I wanted to post this yesterday but as I have been awake for 48 hours, I find myself forgetting things.
Lets hear a brief recap of what you guys did over the weekend..
My weekend: - hit LIV on Friday night, had the driver service pick up the stripper to meet me at the hotel at 4am - she was absolutely wrecked when they dropped her off at my hotel room. Could barely walk straight or talk coherently. - Had a quarter oz of some fire blow, she immediately took one of the biggest lines I have ever seen - 2 minutes later she starts rambling about how she "feels her heart". This continues until about 8am (as she kept doing these frighteningly huge lines every 30 minutes on the dot). - At about 8am or so (it was already really light out), we had sex. Lately our sex has been really rough, almost violent. I think all the blow and other drugs she had taken really escalated things. She kept asking me to hit her in the face hard, and to choke her until she passed out for a second. - Saturday night was pretty similar except I didn't go to any nightclubs. I went over to my crash pad because I decided to check out of the hotel I was staying at after the last night. We were really loud in the room and a few items got broken. I had a previously bad experience getting sued by a high end hotel so I figured it would be best to go elsewhere. - Had the driver pick her up and take her to my crash pad. Decided to have a more relaxing night, smoked some roxis and drank about half a bottle of De Leon and fucked. The usual rough shit which has seemingly become the norm. - Afterward she kept hanging around and talking to me. Smoking a joint and just hanging out at my place. Really annoying and weird. I kept hinting at her that it was time for her to go home but she didnt get it. Eventually she passed out in my living room. I tried to wake her up as I had the driver downstairs to take her back but she was out of it. Whatever. I left her cash for a cab on the counter and left the apartment. I'd swing by Sunday to make sure she left and lock the place. - Got back Sunday at 3pm and SHE WAS STILL THERE, JUST WAKING UP. What the fuck? I figured while she was there anyway, we might as well finish the rest of the roxis I had bought the night before. quickly that turned into mixing it with coke, and that turned into 4am Monday morning on South Beach at the bars. - As a result, didn't sleep Monday night, had to come in to work 9am with a brutal migraine. Fought puking the whole day. Got home and passed out. Woke up at 1am Tues morning. Have been awake since. - Fuck.
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