do you boys believe that one could cut his strip club cost while maximizing his sex or fun with strippers question mark....well believe this or not its truth and a fact ive proven and still do right now as I tipe this inside my club right the fuck now.....I spend very little with hundred percent profits aka free sex with strippers for nothing more than the cost of admission drinks and time spent.....I would teach more but I know I will get trolled and made fun of.....just wanted to share like I used to do....this is me and this is my the peace of shit boyfriend that you guys always heir worthless and damn proud of it
Yes he really is the piece of shit boyfriend that everybody ones you about...I can vouch for that, Im the ex...Juice, bigtuna, duke, revlong, whatever you want to call him, is the same guy and he is a piece of garbage! He cannot function in a normal relationship with a normal human being. He would rather stay layed up on his girlfriends couch on his girlfriends computer in forums such as this shit. Sponge everything he can and give nothing in return. He underestimates other people's intelligence and my ability to find shit out! He has NOTHING in life and doesn't want anything from life except a disability check. Dear Juice (Jackie), FUCK YOU!
Duke of Juice
Duke of Juice