
Dirrrty strip club cash in politics...

the speed force!
Tuesday, November 4, 2014 4:31 AM
Electronman started an interesting discussion about liberals, conservatives, and strip clubs. I almost posted this there, but felt it was a bit OT for that thread. You see, apparently Charlie Crist is apparently being criticized for accepting "dirty strip club cash" [view link] So much for conservatives being pro-strip clubs and liberals being opposed. Wait...wait...isn't Crist a gay republican? Nope, turn out he's just a democrat who uses too much spray-on tan. Who likes a nice fan pointed at his balls. Oh, how that guy hates the sweaty balls!!! (No joke...watch the Daily Show clip on the Scott-Crist debate) Unless the sweaty balls are in his mouth. (On a more serious note the article includes a bit of a non-sequitur, but I really wanted to make a joke about Charlie Crist and his amazeballz crotch fan)


  • jackslash
    10 years ago
    It's best that we not talk too much about politics on this forum, because no one will change his mind due to a posting on TUSCL. People will only be offended. Good people can disagree profoundly about politics and religion. As for the politicians, both liberals and conservatives would gladly throw us strip club lovers under the bus for the sake of a few votes.
  • steve229
    10 years ago
    Well said, Jack. Good point on politics and religion - let's get back to what this board should be about - strippers and pop culture! (....and the coming economic boom, of course)
  • rockstar666
    10 years ago
    I find PL's range from facist conservative to hippie liberal. It's cuts across politics fairly evenly.
  • bkkruined
    10 years ago
    They're just upset to find out what the cover charge they paid for is really being used for!!!
  • slaux_pas
    10 years ago
    @rockstar666 “I find PL's range from conservative to fascist hippie liberal. It's cuts across politics fairly evenly.” FTFY
  • ATACdawg
    10 years ago
    @bkruined: I've often wondered about the term "cover charge" applied to a strip club entry fee. Shouldn't it be more correctly called an "uncover charge"?
  • zipman68
    10 years ago
    @jack -- I would be inclined to agree with you if my goal were to change minds. It isn't. Sometimes it is interesting to see where people are coming from. And make a sweaty balls joke. Fuck dude, we had a former Republicam cum Democrat that has been dogged by persistent gay rumors and a bad spray-on tan running against a dude with allegations of medicare fraud in his past that looks like a frickin' snake. That shit is pure 100% bonkers...no, it's 100% Florida! And the cool part is that Mr. Spray-on Tan needs a ball fan, probably because his super power is "permanently sweaty balls". However, the poor dude's ball sweat couldn't beat Lord Voldemort's power of extreme snakiness. I hear Scott unhinged his jaws and ate a live bunny at his victory party. Or maybe it could have if Broward county could run an election. who the fuck knows. I think the real lesson is "if your political strategy involves needing votes from South Florida...give the fuck up 'cos those idiots can't run an election..."
  • zipman68
    10 years ago
    @slaux_pas -- dude, seriously? At least get your slurs right. Although there is a certain logic behind the old saw that the far right curves around to meet the far left, the reality is that fascism is traditionally considered a far-right ideology. A real hippy, on the other hand, is mostly stoned. I mean really, what's up with your hippy hate? I bet you took you high school sweetheart to a Dead show hoping to score afterward. When you got there she got a contact high from all the weed smoke and realized you were some kind of dweeb. So when a band of roving hippies came by she blew them all right there in front of you. I'm sorry about that lil' dude. That was me -- I was one of those roving Deadheads. I thought you were all into the free love and shit. If I had known how much it would scar you I'd have suggested we go elsewhere before I face-fucked her. But I was all stoned and shit so the I didn't realize it hurt you so.
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