
The "Do you want to dance" thing

Miami, fl
Thursday, May 29, 2014 10:05 PM
Have any of you ever gotten a dance from a girl who didn't speak to you but walked around and asked everyone for a dance or do you prefer the dancer to spend time with you? Wouldn't it annoy you to be constantly hassled by 30+girls in a row asking you to buy lapdances every 30 minutes? I'm asking this because this club I was working at recently had management that literally forced the girls to walk around and ask guys for dances and got mad and yelled at the girls if they tried to actually talk to a guy and spend time with them. I'm wondering how they think this is productive and going to make them or the girls any money.......I've never seen a guy get dances from anyone who walked around and mindlessly asked every guy for a dance.


  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    10 years ago
    That manager has no business sense. He probably doesn't even engage in foreplay with his sex partner(s). I don't know of any customer that appreciates a "wanna dance?" invitation without some warm-up conversation. I sense that that club will loose most of its dancers very soon if that practice continues.
  • SuperDude
    10 years ago
    Dancers who do that are boring and get nothing from me.
  • GoVikings
    10 years ago
    I don't get why a club would force their dancers to do that. Makes absolutely no sense. The only thing I can think of is maybe they're hoping they can sell dances at a faster rate that way? Who knows. That's all I could come up with and I kinda reached for it. I have gotten dances from strippers who just came up and asked for a dance before we had talked or inter-acted. If she's hot enough, I'll get a dance with her regardless if we've talked before hand or not. That said, it's rare for me to do that. Normally, I have to talk with the dancer for at least 10 minutes or so before I buy a dance. This allows me to feel her out. I like dancers who have good attitudes--or are at least good at faking like they have one.
  • shadowcat
    10 years ago
    The only reason for a manager to act that way is if the club and or manager get a cut from each dance. The only club that I have ever been to where the house got a cut is now closed but when they were open, the dancers still spent some time getting acquainted before proposing dances. I don't think that I have ever been in a club that didn't have some "wanna dance" dancers. They don't get any of my money.
  • weewillie
    10 years ago
    You mean the great conversationalist that only can say "Hi...what's your name...first time here...want a dance?"
  • grand1511
    10 years ago
    This strategy does work against one of the other common complaints on this board: dancers who hole up in the dressing room or are glued to their phones. Not sure if it's the best way to address that, but it addresses it.
  • tumblingdice
    10 years ago
    I've got a song,I ain't got no melody. I'ma gonna sing it to my friends.
  • steve229
    10 years ago
    When the DJ announces the 2-4-1 "special" at the local Paper Moon, all the dancers are required to circulate and ask every patron "wanna dance?" The dancers that don't get a private dance then have to go up on a small stage and stage dance during the 2-4-1's. The dancers uniformly hated the practice. Once I arrived at the club just as the 2-4-1 was starting up. My CF at the time was on the "stage of shame" with a forlorn expression on her face. I walked directly to the stage and gallantly rescued her.
  • Clubber
    10 years ago
    steve, Doing that can and does endear one to a dancer.
  • Corvus
    10 years ago
    Hope you don't work there anymore. It's very rare for me to accept a dance from a girl after the "wanna dance" line. And getting mad and yelling at the dancers must result in a real positive, party atmosphere all the customers are coming in for! The examples of dumb ass SC managers never cease to amaze me.
  • rockstar666
    10 years ago
    I've gotten dances from girls who chatted me up to the point that I wanted to have one. When a girl shakes my hand, asks my name and immediately asks for a dance gets nowhere. Every girl has a different style and management should let them work it however they want. The bottom line is their income for the club, and that's the only thing the managers should worry about.
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    Wanna dance is fine with me. Gets rid if the fuglies quickly with a mere two words. Wish more girls operated this way.
  • Clackport
    10 years ago
    I won't get any dances from dancers that do that.
  • Subraman
    10 years ago
    "Every girl has a different style and management should let them work it however they want. The bottom line is their income for the club, and that's the only thing the managers should worry about." Typically, the craziest, most irrational behavior from managers happens when the dancers AREN'T delivering the bottom line for the club, and the manager is under pressure from ownership to fix things. And management has no idea what to do or how to fix things, so starts making and enforcing really dumb (but desperation) rules. There's a club here that's been going through that pattern -- ownership keeps bringing in new management, sometimes as often as twice a year, each new manager tries to put his own stupid stamp on the club, then devolves into dopier and dopier rules. At one point, I remember a girl had sat on my lap for 10 minutes, and I was in love, she had sold me, I was HERS and was going to blow the entire contents of my wallet on her ... then the manager calls her back to the DJ booth so he and the DJ could yell at her about sitting on my lap without charging lapdance money for it. Apparently they'd changed the policy, sitting on lap = lapdance; they'd driven customers away with all their other stupid rules, and so thought this would generate more revenue -- whereas any normal person would know that customers would just walk down the street to ANY OTHER CLUB where they didn't have dopey rules like this
  • rockstar666
    10 years ago
    @Subraman: If the girls aren't making money, dumb rules aren't going to change that. Being a successful dancer is a skill that not all women have, looks and body not withstanding. Your example is sadly all too typical of managers being their own worst enemies. If they were better at hiring girls in the first place, they wouldn't feel compelled to micro-manage.
  • sclvr5005
    10 years ago
    What grand1511 said. It does help mitigate against the lazy dancers who won't work the floor. I'm not a huge fan of the drive by, but I'd rather have that than no dancers making the rounds at all.
  • georgmicrodong
    10 years ago
    Universally refusing dances from every dancer who uses the "wanna dance" line is idiotic. If the club is like the one in the OP, then you're never going to get a dance, and you're never going to find out whether or not it's worth it. If it's a busy club, and the best cocksucker there is trying to make as much money as possible, you lose. Use some common sense, judge on a case by case basis, or at least evaluate the club before shutting down your fun.
  • anonymous99
    10 years ago
    Well, I think most customers decided to go elsewhere. I only worked there for 3 days (that's how long I could stand it) and the club was NEVER busy. There was always more girls than customers and I can see why......
  • Jsj2870
    10 years ago
    As a dancer, I have approached customers with the "wanna dance" line and I have also engaged in rather interesting conversations as well. The difference in my deliverance depends on a multitude of things, with the type of club and the level of busyness being the top factor. Types of club can range from hole in the wall to upscale, white patrons, mix patrons, black patrons etc. Busyness can range from slow (more dancers than customers), moderate (same amount of dancers as customers), busy (slightly more customer than dancers), packed from shoulder to shoulder (many more customers than dancers). When I am playing the customer roll, I did not find it annoying when I was out with friends and the club was packed that 5 dancers in like 10 min. asked "do I want a dance," however, in a club that was less crowded it it always refreshing to talk to the dancers.
  • lopaw
    10 years ago
    I rarely get the "wanna dance" line, but like others have said if it were a choice between the dancers doing that or sitting around on their phones ignoring everyone, I'll take the "wanna dance" girls anyday.
  • anonymous99
    10 years ago
    I don't get the sitting on your cell phone constantly either. I just know what's worked for me personally is actually spending some time with the customer before asking for dances. Being on my cell phone has never made me a dime. lol
  • shadowcat
    10 years ago
    I didn't know so many strippers were into rock & roll. :) [view link]
  • motorhead
    10 years ago
    John Lennon released a cover version around 1975. He attempted a bit of a reggae feel to it and it was pretty bad in my opinion. This is your brain on drugs, kids
  • Subraman
    10 years ago
    "Universally refusing dances from every dancer who uses the "wanna dance" line is idiotic. If the club is like the one in the OP, then you're never going to get a dance, and you're never going to find out whether or not it's worth it. If it's a busy club, and the best cocksucker there is trying to make as much money as possible, you lose." For me, when the club is so busy that customers outnumber dancers by a significant amount, and there's so much money to be made that the girls can't spare more than a Wannadance, I wonder why any of us would be in the club at all. I mean, I get why the bachelor party and once-a-year-guys-night-out guys are there. I don't get why someone who is so into stripclubs that he bothers to post on tuscl would be there, since he knows well that he could have shown up a few hours earlier and gotten his pick of the litter. My favorite club doesn't get super packed until 11 or midnight ... guess what time I DON'T go to that club, given that I like to sit with a girl for hours? At least at my fave clubs, Wannadances are *very* rare during dead times! Maybe think about whether this applies: don't complain about the girls, complain about your incredibly bad choice in clubbing times :)
  • mroo
    10 years ago
    This is a great example of why you shouldn't hire managers to run things if they aren't familiar with your product or service. It doesn't annoy me one bit when dancers do that. In fact, I'm grateful. If a salesperson treats you like crap before the sale, think of what they're going to be like after they have your money. Dancers who do that are doing you a favor by letting you know up front that the quality of the entertainment they provide isn't going to be satisfactory.
  • Jsj2870
    10 years ago
    Subraman hit it with this statement, "don't complain about the girls, complain about your incredibly bad choice in clubbing times" , he touched what I did not think to say. There is a club near me that gets so packed it gets up to about 300 or more patrons with 40-60 dancers. The dancer quality is outstanding at this club, and this strip club happens to be an after hours hang out spot for every club in the city. My male friends who frequent strip clubs a lot avoid visiting during this time and normally go else where, visit earlier, or during weekday. Go when it is not too super busy and problem solved. From a dancers perspective if every girl got one dance from every single patron in this club (300), at average 4 min/song and $10/lap dance. Thats 1200 minutes (20 hours) dancing which is not possible and $3000 dollars that could potentially be made without extra tips and VIP's. Dancers at this club simply don't have the time to have long conversations during this time, when it is so much money to be made.
  • rockstar666
    10 years ago
    I always go late afternoon when it's slow, so the bum's rush isn't necessary.
  • georgmicrodong
    10 years ago
    @Subraman: "For me, when the club is so busy that customers outnumber dancers by a significant amount, and there's so much money to be made that the girls can't spare more than a Wannadance, I wonder why any of us would be in the club at all." In general, I agree, but there have been more than a few occasions when one doesn't have as many options for going to a club at the perfect time. On those occasions, a blanket refusal to consider having fun anyway is just plain dumb.
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    Some guys *want* to talk to them beyond "wanna dance"? Huh?
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