With the economic boom and our $350k/yr jobs, we're all under a lot of work related pressure, so naturally we need a few stiff drinks at lunch to get us through the rest of the work day. So which do you prefer for your lunch time boozing - strip club or regular bar? Why?
Regular bar! If I meet a girl I know and I like, or if one of my regulars are there, I'm going to want to spend some time with them. I can't spend less than 3 hours in a club unless it's completely dead. In a regular bar you can have 2 drinks and leave.
Only alcoholics and retirees drink during lunchtime on a work day. The days of having a few midday pops and going back to work tipsy went out of fashion about 30 years ago.
The people who go to the Brass Rail at lunch time are usually with coworkers. So they don't drink, and I don't drink.
But since we are now talking about long lunch hours, there was a time when I was doing 60min AMP sessions at lunch time. It was great, explosive GFE with girls who were not expecting to be treated like civilians.
But one of the reasons I was taking such long lunch hours was that we knew the company was going down the toilet and it had become a very negative place to spend time.
@rickdugan: I've seen that too; the 3 martini lunch is now the exception and not the rule. But the question already takes at face value that in some professions, drinking at lunch is the culture so which would we choose? If you reject the premise, then you really can't answer the question.
last commentSJG
But since we are now talking about long lunch hours, there was a time when I was doing 60min AMP sessions at lunch time. It was great, explosive GFE with girls who were not expecting to be treated like civilians.
But one of the reasons I was taking such long lunch hours was that we knew the company was going down the toilet and it had become a very negative place to spend time.