
Club features on reviews

Atlanta suburb
Is VIP status the primary reason for customers to do reviews? Is it hurry up and get it done? This morning I looked at reviews for 2 clubs that I am highly familiar with and noticed once again that there was much misinformation shown in the features section of the reviews. One showed a club with pool tables that were removed over a year ago. The other showed a full menu for lunch/dinner in a club that doesn't even have a kitchen.

It seems that not a lot of time and thought is put into submissions. And how many clubs show the club hours. I know when I did a road trip 2 years ago I wasted my time going to a club in the afternoon based on it showing the club open only to find it closed. And of 4 clubs listed in one city none had their hours shown and I found out the hard way that they are all closed on Sundays.

And while I'm on the subject, what good is showing a drink price? I have been to clubs where you could get a beer for $2.50 during happy hour and later pay $13 to buy a dancer a drink.

I wish I had an answer on how to improve the quality of information but I don't.


  • VeryBigDawg
    10 years ago
    Flag those reviews!
  • shadowcat
    10 years ago
    VBD - There is no way to know which reviewer put in the wrong information. You can also change those features by using the club update feature, which I did this morning and the information was automatically changed to what I submitted.
  • jackslash
    10 years ago
    What I object to is the poor quality of the writing. Sometimes I can't tell what the reviewer is saying. Are they illiterate?

    I think drink prices is good information. Even though different drinks have different prices, the price of a beer or a glass of wine or a martini is worth knowing.
  • BuckMcNutter
    10 years ago
    i hate it also when topless ONLY clubs have had reviewers check off NUDe lapdances..... Most nude clubs don't even do nude lap dances.
  • shadowcat
    10 years ago
    jackslash - I agree that knowing the price of a particular drink is good info and I always put that in the text of my reviews. What I object to is the drink cost shown on the club info. $5 for what?

    mets1986 - we have different experiences when it comes to nude clubs. Everyone that I have been to included nude lap dances. I have heard of some that were nude on stage but the bottoms stayed on for dances.
  • occurious
    10 years ago
    I think part of the problem with the features is that when you leave a review the features are already checked by virtue of what others have set for the club. I always double check to make sure everything is set correctly but I'm sure most people don't do that so bad information just gets propagated. I don't think there's any way to stop it and the current solution may be the best but it is a source of problems.

    As for detail in the writing I struggle with that myself. I've left multiple reviews for some clubs and I always make sure in my first review of a club to go into a lot of details but then if I leave a later review I view it as more of an update so I leave out the basics. However when I do that I always question myself if I really should leave out the basics because that doesn't help newbies to the club. It's a catch 22, you want to update the club but you don't want to spend paragraphs going over the same ground again.
  • JohnSmith69
    10 years ago
    It's gotten to the point where I only trust 1/10th or so of the reviews.... Ones that are well written and from people who look reliable or that I recognize. However, it's not a big issue for me personally since I've been to the clubs in most cities and can rely to a large degree upon personal experience. The only possible solutions would require a lot more time and effort to analyze and screen reviews.
  • eyeamlong
    10 years ago
    In the 18 months I've been on tuscl.. I have checked off the features, only the first time when I review a club.. I'm guilty of by passing this part ... I agree with occurious ( when you leave a review the features are already checked by virtue of what others have set for the club.)...
  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    I thought I had tried to check/uncheck the current features for a club in the past and it didn’t take – i.e. I think I tried doing it while I was submitting a review – this was a while back and I stopped doing it when I noticed it didn’t take the first time I did it (maybe I did something wrong).

    w.r.t. club hours – most reviewers don’t go SCing that often to begin with nor frequent the same club enough to know the exact hours of operation – so I can see most reviewers leaving that blank unless it’s someone intimately familiar w/ the club.

  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    “… I always make sure in my first review of a club to go into a lot of details but then if I leave a later review I view it as more of an update so I leave out the basics. However when I do that I always question myself if I really should leave out the basics because that doesn't help newbies to the club …’

    I do the same thing – but on subsequent reviews of the same club I always put a statement near the top to refer to my mm/dd/yyyy review for club details.
  • shadowcat
    10 years ago
    Papi - How bout they take the time to ask? Especially if it's their first time there.
  • chandler
    10 years ago
    "I thought I had tried to check/uncheck the current features for a club in the past and it didn’t take – i.e. I think I tried doing it while I was submitting a review – this was a while back and I stopped doing it when I noticed it didn’t take the first time I did it (maybe I did something wrong)."

    It's my understanding that nothing you check or uncheck while submitting a review has any effect. It's only when you click 'Update' before making changes that anything gets updated. This isn't explained anywhere in the interface, which probably has a lot to do with all the inaccurate info.

    Things could probably be improved by just leaving all the checkboxes off the review submission page and adding a bit of guidance to the 'Update' button.
  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    Thanks for that clarification.
  • Dolfan
    10 years ago
    I've noticed that when I change the features as part of a review they don't change the listing. However, if I click the update details link and make changes the changes happen. I've also noticed that some of the features aren't really crystal clear. For example, there's Beer & Wine & Full Bar. I think a lot of people mark both when they mean Full Bar. The same idea applies to lap dances - there's Bikini, Topless, and Nude. What's the right answer if a club has lap dances in a common/semi private area that are topless and they do nude lap dances in private rooms?

    I think it could be improved by using the feature selection checkmarks in reviews kinda democratically. Something like, if most people say nude dances are available the box is checked. A little clarity in the options might help too...
  • sflguy123
    10 years ago
    Until now I didn't even know where that info showed up, now I see it's summarized at the top of the SC page.

    I always found that part of the review a pain but would still go through the motions of checking/unchecking the obvious ones.

    Since I don't travel I just like to read the details and already know the club features as most around me are the same.

    I'd suggest making that part of the review optional in a way you have to specifically initiate it so only ones who want to complete it will. That way people won't simply go with the default to continue incorrect info.
  • Clubber
    10 years ago

    A losing battle!
  • Joe from NJ
    10 years ago
    Over the years, I have seen reviews that are not for that club. More likely just a mistake by the reviewer. I always flag them. And sometimes I know what club he is talking about.
    And if you have been to several clubs on a trip, it can all get confusing, one tit looks like another.
    Yes, there are some sloppy reviews out there, but I think in general, Americans are becoming very poor writers.
    Actually I usually write my reviews in a word processor, so it can check spelling.
  • Clubber
    10 years ago
    sc wasn't talking about reviews, rather the features above the review, BYOB, beer only, full bar, topless, nude, etc. Those can be updated by us. I try to keep the clubs I visit current, but sometimes they seem to go back to the old data.
  • PhantomGeek
    10 years ago
    I didn't even know that the reviewers could update that information. Gonna have to remember that for next time.
  • GinoCBoozy
    10 years ago
    Gotta agree with the OP. Disappointed by the reviews after getting VIP. Most short, not much info, not much thought... Expected better having read the review guidelines and the fact that the reviews have to go through a mod.
  • DroidX
    10 years ago
    Honestly , I've just trained myself to discount posters with low post counts.
  • rickdugan
    10 years ago
    It seems that my updates to the features only work when I use the Update function rather than doing it through the review.

    Also, some of those features cannot be updated by us, but if you explain what needs to be changed in the text box it is usually changed quickly. For example, I have done this to have some clubs changed from topless to bikini, or "mixed" to black, etc.
  • shadowcat
    10 years ago
    You can also use the text box for club hours or to advise that a club is closed.
  • lopaw
    10 years ago
    I read reviews to get a general idea of the club's ambiance, if it's in a decent neighborhood...stuff like that. I don't trust any of the stats or opinions of mileage or dancer quality, since it is too subjective. Alot of the basic stats are often wrong, so after I have visited a club I am sure to update it as best as I can. I use the club's webpage to get basic info like hours, cover costs, parking, etc. And if the club doesn't have a webpage, I'll call. And if it doesn't answer it's phone, then fuck 'em - they just lost a potential customer.
  • Clubber
    10 years ago

    Most club websites are more dated than the TUSCL info. :)
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