
Quality vs Quantity revisited: My Dream Stripper

layin low but staying high
Monday, October 20, 2014 7:00 AM
Mikey's post a few days ago on quality vs quantity motivated me to share this story. He asked if we would rather spend a large sum like $1-3K on your dream stripper, or use that money for a several nights of fun with more reasonably priced talent. My answer? Definitely the dream stripper. Here's why. Sorry in advance for the SJG like length of this post, but I've got a story to tell. I considered submitting this as an article but Founder seems to take forever to post articles, and Ive already got one of those pending. Several weeks ago, I had an evening with my dream stripper. By calling her a dream stripper, I don't just mean that she was really hot, or that she was fun to be with, or that she gave great sex. I mean that she was all of those things and more. I've been going to strip clubs for more than 15 years, and I honestly never thought I'd ever have a stripper who was this good. I've had great times with many dozens of dancers over the years, and I've had quite a few special favorites over that time. I have one right now that I call my ATF who is hot as hell and so much fun to fuck. But I've never had one anything like my dream stripper. Before I tell the story, so you don't think I'm too much of a PL, understand what I'm not saying about this girl. I'm not saying that this girl is perfect, or has no stripper shit, or can't be an incredible bitch at times. I'm not even saying that I plan to have a stripper relationship with her. I hope to try that but she lives in an inconvenient place for me to visit so I'm not sure if or when I'll even see her again. I haven't spent enough time with her to find out all of her fucked up life details. All I'm saying is that for one night this dancer was absolutely perfect for me in every way. I didn't even know that a stripper could be this good until the night I has with her. She gave me the best time I've ever in a club, and Ive spent hundreds of evenings having fun with strippers. I'm a little worried that most of my clubbing in the future will now fall short in some way because it may never be like it was with her. It started out like hundreds of other nights. I'm traveling and visit a strip club. The place is not my favorite but it's the best this town has to offer. I don't love this place because I know that the lap dances usually have limited contact. You have to go to VIP for a good full contact dance, and I'm pretty sure there are no extras. Ever girl here has always said no to my requests for sex. Many claim that the VIP rooms have monitored cameras, and I'm inclined to believe them given my past experiences. So I have limited expectations for the night. An LDK (or a CIP for you LDK glossary opponents) is the best I'm going to get, and maybe not even that. The talent this particular night is good. There are quite a few 8-9s. I go to the lap dance area with a few of them, and they give me decent one way contact, promising two way if I will pay for a VIP. I hate paying so much just to satisfy the little head. After a couple hours at the club, I'm undecided on wether to make that investment. Then I see her across a big room. Even far away it's clear she's something special. A few minutes later she's on stage. Holy shit. Saying that she is my type is an gross understatement. She is everything in the physical appearance of a woman that I most desire. If I could design a woman, I could not possibly improve upon what stands nude before me right now. I believe that a 10 exists somewhere for every man, and without the slightest doubt she is my 10. I tip her $30 on stage, probably the most I've ever tipped a dancer on stage. But the money didn't matter. I had to be positive that she came to see me when she left the stage. I absolutely would not let some whale take her from me. Now we all have widely different tastes in women. So some of you would probably have no interest whatsoever in this girl, just like what you desire the most I might not care for. But I'm going to describe what a ten is to me. My description is exactly this girl. She was the epitome of the girl next door image. If you saw her on the street you would never dream in a million years that she was a stripper. She has shoulder length natural red hair. I love redheads. She has a beautiful face, gorgeous eyes, and a sweet innocent looking smile. She is very young, just turned 19 as I later find out. She's not skinny, and she's not overweight. She's just a normal healthy weight that perfectly suits her height. She doesn't have a single tattoo anywhere on her beautiful white skin. And the best part--she has absolutely huge, gorgeous, completely natural, firm young breasts with large nipples. Her breasts literally are perfectly made for me. I don't know if I will ever see her again, but I will go to my grave remembering her body. We talk for a while, I get a few largely air dances, and we talk some more. She is fun, smart, witty, and engaging. But there's trouble in paradise. This is her first week ever working as a stripper. It also sounds like she came from a very strict religious background and started stripping only because she desperately needed money. All of this information screams low mileage to me. I assume she chose a relatively low mileage club because she just wants guys to look but not touch. So I ask her if she's ever given a full contact lap dance before. She says she thinks she knows what that is but asks me to describe it. I do. She says she's seen some internet videos of lap dances and would be glad to give it a try but she's never been to VIP before, and she's never done the kind of lap dance that I'm describing. Ordinarily I wound end the VIP discussion with a girl that had no experience. There seems to be very little chance of much mileage here. But she's my ten, so I continue. I ask her if I could play with her breasts while she does her first genuine lap dances. She says of course I can. I'm surprised by this answer and wonder if she's lying and will turn out to be a ROB who won't deliver. I ask if I can suck her nipples. She says I guess so, sure why not. Again I'm cautious but she is giving me the right answers. I ask her to assure me that she will grind me like I show her how to. She says yes she promises to do her very best. I'm hooked despite the many risks of doing a VIP with a baby stripper. She is so incredibly beautiful, and so much fun to be with, that I won't be totally disappointed if they turn out to be mostly air dances. I tell her I want to wait an hour or two before we go back so she leaves temporarily. She dances on stage a couple of times after that. Each time I tip her generously and stare intently the entire time at her completely naked gorgeous body. She smiles at me and seems to enjoy being the object of my lust. At least she's a good actress I think. I try to find a flaw in her body, some reason she's not perfect, but there is none. I want this woman more than any dancer I've ever seen. We do a few more dances in the lap dance area, and then I can't stand it anymore. We go back to the VIP. I pay for an hour in VIP. I've never done an hour VIP in my entire life. A half hour has always been sufficient. But I have to teach this young thing how to do a lap dance so I figure it'll take more time than usual. She starts the lap dance with her clothes on, and it sucks in a bad way. She always seems to be in an awkward or uncomfortable position, and she never makes enough contact with the little head. Shit, this is harder to teach than I thought. I've never heard of a stripper who has now idea how to do a full contact lap dance. After about five minutes of awkwardly trying out various positions, I suggest that she just sit on the couch next to me. What happens next totally shocks me. We don't try any more lap dances. Instead, over the next half hour on the couch together, she willfully gives me her body to do anything and everything that I want to do. I am always ready for her to push my hand or mouth away and say no, but she never does. She will let me have any part of her and do whatever I want. So we make love on the couch. She starts with her cute little stripper outfit on. I kiss her neck, rub her body through her clothes, and take out one of those gorgeous breasts occasionally. Then I start sucking on them. She allows sucking just like she said she would. After a few minutes when I can stand it no more, I ask her to take off the top. She complies. I continue to kiss and caress the upper half of her body especially my favorite breasts. About 10 minutes into it, I ask if I can kiss her. She doesn't answer. Instead, she starts kissing me deeply and passionately. Apparently she likes having her nipples sucked. I continue my study of her body and start to move my fingers below her waist and between her legs. First I rub over the thong, then my fingers go under it. I expect my hand to be pushed away. But like I said, she has given herself to me willingly and completely. She never refuses anything. So I ask her to remove the thong. She complies. While I kiss her mouth, neck, chest, and breasts, I start to finger fuck her. Now this whole time while my attention is focused on my dream stripper, I'm also trying to keep one eye on the door. I know that if anyone walks in, she's going to get fired and I'm going to get kicked out. And since I'm pretty sure there are cameras in this room, I expect someone will probably come in at any minute. But they don't, and she's oblivious to the door. As I'm finger fucking her, she closes her eyes and starts moaning softly. She whispers things like yes, that feels so good, please don't stop, etc. So we keep doing this for a few minutes. I am in rapture with the body of my 10 being so completely given over to me. She's moaning softly, arching her back, and pushing against my hand to get me to rub harder. After 5 to 10 minutes, I start kissing her stomach and I move slowly down to her waist. I get on the floor on my knees, and start kissing her thighs. ( Jerikson, you can skip this part since I know the vagina grosses you out). She has an adorably cute, very little, bright pink, and incredibly tight pussy. I don't usually perform oral sex on strippers, but nothing about this night is usual. I start licking and sucking on her clit as two of my fingers thrust inside and out of that little hole. Her moaning gets louder. I almost have to tell her to keep the sound down because there are people periodically walking by the door, but she keeps the noise level just low enough. It's a few minutes later when she has an orgasm. I keep licking and sucking for another 30 seconds or so afterwards just to make sure that it lasts as long as possible and she is fulfilled. I come back to the couch and sit next to her. Then she starts kissing me very intensely and passionately. I'm not much for reading a woman's feelings and emotions but it's pretty clear that she liked that. After kissing for a few minutes, she sort of collapses in my arms. I hold her tight. That was awesome, but a little part of me is worried that she might think the night ends there. So after a few minutes I unzip my pants and take out my dick. She takes her hand, and rubs the shaft. We kiss some more. Not wanting to settle for a hand job, I ask lovingly would you please do the same for me. She hasn't refused me anything all night, and she doesn't start here. She takes my dick in her mouth. She sucks slowly at first, but picks up speed as I thrust into her mouth. Now I'm the one moaning softly, saying that feels so good, and please don't stop. I stopped watching the door long ago. The bouncer could walk in at that moment and it wouldn't matter. We're not going to stop. Finally I cum in her mouth. She keeps sucking until I'm dry, then stands up, swallows, and smiles at me with a big grin. We've got maybe 20-25 minutes left to go in our hour. If I was 30 years younger, I might start fucking her then. But I've got no condom, and I'm not that young, so we just snuggle on the couch for the rest of the time. She remains nude, and I slowly caress and memorize her body as we talk for the remaining time. I spent about $600-700 on her that night in total. But if I had to, I would've paid $2 or $3 K and not have felt ripped off in the slightest. This was my dream stripper, and spending that money on her was far far better than spending that money on more strippers of lesser quality. So that's a very long answer to Mikey's question but I'd definitely choose quality over quantity. If you ever get the chance you should too.


  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    After finishing that story, I too, spent my load. That's better than Penthouse Forum.
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    She's almost perfect. I didn't read not one comment about bacon.
  • steve229
    10 years ago
    Is there a CliffsNotes version?
  • JohnSmith69
    10 years ago
    Slick, as I was writing this I also thought that it sounded like an improved version of a Penthouse forum submission. However, I do kind of wish you wouldn't jerk off to my stripper stories. Something about that just doesn't quite seem right. Steve, there is no Cliff Notes version. If you're going to survive the coming economic boom, you are going to have to develop the reading skills to fully read and understand my story.
  • Clubber
    10 years ago
    And you didn't discuss followups OTC?
  • GoVikings
    10 years ago
    Don't regret taking the time to read this. Great story.
  • busta_nut
    10 years ago
    San Jose Guys say... Really? and you guys give me shit....
  • mikeya02
    10 years ago
    Busta, when it comes to posts it's quality over quantity, That leaves SJG out.
  • slaux_pas
    10 years ago
    You really need to actually go get laid.
  • JohnSmith69
    10 years ago
    Clubber, of course I got her number and we discussed OTC. I just didn't provide those details given the length of the story. However, since you asked, I'm pursuing OTC with her later this week. The problem is that 19 year olds can't commit to anything more than a half hour in advance. I also doubt she's ever done OTC before so I'm trying to take it slow and not scare her away. Slaux, your concern is touching but don't be worried for me. I get laid plenty. The problem is it's usually not with adorably cute girls that are roughly 35 years younger than me.
  • Clubber
    10 years ago
    JS69, Now that you started this novelette, you will be required to complete it! :)
  • shadowcat
    10 years ago
    I was thinking Penthouse too right up until the part about $600-700. Guess it won't ever happen to me. I've never carried more than $500 on any strip club visit. OK SJG, your turn.
  • Clubber
    10 years ago
    sc, Bite your fingers!
  • rockstar666
    10 years ago
    To shelf talent isn't cheap for a reason!
  • steve229
    10 years ago
    John - when posting something of doctorial thesis length, it is common practice to provide a synposis/abstract,/executive summary upfront. Some of us are busy and have to work for our $350K. Sheesh!
  • MrDeuce
    10 years ago
    Damn, JS69, that's about the best thing I've ever read on TUSCL! Congratulations, man -- you've inspired me to write up my article "The Making -- and Breaking -- of an ATF" sometime. I have a good story to tell (though not as good as yours!), but I keep hoping it isn't over and fearing that if I tell the tale, it really *is* over.
  • PhantomGeek
    10 years ago
    John, physically, she sounds incredible, especially if she has blue eyes. I don't remember you mentioning that. But, to me, it also sounds too good to be true. Her first week stripping, her first time in VIP -- and you get to do all of *that* with her -- and from the sounds of it, she was perfectly comfortable with all of it? She just sounds a little too experienced. I really do hope it works out, but that little voice in the back of my head is saying she might be setting you up, possibly as a potential sugar daddy. Good luck, man.
  • lotsoffun201
    10 years ago
    Great story!
  • JohnSmith69
    10 years ago
    PGeek, I agree that she very well may be trying to establish a sugar daddy relationship. But I don't have a problem with that. In fact, it sounds like fun to me.
  • steve229
    10 years ago
    "I agree that she very well may be trying to establish a sugar daddy relationship. But I don't have a problem with that. In fact, it sounds like fun to me." @John - okay, just be careful. Look what happened to Stevedot
  • PhantomGeek
    10 years ago
    Have fun, John, and good luck. And be sure to share some of those stories -- some of us poor bastards have to live vicariously through the rest of you <g>
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    Of course there can be lots of great P4P experiences with women. But do you really plan to do this for the rest of your life? I've had phenomenal AMP experiences, and reading TUSCL and posting on it brings them all back. Fact is the experiences all come down to the same thing. The girl will want me to take her home with me and bang her off the clock in my own bed. But I could not, as I had a wife at home. Why couldn't I make things work with my wife? I still don't really understand it all. But I knew that I had done enough sessions to have a basic competency in flirting, courting, and fucking women. Beyond that, these girls had no ability to help me. They were not qualified marriage counselors. They were not qualified divorce lawyers either. So they could do nothing beyond what they were already doing, and that was not actually solving any problems. $600 or $700 bucks is a lot of money, and especially when there is no long term result from it. And most of all, you get no lasting relationship with the women you are giving it to. Rather, you always end up having to leave them by the roadside. SJG
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    No response? You okay JS69? Went back again to your Dream Stripper? I'm not going to criticize the sexual conduct of two consenting adults. And so I don't want to portray what you have described in a negative light. But after sleeping on it, some things do jump out at me. Maybe her talk of having never done a full contact LD or a VIP, was not the truth. And maybe with her talk about Evangelical Christianity, she was just trying things out to see if that was what you wanted to hear? Maybe this is the way you come across. You sound like a business traveler and like someone who probably has some conservative views. Maybe she figured that by playing innocent or by talking about Christianity that she would be giving you permission to engage in sex acts with her? And of the limits for the VIP room with the cameras and all, maybe there are no such rules. Or maybe she is tipping out the bouncers. I'm glad you had a good time, but having corrupt bouncers can lead to other problems. And then if any thing goes in the VIP, why not also in the LD booth? How did it culminate, BBBJTCIMWS? Doesn't strike me as a particularly inexperienced girl. Maybe she just sensed that that was how you wanted it to go. Or maybe she figured it best to leave you with some reason to come back again and to spend another $600 - $700? I am curious about the money. Did you have to tip out any bouncers or waitresses yourself? Did you have to pay any skip fee? Now of course she will probably be paying access fees, either per shift of per stage set. You did not cause her to have to pay these fees. But do you know how much of the money went to the house via an LD Booth fee or a VIP Room fee. This would certainly influence how I feel about the whole affair. I have read of a place in AZ where their Cabana Rooms go for $15 for each 15min. I think this is fair, and it is also straight out in the open. Also, especially since ITC is the easiest way for the girl to rake in money, maybe $60 to the house for an hour, and then $200 for her should be just fine. Then there is also the matter of how it was choreographed. Now yes, it started out with you coming on to her with stage tips. I say this is good. You are the active player and that should make an impact on her. But then going to LD Booth and VIP, was she on her feet while you were seated, with she moving around in time to the music? I mean, every pair is going to have to find their own way to relate. But for me, if I really want to have sex with her, I'm going to want to stabilize her early on. If she is on her feet, push her up against one of my thighs so that I can get to her rear end, or to her front side. Then sit her on my lap. Or have her straddle one thigh and then park herself there. You get where I am going. It just makes it easier to move on her and let her be able to give it up. Having her dance for you is still like she is rendering a service. I'm glad that you and she had a good time and that it all worked out and all, and that it ended up with so much snuggling. But I also note that maybe more could have been done in the LD Booth, if not in the front room, just to better prepare the situation, and to do it while you were still keeping your money in reserve in case it did not. As you know, I like this account: [view link] These places are supposed to be fun, and so if you set the girl up a bit, you should be able to do it this way. In AMPs what I've done is much like this, but to really do it completely like this, in the front room and before spending any money, it would have to be in San Francisco instead of South Bay. In San Francisco the places are wilder, much more FS oriented, and as they have zero fear of LE, they don't care how conspicuous people are. But there is an even deeper issue which I think this raises. You call her your "Dream Stripper". Well what exactly does this mean, what is the dream? A perfect stripper, a stripper without blemish. And then what, to get your hands and mouth onto her? And more? Okay, but what then, where does it go from there? While you were driving home to your wife, did you pass anymore strip clubs? Might you have found some more dream strippers in these? I figured you'd respond to my earlier post right away. I surmise that you must be back with this first dream stripper right now, doing what was not done the night before. But then what? Do you continue with her, or do you find another? If you go to strip clubs, and if you have that kind of money to throw around, then others will find you. Myself, I have lived through difficult and unfair situations, like work environments which just turned into a nightmare, and a marriage which was even worse. But I always knew that the most important thing would be how I handled myself, because while the difficult situation would not go on forever, I would have to forever live with how I had handled myself. So first of all I knew that I could not try to force either termination or resolution. I had to be open to either, and just keep dealing in the truth. Particularly with the marriage, I knew that I had freely entered into a lifelong commitment. So I knew it would be wrong for me to try and force termination over resolution, or to do things which worked to undermine it. So while I did engage in the sorts of P4P infidelities which I have chronicled, I also kept it within some bounds. And then beyond a point I did begin to practice complete faithfulness, because I wanted to have a clean conscience so that I could have a presentable biography, as I knew that that was all would have to show for a failed marriage. And even then, keeping my own conduct in order, I continued to hold out the olive branch. Today I still struggle to understand why it failed, but I know that my own infidelities were not so severe or out of control as to have caused the failure or other irreparable harm. I learned sexual abilities from my P4P infidelities, but I also knew that beyond a point these were not the answer. I have no desire to live a life based on lies or deceptions. I did not like deceiving my wife, and I have not liked deceiving my P4P AMP girls. I also know that such deceptions never really did work. All sides always understood what was at issue. I want to publicly stand up for the values I believe in and live by. This is what I am trying establish today. And the fact that I still am not convinced that I understand why my marriage failed, is a factor in why I am not right today chasing after pussy, P4P or civilian. [view link] SJG Hawaii 5-0 Theme, original [view link] always one of my favorite television shows
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