O.T. Shocking Pop Culture Disclosure
Superman is Canadian.
The Superman character was created in 1933 by writer, Jerry Siegel, and artist, Joe Shuster. Metropolis was based on Shuster's home town, Toronto, and The Daily Planet was patterned after Shuster's employer, The Toronto Star. The character was sold to Detective Comics in 1937.
I remember that a Superman movies was shot in Calgary in the 1970s. Who knew that Superman was just returning to the country of his creation?
Superman is Canadian?..........who knew? We're everywhere.
The Superman character was created in 1933 by writer, Jerry Siegel, and artist, Joe Shuster. Metropolis was based on Shuster's home town, Toronto, and The Daily Planet was patterned after Shuster's employer, The Toronto Star. The character was sold to Detective Comics in 1937.
I remember that a Superman movies was shot in Calgary in the 1970s. Who knew that Superman was just returning to the country of his creation?
Superman is Canadian?..........who knew? We're everywhere.
Wolverine, however, is definitely Canadian, having been born in the Northwest Territories.
Oh, wait, never mind...
Or maybe Wikipedia helped jog your memory?
Yuck! The horsemen are not universally revered out here in western Canada.
Superman is totally Canadian! That truth, justice, and the American way...BS. Supes is a groovy dude who stands for justice, but the American way is a white lie told to American idiots.
How do I know Superman is Canadian? Well, Che told me that the Canadian medical system will fucking KILL you. So, logically, it would take a super human to survive in Canada.
Meanwhile, in America, we coddle the inferior. All the while the crafty Canadians have been breeding an army of super humans. Problem is that they're too damn polite to invade and tell America to stop being such a douche.
Well, I for one welcome our new Canadian overlords! Please invade America and run us properly. But kick Harper out first. K THX BYE!
in 100 years they will reveal themselves as the benevolent overlords of humanity. This will usher in an era of justice, peace, and prosperity for all mankind.
Want proof? Consider Neil Peart. Could a normal human drum like that? How about Geddy Lee. Could a mere mortal sing like that while simultaneously playing bass and keyboards?
Rush RULZ!!!
Canada is in North America and that makes Canadians – wait for it – Americans.
Nope. The border is actually a wormhole. They are Kryptonians.
They don't wear coats.
Joking aside, Mrs. Zip visited Alberta in Feb about 5 years ago. The woman at immigration made her pull out the coat she packed because she was worried she'd get cold. (Once again, goes to my assertion that Canadians are uber-nice)