SC Management
Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
We often gripe; w/ good reason; w.r.t. poor/outright-incompetent; SC management.
But I've had *some* pleasant and consistent treatment from staff/management in certain clubs; e.g. Tootsies Miami – Baby Dolls Dallas.
In both these clubs I've often been treated as I should be – i.e. A CUSTOMER – things I've noticed about these clubs:
+ dancers almost-always seem to be on the floor and not allowed to hit out in the DR
+ never noticed a dancer using her cell ph
+ dancers don't ask for tips for any ole reason – i.e. they don't go to a PL and just ask for a tip
+ dancers don't ask PLs to buy them drinks – nothing wrong w/ that; but thinking of my numerous visits to Tootsies Miami and Baby Dolls Dallas – I hardly ever recall a dancer actually asking me for a drink
How bout you PLs – I mean gents :) – are there some clubs you visit where management/staff exceed your expectations for service in the context of “SC service†– which clubs? – what do they do right that you like?
If I set my expectations real low, then my expectations are often met.
There are some exceptions to rule, especially in clubs where you are a regular of sorts.