Here's the downside
You've all seen me talking about the benefits of having a regular and how great my current fav is. Well here's the downside, she's started playing games. We were supposed to meet for lunch yesterday (her idea, not mine) which would have been our first OTC engagement. I've been in no hurry to do so because in my experience that's when the bullshit starts, but she has been asking so I fianlly agreed. So anyway I called to find out when and where she wanted to meet, she didn't answer the phone and never called back. Why do they all pull this kind of crap? What's the point?
I don't consciously seek out the type who I seem to end up with, in fact it seems the opposite, that they seek me out. So I agree with you that I probably fall into their "safe" image. I've had many dancers tell me that they feel like they can trust me, and many of them tell me all kinds of personal stuff without my ever asking. And I'm usually amazed at how much of it turns out to be true.
These "white knights" sometimes get PLAYED by strippers who may see them as SUCKERS and some strippers may actually DISLIKE "white knights" because the stripper may think the "white knight" THINKS that he is MORALLY SUPERIOR to the stripper
Anyway, I wouldn't be too quick to rush to judgment. Heck, it could even be a test. My girlfriend loved giving me tests! <sigh> Worse one girl will rate one response a failure and another girl will evaluate the same response a success.