
How to say no

What do you think is the best way to decline when a girl you don't want asks you to buy her a drink, or a lapdance? I go into clubs and I want to watch the show and love to have an occasional drink and LD with a girl I'm really attracted to, but if I sit there watching the show for a few minutes I'll get approached by a not-so-hottie, especially if she just saw me in the VIP for a long time with someone else. She comes over and sits down; I know she's just putting a little time in before she asks, and I wish she knew I wasn't gonna go for it. Sometimes 'no thanks,' just gets me back a 'why not?' I don't want to say 'I'm broke,' because I do want dances from other ladies. I don't want to be rude to her and say, 'I'm just not interested in you.' And I'm afraid after I turn her down that the girls I do want aren't going to come over because it looks like I'm not gonna buy *any* LD's. Right now I just sit there and act not-interested, you know, watch the stage, don't say much, don't ask her anything, and then when she asks for LD, I say 'no thanks.' But it's a waste of her time and I'm less happy because I'm thinking about how to turn her down instead of enjoying the show. Of course this isn't going to keep me away from the club, but maybe some of you know some tricks.

I get the same problem in the LD, too. They just keep asking, 'one-more-dance' and I'm going to have to turn her down eventually or run out of money. That's not as frustrating, though, because at least I *like* that girl. One club I like you agree on the time up front, and pay up front, so there's not much chance of getting hypnotized when she asks, 'can we keep going?'


  • Clubber
    19 years ago
    Just because you say you are waiting for someone, doesn't mean you are waiting for a dancer. Could be a friend.
  • davids
    19 years ago
    clubber: Could be a fictionalized, idealized dancer that you know will never appear in a SC. That way you aren't lying: just misleading.
  • casualguy
    19 years ago
    I wonder what you say if the dancer says "she will go and get her."
  • casualguy
    19 years ago
    I'm going to have to remember a dancers stage name now just to try that "I'm waiting on someone" line. I was thinking maybe I could make up a name such as mercedes and if the dancer says she doesn't know her, I could just say she is new. I'll have to see how long that lasts.
  • parodyman-->
    19 years ago
    Just pretend that you are davids. Tell the stripper that you KNOW that she is a prostitute and a con artist. Then fart on her. That way she will exploit some other fool for his hard earned money.
  • casualguy
    19 years ago
    I sometimes will tell dancers I'm not interested in a dance but if they want to sit with me anyway, they can. A few dancers have done so and talked for a good 20 to 30 minutes before leaving. A few of those dancers apparently will have some difficulty deciding when to leave. I found a lot will leave after you leave for a few minutes to go tip another dancer on the stage. I usually tell them I'm going to go tip her etc. Of course if she wants to go with you, you're not going to get rid of her so easily. I usually only do this with the better looking dancers. The ones I don't care for that much I will just say no thanks, maybe later, not right now, or I'm waiting on someone. The really stubborn dancers on occasion have dragged me and my chair over 50 feet across the room, grabbed my arms and physically pulled me a good distance towards the lap dance room, and refused to leave my table. I had one dancer even willing to argue with me for at least 15 minutes why I should get a dance from her when I kept telling her no. I had another dancer keep saying she was willing to negotiate with me to dance for me and she even invited me to her house just to get a dance. That was odd. I got a suspicion that she wanted more than a dance but she definitely was not my type.
  • chitownlawyer
    19 years ago
    If I have just gotten to the club, I will say (usually truthfully), that I have just arrived and would like to "veg out" for a while and have an adult beverage before getting any dances.

    If I have been to the club too long for that to be a plausible explanation, I will say that I am waiting for someone. Since I go to my favorite club often enough to have some idea before the fact of the girls that I want dances from, that is an honest answer. If I am pressed as to who I am waiting for, I will typically have a name handy, if only one of the girls currently on stage.

    There is such a thing as customer shit, just as there is stripper shit, and I think that the dancers I am talking to recognize the above as customer shit. But at least I am putting some effort in the exchange, and respect them enough to come up with a plausible excuse, rather than saying something rude. Remember, dancers "talk among themselves," and you really don't want them to be talking bad about you in the dressing room. The absolute worst thing you can do to a dancer is to waste her time, and you are better off signalling to her your "dry hole" status (at least as to her) rather than let her talk to you for a half an hour before it becomes brutally obvious that you are not going to get a dance from her, and she has just wasted 1/12 of her shift in an unproductive venture.

    I also have a selfish interest in quickly terminating encounters with dancers that I don't want to spend time with...I want to be free when dancers that I find attractive become available.
  • parodyman-->
    19 years ago
    But what about the "davids method"? he seems to be nearly as popular as RL with the ladies.
  • bubbabubba
    19 years ago
    Thanks guys! "I'm waiting for someone" worked about 50 times for me this weekend.
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