I'm Facebook friends with several dancers, and I've not found any discernible advantage other than having access to their photos and understanding where they're coming from a little better. The downside is obvious - they're able to "publicly link you to them. ( I met a dancer OTC last night - took her shopping then to a hotel - today she posted my name on her page in conjunction with the stripper shoes & panties I bought her) I know its unlikely that my family and friends will see this, but it's possible and not a good thing.
For the ones with so much churn in their life that they cannot maintain the same phone number for more than a few months and who are constantly changing clubs, it can give you means to keep to get in touch with them at any given time. Or if you are looking to get in touch with one you haven't seen in a few years, FB might help you track them down.
I used to have a dancer on MySpace during my early college days, but that was before social media was at "Big Brother" status. I wouldn't think about it now a days unless I plan on being a bachelor my whole life. If tuscl linked to all the social media sites like everyone else then it would be the beginning of the end for the site.
Gawker good advice, but i dont give a fuck what my family or friends thank about me fuckin des hoes...if they cant be my friends because im happy then fuck"em i gets me some new friends
Dougster see thats what i was thanking plus you could go down her friends list and friend other stripers yoi hsvdnt meet yet..this happening to me recently now i have to travel to Greensboro NC to meet these 2 hot red head ed bitches...thanks fb
Facebook kicked me out in less than 3 seconds on my iPad. Maybe they don't want me to login anymore. I read it's just a big government database now to collect everyone's information. People keep volunteering all kinds of crap.
Being FB friends is a little dangerous to the dancer if it's a personal page and not her "stripper" page. You find out the real names and info of many of her stripper friends. I'm FB friends with my ATF and #2 and from that I know a lot about several other current and former dancers.
As for an advantage? Not for sex, but as mentioned you know a lot more about them.
last commentJust a quick question. Why is the original post not?:
Yes ? No ?
If yes ats te best strategies?
If no ten y ?
As for an advantage? Not for sex, but as mentioned you know a lot more about them.