
Do you believe in gray aliens?

I have a movie on. I once had a dream where gray aliens took my astral body. They must have ticked me off. I dreamed I killed several and almost took over their ship. They got lucky that I didn't entirely read their minds and ran through an emergency beam out device. I had a blast terrifying them. They sent me a message that they would never take me again. I sent them a message that I might visit them and their home planet if I found them again. Actually I could read their minds. I was just playing with them. I did have trouble understanding the alien handwriting in the navigation room.

Supposedly in the movie, the grays are still here. I really miss killing aliens. If the ship hadn't been the size of a small death star, maybe I will succeed next time. Then we can have a stripper party up in the sky. :)

Actually I had a lot more fun in a dream where 3 hot blond aliens invited me on board their small ship. They looked like regular hot females except they were slighly taller than me,maybe. I'm pretty tall myself. Whenever a really hot tall blond girl approaches me in a strip club, I can't help but wonder, is she an alien? :)


  • sharkhunter
    10 years ago
    Actually I do remember a time when a super bright light at night was parked over our entire neighborhood and town. I did not think it was aliens though. I was at the center of a super cell cluster of F5 tornadoes. The air was calm. I became temporarily blinded by looking outside. Everything was so intensely bright outside. Imagine so much non stop lightning that it just appears like someone turned on the sun just above the tree tops. My vision came back after a few minutes. That was scary realizing I was blind.

    The aliens had a bright light envelope the house. See, I just came up with a logical explanation for super bright lights. In the Midwest, super cells are much more common than on the east coast.
  • jackslash
    10 years ago
    I only believe in blue aliens. But I think you have great dreams.
  • sharkhunter
    10 years ago
    Well that movie had a creepy not happy ending. I like happy endings better.

    How's this for an ending?
    Guy they abduct has stronger mental powers than the aliens. He takes control of their minds and takes over their ship. He then contacts another ship and takes control of it. He drops off a present for the US government so that they can develop the technology. Meanwhile he goes and visits their home planet. He uses mind control to have them gather ships and resources in concentrated locations. He has nuclear explosives go off destroying most of their resources. Then the ships he saved he brings back to Earth to help start our own alien fleet. He made a deal In exchange for setting up a US space fleet to defend against alien threats. He has scanned the minds of millions of aliens and knows the locations of many other species.The galaxy is set to be divided and conquered by humans. See happy ending.?
  • sharkhunter
    10 years ago
    I think on another web site, some tv screen writers were following my postings for a while. Stories about alternate realities suddenly started showing up on tv.
  • ATACdawg
    10 years ago
    Earthlings: Stop talking about aliens. If you don't I ..... I mean they will be around to vaporize you!
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
  • alabegonz
    10 years ago
    They're all over YouTube.

    Aliens of every kind, including aliens who morph into awesome dancers stripping from dives to classy clubs.
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