Greased pig

shadowcatAtlanta suburb
I have run into several entertainers who's skin feels oily to the touch. It has no strong smell and I don't think it is a spray on tan because none of it appears to rub off on me. So what is it and why do they wear it? It's not a deal breaker but I prefer a natural feeling soft skin.
last commentMaybe it's their lotion? Many brands seem more oily than others. From my experience, brands like Jason & Aveeno are less greasy than Jergens or Lubriderm.
Maybe they've eaten too much bacon and the oil seeps through their skin. Does follies serve bacon on its afternoon food buffet?
Good grief Slick, you are one early riser! It's not even 6 am out there! Your dedication to tuscl is admirable! ;-D
Maybe she danced with me first? I am pretty greasy, after all.
I've experienced what i would call "sticky" or "tacky" skin, which I would attribute to some kind of skin product. Haven't felt that in a while though, might have been an 00's thing...
Maybe that stickiness was some manner of spray-on glitter or tan? Dunno about the oiliness...
She wants to be able to get away
Dancer I once dated (didn't know she was a dancer when I first met her) use to be greasy a lot after her shift. She told me that if she started to sweat her lotion would start to come out of her pores and would feel greasy. Problem was if she didn't rub a lot of lotion on while working her skin would get really dry from all the smoke in the club.
Left over VIP gizz that becomes oily when she starts sweating.
But more likely it may be some kind of lotion or moisturizer they put on – women put on all kinds of crap – and the lotion/moisturizer may become extra oily with sweat from dancing.