
What If: I get pregnant conversation

Monday, May 19, 2014 2:41 PM
Have you had conversation with your ATF/CF about her getting pregnant? We had this conversation about ditching the latex and simply go bare. It didn't go well because she opened up the topic of her getting pregnant. She said, she easily gets pregnant and would always want the jacket on. I was about to push the idea even further and thought about it long and hard. She may be right, but the feeling of wearing a jacket sure sucks. Does that mean, I'm still that far away from being THAT guy? I know for sure she got pregnant in the past, accidental or not, the guy was not wearing anything. So, why not me?


  • LMN
    10 years ago
    I accidentally came inside my "favorite" (i hate that term, because I don't really like any one of them, I just find this one to be the hottest) when the condom broke and both of us were too fucked up to notice. I immediately drove her to the 24 hour pharmacy and watched as she swallowed Plan B in front of me. Worst feeling of my life when i realized I came inside of her. All i could think of was this girl using pregnancy to extort massive amounts of cash from me. What if this happens to you and she refuses to take Plan B? what are you going to do? Not worth it. This is also assuming you aren't concerned about contracting STD's, which should be a real concern given she fucks men for money.
  • sclvr5005
    10 years ago
    Are you kidding with this stupidity?
  • georgmicrodong
    10 years ago
    At the risk of sounding like a hypocrit, unless you're snipped, why even think about it? And if you're *not* snipped, are you not concerned with knocking some random chick up?
  • sofaking87
    10 years ago
    LMN is right! Having a shag with a hottie is fun, but having as the mother of your child? I'd hate to pay a stripper child support, let alone explain it to the gf, lol!
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    What if I was pregnant? Shit, that would be a miracle.
  • LMN
    10 years ago
    I think the risks of unprotected sex with a stripper far outweigh the pros. Pregnancy for her could be what she deems as her golden ticket out of her shitty life. In all likelihood if she's fucking you without protection, she's probably fucking someone else without protection. I live in the nationwide capital of HIV/AIDS infection. Fucking sex workers raw is not how I want to go out. A friend of mine has AIDS (full blown AIDS, not HIV) from unprotected sex. Its scary shit. I don't particularly care if I live or die but I don't want to have a slow drawn out death ending in dying from a fucking cold from AIDS.
  • alabegonz
    10 years ago
    We're still discussing it. So, no worries for now as I'm still putting that friggin jacket on. To let everyone here agree with what I'm trying to say, I propose the following: 1) Have her tested. If she turns negative, fine. Awesome, one hindrance to my total satisfaction one step closer. 2) Put her on the pill which will take away at most 90% of that stupid worry about getting her pregnant.
  • alabegonz
    10 years ago
    This chick is a screamer, I love it so much when we hit it. It's like watching porn except I'm the one doing it.
  • TheFword
    10 years ago
    Get snipped, wear protection for STDs.
  • rockstar666
    10 years ago
    I'm snipped. Since I started having BB sex with my current civi g/f a few weeks ago, I haven't had sex with anyone else. I hate condoms so I probably won't.
  • rockstar666
    10 years ago
    @alabegonz: You seriously think the typical stripper can remember to take her pill every day? I wouldn't trust it.
  • Clubber
    10 years ago
    My ATF, when she moved in with a customer, did get pregnant after some time. It was not planned. I can vouch that dealing with the event was a very low time in her life, and mine as well, being her closest confidant. Bottom line, any pregnancy, unless planed can be traumatic.
  • LMN
    10 years ago
    The concept of bareback sex with a stripper/prostitute is really stupid. This is a girl/woman who would do anything for a quick buck (like fucking strangers). What makes you think she wouldn't do everything in her power to get pregnant and use that to take your money? And if she fucks you raw, chances are she's fucking someone else raw. Can you guarantee they don't have STD's? Seriously it shocks me a grown man can be so dumb to consider having sex with a hooker unprotected.
  • shadowcat
    10 years ago
    Anybody ever tried to convince a stripper to get an abortion? One of my favorites told me 2 weeks ago that she was pregnant and was going to see her doctor last week. I haven't seen her since but I have talked to 2 of her friends and she plans to keep it. She is a 23 yo that is into drugs and alcohol and apparently has told her friends that she doesn't plan to stop. I think it would be a big mistake for her to do so at this stage of her life but I think that I should just mind my own business.
  • Clubber
    10 years ago
    sc, Your last sentence says it all. Easy for me to say after I was so involved with my ATF. But then, I believe I was her father substitute. If you have that sort of relationship with her, then my first statement could be "off the table". Those that don't have the age difference we have with dancers might not understand.
  • LMN
    10 years ago
    I'm in my mid twenties. The dancer I see most frequently is 20. From across the country. Ran away from home after a hard life and lengthy juvie record for violence and drugs. When I accidentally came inside of her, my biggest fear was that she'd say "I'll take plan b tomorrow" (and not take it). What could I do? Force her to swallow the pill by physical force? Obviously a bad idea. When she was completely fine and ok with taking the plan b immediately it was a huge relief. If she ended up pregnant she could have royally fucked up my life. The most ironic thing about the scenario (also when I realized she didn't do OTC until I made her cave in with a relative large sum of money) was that SHE started freaking out about std's. Kept asking me repeatedly in a panic if I was tested, etc etc. Kinda funny, given she was the hooker (obviously I have no std's).
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