I was watchin' the ol' idiot box tryin' to get inspired to have fun while Mrs. Zip be out o' town when what did I see? The AT&T commercial with the hot chick named Lily (I did not know the characters name, but I looked carefully this time 'cos I think the actress is hot, even if the commercials are stupid).
I did a bit o' Internet searching and discovered that her name is Milana Vayntrub. So I then searched for "Milana Vayntrub nude" 'cos I'm a frickin' pervert. No nude appearances in films, but some alleged leaked photos:
http://thefappening.so/categor…I'm skeptical that they are of her. No face and just her tits. If it is her I have one question -- why don't these chick take moe photos of their pussy and asshole? And groovy photos of dildo in pussy and/or asshole. And some good full frontals that include the face. I'd like to jack it to her, but she ain't helpin' me out.
Any relatively obscure but hot chicks you perverts would dig seeing?
last commenthttp://vintagesleaze.blogspot.…
Though there are some groovy fakes:
I have to admit that Flo is a a bit long in the tooth for me. But I'd still do her...
And I don't have a pussy...I'm not a stripperweb chick playing an obnoxious dude. I really am an obnoxious dude.
And I don't dig puttin' stuff up my ass -- exit only for me. But I'm sure Flo digs a dick up her ass. Fuck, she's probably into ATM.
There was a gorgeous auburn-haired woman in a Lays Potato Chips commercial. She probably has the best blue eyes I've ever seen on TV.
OK, OK...here's Carly Foulkes, aka the T-mobile girl.
More tats than I pictured. But I'd definitely do her given the chance. Fuck her right in the pussy!
So says the guy who sticks copious amounts of KFC up his own anus.
Party on “chicken-up-the-ass-man”. Party on indeed.
Can't reply with any creativity? Just repeat the "zippy digs fried chicken up your asshole".
I know your still scarred from that time I sodomized your prom date with a drumstick and facefucked her. But dude...she begged me. It was right after you took off your pants and she laughed at your dick. She called it a "widdle pee-pee" and said it was like 1 inch long. She asked for the full zippy treatment. And she liked it!!!
I have one more thing to say to you...
lupDujHomwIj lubuy'moH gharghmey
Now can we PLEASE get back to talkin' 'bout naked chicks.
...you're still scarred...
Not that you would be confused. You obviously have a limited comprehension of the English language. And probably none of the Klingon language.
OMG! Are you saying that posting the same inane juvenile shit over and over again isn’t funny? Is my post maybe, just maybe so fucking obvious in mocking you that even a simpleton like you can begin to understand?
Let me help you out to be certain. All of your posts from beginning to end on this discussion board are the same inane juvenile shit over and over again. They were never funny to begin with and they don’t get better with time. So take a deep breath, pull your sausage finger out of your nose, shove just one more bucket of KFC up your ass, let out a great big stickypants WEEE-YAWWW and then SHUT THE FUCK UP.
Now I'm not going to paint too rosy a picture for you. I'm sure you're ugly as fuck. So no woman is going to allow you to touch her without you offering cash. A LOT of cash. She may also expect you to wear a mask or a bag over your head. Just do it. I know you have no idea what sex is actually like but believe me, it is worth covering your head. Now I've never had to do that since women cream their jeans just looking at me. But your lot in life is just plain worse than mine.
I feel sorry for you. I really do. But I can't help the simple fact that you were such an ugly baby that your mommy threw you against the wall when she gave birth. She thought you were the spawn of Pazuzu. I'm sure she was hoping to kill you and return your soul to hell, where you could hang with your demonic dad. Alas, it simply caused brain damage.
See how to be creative? Notice that there was nary a WEEE-YAWWW nor a Colonel's XXXtra KRIS-pay. Sometimes you have to mix things up, sometimes you have to go with the classics!
Seriously dude, why the fuck don't you click ignore if you don't like my shit. I mean really, I'm not going to do it until flaming you stops being fun. But you CLAIM to be tired o' my shizzle. The ignore button is right there dumbass. Click it and stop bothering me.
And one more thing, I promise not to reveal to the rest of the board that you're the odious cflock. Ooops...I just slipped up.