
Slicks's Friday Night

Saturday, May 24, 2014 12:32 PM
About 5 pm pst, this cute Wiccan chick(I know, cute & Wiccan usually don't go hand in hand) came on over to Slickolopolis. When I met her last week I intrigued her with stories of my poison garden. She let it be known that she knew how to make certain poultices and potions with various herbs and such in my garden. A date for Friday was set. She came over last night looking like a young Elvira, sans the magumbos(she's a B cupper). I should her around the grounds and she was quite impressed with my green thumb. I let her know that Mother Nature gets the credit. All I do is help out. While she was clipping this plant and that plant, I was pouring us cups of mushroom tea and filling up the Volcano full of some sweet Sativa. We enjoyed out tea while sharing many Volcano bags of vapor. She said that everything would be ready in an hour or so. While her secret potion was brewing, we started with some Dyonisian rights of our own. Let me tell you perverts this, that Wiccan broad sure knows how to suck a magic wand with gusto. If I would've known that Wiccans loved cock this much, I'd have been a Warlock decades ago. Even though we were having an ecstatic evening already, the night turned up a notch. The mushroom tea started kicking in and colors started to brighten, sounds become supersonic, and her tongue melded with mine. We seperated our tongues and mouths in a putty like fashion. It was time for her witch's brew. She came back to the room with a bowl of paste. I was expecting something to drink, not spackle. She started spreading this paste all over her pussy and asshole and then proceeded to spread this paste up and down my cock, on my bald, and my asshole too. It was Luke warm. She said to let it set. While it set, we continued to trip out whke we made out. The time must've been right cause little miss Bewitched decided to ride me through the midnight sky. Time seemed to vanish and lose all meaning. I felt weightless and floating. I perceived my surroundings and was greeted by the vastness of the cosmos. She was on top of me and I was her broom, flying through the inky night, We flew through universes and dimensions that few have seen before. We met entities of the like that are beyond mortal description. Our sexual energy resonated through a multiverse of chakras and ley lines. We woke up naked, sweaty, sticky, and drained. I have stepped through the wormhole and came back with a message from beyond. JUST ASK!


  • Clackport
    10 years ago
    It's no longer just ask, it is now just do it! Just do it>just ask>the system
  • steve229
    10 years ago
    "I got a black magic woman Got me so blind I can't see That she's a black magic woman She's tryin' to make a devil out of me"
  • motorhead
    10 years ago
    Raven hair and ruby lips sparks fly from her finger tips Echoed voices in the night she's a restless spirit on an endless flight wooo hooo witchy woman, see how high she flies
  • LMN
    10 years ago
    Try having sex on mdma and shrooms. Its pretty cool.
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