
self destructive behavior

Thursday, May 8, 2014 7:07 PM
Do you find that seeing strippers/visiting the SC Is intertwined with self destructive behavior, for you? Perhaps in a rare moment of sober introspection (both my valium and ativan rx's have run out and can't be refilled for a few more days) I have identified that, for me, strippers, rough sex, psychotropic drugs and a downward spiral are inexorably intertwined. Even the stripper I've been seeing (and doing drugs with) asked me why I live the way I live. I didn't have an answer.


  • BigTuna1
    10 years ago
    I believe your threads are self destructive faggot
  • gawker
    10 years ago
    LMN - OP - yes. About three years after I started spending far more than I should have; after I excused the behavior of my ATF. While I was neglecting my family to spend nights and weekends with strippers, I realized this was an abberation, sought the advice and direction of a psychotherapist. He: "what brings you in?" Me: " I've been spending $1000 a week on a beautiful stripper who is 40 years my junior. I've been smoking crack, taking ecstacy and Molly, shooting heroin, and getting more and better sex than I thought possible." He:"Are you fucking nuts?" His thoughts: I've got a bad case of White Knight fever. My wife of 44 years was recently diagnosed with Alzheimers and my attempts to maintain my sanity, led me to find solace in the arms of this hussy. So now instead of narcotics I'm on benzoes and anti-depressants. Sometimes I think I preferred the narcotics.
  • mikeya02
    10 years ago
    You're still rambling about your make believe lifestyle? Take a nembutal suppository and come up with something else.
  • BigTuna1
    10 years ago
    Lol ^^^
  • LMN
    10 years ago
    Gawker - thanks for your candor. I have been to rehab twice, once for 17 months. Both were forced stays, though, to remain in prep school/college. I see a psychiatrist weekly but she is more of a vending machine for pills than anything else. I think even the stripper I am seeing finds me to be uncomfortable to be around but deals with it for the cash. She was very against doing cocaine or any other drugs besides pot when I first met her but I insisted she had to do the drugs with me to get paid, so she did. Now she seems to be addicted and has a felony charge. I could do another bid in rehab to escape from it all but I'm not sure if I want to or if it's worth doing. My nose hasn't stopped bleeding everyday for 2 weeks now.
  • mikeya02
    10 years ago
    ^^^ ok, you say you're high class, fucked up on drugs, and like getting girls addicted to drugs. Nice downer act.
  • BigTuna1
    10 years ago
    Sounds like Ricky boy
  • LMN
    10 years ago
    Huh? I don't "like" getting girls addicted to drugs. I don't like doing drugs alone so I offered this stripper $900 per visit (fuck) if she got tanked with me. I saw her usually twice per week so she made a lot of money. As I mentioned earlier, she quit stripping, moved and got a new car as a result of our agreement. She also turned out to really like cocaine (addicted) and got busted by the cops for possession, DWI, resisting arrest, and some other such niceties. I told her I'd get her a lawyer, etc and ended up blowing off her calls for a while. I'm not sure why. Boredom maybe? She was able to plead it down to drug court and didn't do time but she has to get drug tested. Ironically, I'm back in the picture, paying her to get fucked up with me. I think she blew off her last drug test so I'm sure she's on borrowed time. Oh well. As far as being high class - I can be real, I went to a prep school that cost 50k/year, did terribly, developed a drug habit, was in and out of outpatient rehabs until finally I had to do my first inpatient for 90 days or they would kick me out. I went to the same college my parents went to so they were able to get me in despite my poor grades and obvious drug habit. I had to do a 17 month inpatient to avoid a felony charge during my college time. My parents got me into grad school in a similar fashion. On paper I went to great schools so I was able to land a high paying job out of grad school. I hope this clears things up.
  • jester214
    10 years ago
    50k a year for prep school? Maybe 30 or 40 schools in the country charge that. 8+ years ago = 0. You must be a La Rosey alum. Bullshit.
  • Caprisun69
    10 years ago
    Sounds like this OP is full of shit...I came up with a few theories on who is the biggest bullshitter... LMN=ranucam LMN=juice LMN=alucard Who is it.... Just think about it
  • sharkhunter
    10 years ago
    Getting a dancer addicted to illegal drugs doesn't sound cool. That could ruin her life. That is if the lmn is being truthful. Asking her to use more after she got out of drug rehab is almost like asking if she wants to risk time in jail and go back. Some drugs will mess up your looks and age you really fast. If a dancer uses these, she can kiss her stripping income goodbye. not many guys want dances from a dancer who looks like a wasted away meth addict. A promise of a car or hundreds of dollars might be real tempting to a young dancer but she faces life time problems from using illegal drugs or getting hooked that will cost far more than any temporary gain. If I were LMN and being truthful, I would go back to drug rehab and try not to mess up other people's lives just to have fun.
  • BigTuna1
    10 years ago
    Kid Capri lol
  • skibum609
    10 years ago
    When I am drinking too much I strip club. When I am not drinking I don't go at all.
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    Self destruction, we're heading to self destruction Self destruction, we're heading to self destruction
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