The following is a dream I had last night. I'm not making this up. I'm not nearly creative enough to come up with this shit in my conscious mind.
I was in bed fucking a cute stripper. She was vaguely familiar, although I couldn't place her exactly. I think she was probably a combination of components from several girls that I've seen recently. Kind of the perfect woman that my mind put together for me.
I'm about to finish, so I pull out, take off the cover, and stick it in her mouth. Just as I'm about to completion, a thought comes in my head. I forgot to go to the ATM to get money to pay her. For some reason, I feel the need to tell her this now and not wait until we are finished.
So I tell her that I forgot to go to the ATM to get her money, but as soon as we are done I promise to go there immediately and get it for her. I tell her that she knows she can trust me because we've done this many times and I always pay her. The sex abruptly stops, and she is upset that I can't pay her.
I slowly explain it to her again, in simple terms like I'm talking to a young child. She doesn't get it, and asks where is her money. I explain it again slowly, and she still doesn't get it.
Then she starts whining over and over " I want my money." She keeps repeating this over and over, "I want my money" "I want my money".
She has a beautiful face, but each time she says "I want my money," a sort of a dark shadow creeps over her face a little bit. By the time she has said "I want my money" for about the 20th time, her face has become hideously ugly and terrifying. It looks like something out of a horror movie that would climb out of the ground.
It's at this point that I wake up, drenched in sweat with an erection.
Does anyone want to speculate on the meaning of my dream? My interpretation, for what it's worth, is that I am soon going to receive free stripper sex.
I smoke a lot of pot, so I haven't remembered a dream in years, at least not with that much detail. As for an honest interpretation, it sounds similar to the classic going to school in your underwear dream. Probably stress or anxiety-related.
I don't know what your dream means, but I actually had a real life experience that was similar.
I had finally got a chance to get some dances from a dancer I'd been lusting after, but was very popular and always busy.
The dances were everything I had hoped for. She was super cute and sweet and wore some body spray that smelled like cotton candy. I drifted off into my "happy place" and afterwards just sat there in a pleasant daze.
After I came back down to earth, I realized the dancer had been talking to me for a while, asking me to pay her, which I had totally forgot about. By now she was getting irate, and shouting, and then her face contorted so she looked like one of the demon creatures from that Al Pacino-Keanu Reeves "The Devil's Advocate" movie. My hands were shaking as I pulled some bills from my wallet and threw them in her direction and hurried out of the club, lol
So all I can say is, don't forget to go to the ATM!
I had a dream recently where I was fucking 3 hot girls on different nights, then one day they were all together when we met up and they all said they knew what I've been doing. It all started off peaceful with each girl wanting to give me bj's, then it progressed to sex. no money was ever involved. Then they said they wanted to do it in a group after they all knew. Plus they asked me if I mind if another hot young girl from work joined them. It was 4 hot girls and me. I was thinking I don't have the energy to keep doing all this. A five some is too much at one time. What could that mean? I feel a bit overwhelmed?
I dreamed one time I went into a strip club. Then a dancer tried to give me a bj in the main club area. I was wondering if she was crazy. She pointed to a small sign I never noticed similar to some signs that say two drink minimum. This sign said BJ's $5, two BJ minimum required. Then I thought, oh well.
last commentI had finally got a chance to get some dances from a dancer I'd been lusting after, but was very popular and always busy.
The dances were everything I had hoped for. She was super cute and sweet and wore some body spray that smelled like cotton candy. I drifted off into my "happy place" and afterwards just sat there in a pleasant daze.
After I came back down to earth, I realized the dancer had been talking to me for a while, asking me to pay her, which I had totally forgot about. By now she was getting irate, and shouting, and then her face contorted so she looked like one of the demon creatures from that Al Pacino-Keanu Reeves "The Devil's Advocate" movie. My hands were shaking as I pulled some bills from my wallet and threw them in her direction and hurried out of the club, lol
So all I can say is, don't forget to go to the ATM!