…A man's detailed account of his wife's refusal to grant him the “pleasure of marital relations†has gone viral, thanks to his annoyed spouse's plaintive plea to the denizens of Reddit.
I wrote about the “Conjugal Sexcel Spreadsheet†earlier this week at Washington Free Beacon, and I have been astounded at the private messages I've received from men about this story.
last commentBut it's seems all too common that after the children are born, they lose interest in sex. That's fair...I've lost interest in TV shows I used to never miss. Is a man who still has a sex drive supposed to give up all the benefits his wife contributes to the household just to have sex, or is he supposed to give up sex?
The obvious compromise is he finds sex elsewhere. SC's are but one avenue. Yet 9 out of 10 women would consider this cheating and want a divorce if she found him having outside sex. It's easy for the woman as she gets the house and his money.
Europeans are so much more enlightened. They understand that older men have women on the side, but this doesn't threaten the marriage because them men don't want a divorce. They just want to get laid!
Great theory. Only problem with it is that it's contradicted by the experience of every man over 50 on the entire planet, except of course skibum the stud who really understands women. Complete bullshit.
I kept a mental spreadsheet of my wife's frigidity for a while, but then I started devoting my attention to strippers instead --a much more rewarding activity.
You, sir, are a fucking asshole. I don't usually just say shit like that to anyone, but you are a perfect example of an asshole.
Absolutely true that it's a 2 way street. There are men who are the cause for a sexless marriage. But to say it's 99% is absolute bullshit. Clearly you have been listening to whining women complain about their husbands for those 32 years and are actually starting to believe their shit.
"Women love sex and want it more and are better at it as they age. Men are the opposite."
Are you fucking serious? Do you hear yourself?
The total immensity of the bullshit you are spewing is so massive that I can't even begin to list everything. From the insane injustice of the judicial system towards men where divorce is involved, to the total disregard of many/most women's drastic changes in attitudes and personal habits once they've got their hooks in to a man, and on and on.
Have you ever visited other countries? Ever? How about really poor countries where people barely have enough to live. You should try it, because that's the only place you'll see women who maintain their figures after marriage, only cuz they can't afford food. But women in wealthy nations, especially the US, become fat slobs as soon as they have a man. I live in SE Asia for a while, and when I returned to the US I was AMAZED at how fucking fat 90% of the women are. It's disgusting.
Dude, I could go on for days at how fucked up your beliefs are. But I won't. Geezus.
"Among women, the prevalence of obesity did not differ between those aged 40-59 and 60 and over (39.5% compared with 38.1%). The prevalence of obesity among younger women was lower than among either middle-aged or older women."
Dude, the CDC says that 40 fucking percent, almost half of all women over 40 are obese. Do you know what that means? Women, after they are married, let their bodies go and become fat pigs.
Ever wondered why there are so many strip clubs and prostitutes for men, but not for women? You still believe your shit about women wanting sex but not men? Geezus, just insane.
What do men do?
Hey Jester !!! How's it going??
Good point !! Y'know there's a really cool, and FREE service called Google. Anyone with an internet connection and a browser can use it. Just type in something you want info on, and POOF, you'll get more than you ever wanted. And since I started you off with my reference to the "CDC" (Centers for Disease Control) that might help you find more statistics to answer your questions..
Good Luck !!!
That's my response every time I hear about a woman "losing interest in sex." Yeah, sure. If the husband is a wimpy little doormat begging for sex, who wouldn't lose interest? Get in shape, get your confidence back, start flirting a little with other women in front of her (might not even be necessary) and she'll suddenly become "interested" again.
Same goes the other way. If a woman doesn't want her man cheating or divorcing her, she should stay in good shape and keep him satisfied, whatever that might mean to him.
People, men and women, get fat as pigs after they get married. At least until they get old (60-65) then more men tend to slim down.
Exactly. And the point the divorce lawyer was making is that sexless marriage is 99% the fault of the husband. Which is absolutely irrational when statistics say that almost 50% of women get fat after marriage. And we all know that men are more sexually stimulated by looks than women are (since we're so freaking shallow...), so fat women are less attractive to men than fat men are to women.
So it seems clear that sexless marriages are LIKELY more due to womens' behavior than mens' behavior.
What women want is very specific types of sex, while men just want sex. Women want sex with the right guy, in the right setting, with the right amount of romance, etc...
Men don't need all that. They'll go out, fuck a hooker, come home, and be satisfied. They require very little of a woman in order to satisfy their sexual needs.
Women, however, require much more to be satisfied. And we can all come up with a long list of what those requirements are...
The interesting part of that spreadsheet is that it highlights in graphic detail how difficult it is to meet a woman's requirements. She can't be tired, or feel a little off that day, or be worrying about something, blah blah blah blah....yeah, some of those are just excuses, but there's also a part of it where a wife has obligations to satisfy her partner's needs, and at some point she should be a wife and snap out of it and care for him.
But she'll bitch and moan, and blame the husband who just wants to get his rocks off. That is when you realize you are dealing with a selfish bitch. And that's when the husband says, "okay fine, I'll be back later" and he heads to a strip club. Right guys? And then the wife complains when she finds out he's seeing other women??
Mr. Divorce Lawyer, that's the way it really is.
As far as women wanting it just as much as men, yeah I think that's accurate. Men just get off so much easier. In my experience if she's enjoying the sex as much as I am, she's just as eager as am.
And that's your problem jester. You make these one-liner personal opinions based upon absolutely nothing, while I cite statistics and rational reasoning, and you expect anyone to take you seriously?
And what's worse you apparently don't even read and/or understand all that I wrote, and you come back with stuff that I clearly just got done refuting.
Come on, dude. Or dudette, whatever you are. Use your head.
You cited ONE statistic. After first saying you thought 90% of women in this country are fat and then later "almost 50%".
Do you read what you write before you click post?
The issue is the undeniable fact, known by all but said divorce lawyer, that women, especially older women, have far less interest in sex than men. I could waste time gathering research to prove this point, but that would be like citing evidence to prove that the earth is round.
Can husbands do something to increase interest of their older wives in sex? Of course they can. They can become completely pussy whipped, humiliate themselves, accept her disrespect, and focus their lives upon catering to her ever-changing whims. By doing so, instead of denying sex 99 out of 100 times, she might only deny him 96 times. 95 in a really great month.
Why would someone go to such effort, especially when he can simply pay strippers for sex. The strippers are easy, they are sexually uninhibited, and many of them are a lot of fun. Find the right one and pay her the right amount, and she never says no.
Well, I see your point, but IMO getting fat is a symptom of an overall disrespect for their husbands. And to the point at hand, it's just one more way women are denying their husbands the basic sexual needs they have. Which, since we are so shallow and so interested in looks, includes taking care of themselves and being attractive, and giving sex to keep the husband satisfied.