
Women more discriminating

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A Scientific study of PL:


"Psychology and human behavior students are taught early on about the famous 1978 study conducted on the Florida State University campus in which volunteer male and female subjects approached other students of the opposite sex and recited a carefully scripted proposition: “I have been noticing you around campus and I find you to be very attractive,” they said. “Would you go to bed with me tonight?”

The subjects were neither particularly unattractive nor extremely attractive—which is to say they were pretty much the kinds of partners most people do wind up going to bed with. The women’s success rate when they made this pitch was a remarkable 75 percent, though no subsequent rolls in the hay actually took place—at least not under the aegis of the study. The male volunteers succeeded with this approach precisely zero percent of the time. Remarkably, the psychologists repeated the study three more times throughout the 1980s—when the AIDS epidemic made casual sex seem like mortal folly—and about 50 percent of the men were still completely receptive to an anonymous hookup.

In the real world, this pattern holds even when the woman is manifestly bad news—narcissistically or otherwise—someone with volatile moods or a turbulent romantic or personal history."


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Avatar for ATACdawg

Now if I could just get all those discerning women to ask me .....

Avatar for JohnSmith69

Three thoughts:

  1. What was wrong with the 25% of guys who weren't interested?

  2. Couldn't the 75% who got no sex sue for breach of contract since the girl implied agreed to the deal?

  3. Why would anyone waste time studying the obvious. Its like doing a study to determine whether the sky is blue. They could have just asked guys on this site for their reaction and we would all have said yes to the offer ( except of course Jerikson who would have found some way to claim that men don't want random sex with strangers).

Avatar for jerikson40

Geezus Mr Smith, I show you to be a pompous douchebag in one thread about leeches, and now you'll take every opportunity to nip at my heels and throw some sort of attack at me ? Are you really that much of a fucking 6 year old ?

Avatar for Dougster

JS69: "3. Why would anyone waste time studying the obvious."

LOL! I'm with the others. Only thing surprising is that only 75% of the men agreed to it. And I bet the percentages would go way for women if they only asked ones who had been drinking.

Avatar for Dougster

I think the reasoning in the article is also suspect. Even if it is true that narcissists (or those with nearby disorders) have more sex it does not necessarily mean the traits are favored evolutionary You would also need to look at the mating habits of their offspring. Generally, only a certain type of person is going to be attracted to a narcissist or sociopath and it won't be the greatest genetic combination in the world. Combine that with the problem that poor parenting will cause and the children perhaps, or grandchildren (if any) could be propagating their genes less.

Given how long these things have have been around, and evidence that the numbers are changing, it is surely a net-zero: evolutionary advantages balance evolutionary disadvantages for families where these traits are common. If it wasn't that way they would have either taken over or vanished.

Avatar for Dougster

I've also thought that one could look at royal families like the Roman royal family after Caesar to study these things. You see some really talented offspring when what the genes are trying to do get it right, but then some real fuck-ups (more than in other families) when they get it wrong. Not as much middle ground as normal families.

Avatar for jerikson40

What I find far more interesting in that article is the assumption that women are generally attracted to the Dark Triad of personality traits...narcissistic, thrill seeking, and manipulative. Guys who are cold, self centered, dont give a fuck, bad boys, etc., are the guys who score. And no matter what a woman will tell you, the truth is that nice guys finish last.

Avatar for sclvr5005

^^^ jerkoffson knows all about not scoring with women. Talk about a "pompous douchebag".

Avatar for Dougster

No, no! You got it all wrong. Jerkoffson not only says he is married, but also has multiple girlfriends on the side and sees strippers on top of all that. A very studly aspie if ever there was one. Maybe even better with the ladies than alutard said he was.

Avatar for sharkhunter

I saw a couple of YouTube studies, a guy asked 100 girls for sex, and another where a good looking girl asked 100 guys. The guy lucked out on the very first girl he asked. I think the study was done in Europe, not the US. Anyway he got slapped and was told he was rude several times. No more luck. The girl had over 50% success. I thought it would have been much higher if she could ask screening questions like is the girl you are walking with your wife? Or if she asked guys who were not already with th opposite sex. She still had a high success rate.

Avatar for lopaw

Yawn. Don't care. Wake me up when the girls are propositioning the girls.

Avatar for jerikson40

Lopaw you should care....

If you want more chicks, the key to success is to be narcissistic, thrill seeking, manipulative, and a bad boy....

Oh, wait....

Okay, maybe try for 2 out of 3...

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