood as so many Evangelicals do, on alcohol on drugs. But then he was approached by people peddling something worse, campus evangelicals. He never figured out why he was on alcohol and drugs, but he saw that all he had to do was make the pledge, "I am a Christian", and he was in. So then he was introduced to his future wife and soon they were making babies.

    Then a dozen years later it all came out in a midlife crisis which he called a psychiatric condition. The wife recognized intuitively that it was about him being sick of their marriage. So she approached him in a negligee, and he wanted nothing to do with her. This is when the late night massages with the eldest daughter started.

    When allegations surfaced she wrote him an angry email saying that she would divorce him if he molested the younger two girls. "I will not be married to a child molester." Apparently molesting the eldest was okay. When the Prosecutor read this email in court, the wife tried to say it was about something else. When later I would be communicating with the Prosecutor I said that if it were up to me, this wife would be in prison too, as she had just as much invested in the molestation as the defendant did.

    To cut this short, now I am trying to persuade the three girls to sue their parents and to sue their church and its nation wide affiliation. Sue the church just like Southern Poverty Law Center was able to get a $10 million judgment against Tom Metzger and his "White Aryan Resistance" over the killing of a student from Africa in the 1980's. Sue their church just like it was a hate group, because that is what it is! In their church being the parent of a black sheep is an honored status. You will get endless pats on the back for how Christian you are being in your pity.

  • GACA
    10 years ago
    ...Holy cap all this from a Smoking section conversation...whomp whomp
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    The Evangelical Churches use children to legitimate the lives of the adults. They are not the only churches which do this, far from it. But in their outreach ministries they try to convince those at the bottom of our socio-economic hierarchy that it is their own shortcomings which make their lives hard. So there is no revolution.

    Preacher and the Slave

    I am glad that at least these three young women will probably not go on to lead screwed up lives, and then end up at an Evangelical outreach ministry where they will be told that it is all their own fault. I am also glad that they will not be using Evangelical beliefs to justify the psychological abuse of children of their own.

    Now though the issue is the tax payer subsidy that local governments are giving to these outreach groups in the form of free use of public parks in a completely improper way.

  • PhantomGeek
    10 years ago
    Why do I have a feeling a stripper would need a couple cartons if SJG joined her in the smoking area?
  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
  • PhantomGeek
    10 years ago
    SJG, did you ever stop to think that it's the other way around? That perverts shrouding themselves in *ANY* religion use their position and its power to dominate and abuse children?
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    PhantomGeek, go back to your first post on this thread, and your conversation with the stripper, and the countless other similar conversations that just about everyone on this forum has had. Under the surface I am sure that there is child abuse. People who have been treated with dignity and respect and who have been given the chance to develop and apply their abilities don't live like shitheads.

    Where the Evangelical religion comes into play is that it serves to cover up awareness of child abuse by supplying its own narrative of innate moral defect and Satan and all.

    I think I mentioned before that this husband and wife tried to send their 3 daughters to Eye Movement Reprogramming Therapy, in order to disabuse them of the notion that they had been sexually abused.

    Well, their church does something like this continually with all its people. It convinces them not to see and not to feel, and not to think. So not surprisingly it is very attractive to people who have spend their lives on alcohol and street drugs. It also encourages them to black sheep their own children, instead of taking responsibility for the high level of child abuse which they are perpetrating.

    Yes, things you will find things like this in *ANY* religion. But the reason it is more prevalent in Evangelical Christianity is that their basic premise is that everyone else is wrong and damned, except for their own people. And so of course this encourages the blacksheeping of children. The other reason is that it targets low income people, those who have lived the hardest of lives, those who should be manning the barricades are instead given an opiate.

  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    And IME, no I don't really go for the 'extras' approach to FS. I don't look at women that way and I don't treat them as vending machines.

    I like GFE-FS, and what that usually means is that when the girls is ready, she submits.

  • ATACdawg
    10 years ago
    SJG, there is no single "Evangelical" flavor. There are both conservative and liberal evangelicals. Most, even those who have their heads up their asses on a lot of issues, sincerely believe in their positions.

    The case that you quote is abberent. No Christian that I have ever met would condone, let alone encourage that kind of despicable behavior. A pastor of such a "church" is purely and simply a charlatan. These people are like Jim Jones and Jim Bakker. As you say, they gather the weak around them and use them for money, sex and whatever. I will lay odds that this particular church was a single church, not part of any recognized denomination. Connected churches have a polity that tends to mitigate the worst abuses.

    Please don't judge all evangelicals by this one example. They are an important voice in the ongoing debate of morality and legislation. I'm not saying they are right - far from it, but in my experience, nobody has a full understanding of truth.
  • PhantomGeek
    10 years ago
    Couldn't agree more, ATACdawg. A church and the beliefs it promotes are only as good as its leaders.

    And, SJG, it's one thing to read between the lines -- it's a whole other thing to write between them. Like I said, she was just running off the "poor stripper" checklist, though she did embellish it pretty well. She never said word one about child abuse (just the emotional abuse directed at her), and I never got any sort of child-abuse vibe from her.

    One thing I didn't mention was that, on the drive back to her place, she mentioned that her goal was to move her family back to her home state, which would cost her in the neighborhood of $2000. Having helped someone move cross-country before, the price sounded about right, but the way she said it and the glimpse of her I caught out of the corner of my eye, she was basically asking me to finance that endeavor. Yeah, everything she was saying and doing was leading up to that point. But I just told her, "Yikes. Good luck with that."
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    No, of course they are not going to talk about child abuse, as they don't understand it.

    As for the evangelical churches, they don't understand it either. But they most certainly do propagate their belief system as a way to cover it up.

    And unfortunately it is not aberrational at all. It is the main thing which destroys political consciousness and self awareness.

    Fortunately when people come here from countries not yet completely industrialized, where there is still a working class, they are not like this.

  • GACA
    10 years ago
    @SJG you do know that being succinct is both an art and a skill that truly great minds aspire to...
  • GACA
    10 years ago
    To borrow an acronym from the Silicon Valley K.I.S.S. it please.
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    Evangelical Christianity keeps this country fucked up like nothing else.

  • ime
    10 years ago
    If that is what you think the biggest problem in our country you're a bigger moron than you already appear. Plus you are way way off on this anyways.
  • rickdugan
    10 years ago
    Ime, he's from California. What do you expect? Anyone who has a lick of sense and is straight has long since fled that state. What's left are the likes of SJG. ;)
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    Child sexual molestation stats run around 1 in 4 for women and 1 in 6 for men, and this is for molestation which happens directly within the family.

    So why is nothing done about this and where are these people?

    Far too often they end up in Evangelical Ministries, the Psychiatric System, Prison, Under Bridges, or just Dead.

    Just like with this local case, the father was molesting his daughters and his church was covering for him. At the trial the wife's mother told me that she was expecting 30 of their church members to be there as character witnesses. I told her, "The members of their church are crazy."

    Through it's outreach ministries, their church fucks with those who have led the hardest of lives, telling them that it is all their fault for having been a tool of Satan and for having been "rebellious" and offering them boundless Christian Pity. They say, "You've got to forgive, you've got to."

    If these three girls had not come forward and told the truth, then decades down the line, after failing at getting suitable educations, at building good marriages, or at building careers, they could have ended up in one of these outreach ministries. They could have had children of their own so that they could abuse them in the same ways.

    So nothing changes. Evangelical Christianity infects California just as it does everywhere else. It is as bad as if someone was sending people out to stand on street corners and pass out free samples of heroin.

  • ime
    10 years ago
    you've yet to cite a single source or reference and appear to just make wild conclusions on some entire group of people based on one case. which if it is public you should also be able to provide information on like public records.
  • GACA
    10 years ago
    I'm from CA and while I would never go as far as bash another's religious belief, still find the hypocrisy a little ironic. SC on Saturday night and church on Sunday morning. ..go figure
  • azdd
    10 years ago
    Jesus Christ (figuratively, not literally)! If this thread is what you guys talk about in the smoking area, then I'm definitely staying inside. And @Rick Dugan, I get to know my favorites just fine with them on my lap inside, and I don't have to worry about going home smelling like an ashtray. Now if they could just get rid of that goddam vanilla body spray and glitter!
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    IME, One can discern the ideas of the evangelicals from the books of John Townsend and Henry Cloud. And unfortunately they are Californians.

    From this, from the writings of Francis Shaefer, and just by attending any of their events or listening to their online sermons you can glean what they are up to. We have several Mega Churches in South Bay, like Jubilee Christian Center, Cathedral of Faith, and in Santa Clara the Southern Baptist affiliated North Valley Baptist Church.

    Their messages are all the same, "get in line", "stop being rebellious". And always this is being applied to things related to child versus parent conflicts. The evangelical movement uses children.

    GACAclub, yes there are huge amounts of hypocrisy in all areas of conservative Christianity.

    Azdd, I am not sure what you are saying and what of Rick Dugan's you are responding too, but I find the high smoking rate among dancers to be a huge problem, as well as just being disgusting. There is no reason it has to be like this. I see it as part of the shithead lives these people are leading.

    Fortunately it is coming down in California, as is the general smoking rate, largely because of out indoor air protection and tobacco retailing laws. We are second lowest in the nation, after Utah and followed by Idaho.

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