
Butt slide

Thursday, May 1, 2014 5:27 PM
Does it bother you when, at the start of the LD, the dancer makes you slide your butt down to the lip of the seat so she can grind better? I fucking hate it and will only tolerate it for a few seconds before sitting upright again. The Dancers that really know how to give a LD don't need to that. I'm too fucking old to be sitting it this awkward dorky looking position just to get a better grind from the during a LD.


  • motorhead
    10 years ago
    Plus One.
  • ATACdawg
    10 years ago
    Frankly, I'm happy to take any position the dancer wants me to. It really makes no difference to me and if the dancer can give me a better grind, I'm happy to oblige.
  • MrDeuce
    10 years ago
    Strip club rule #1: Always sit the way the lady tells you to -- she's the expert.
  • minnow
    10 years ago
    Agree with Wolf and motor. I started a thread here (or maybe old ZB), except I called it scrunching down. Besides physical aspects mentioned, I'm against it on principal in that dancer is asking me to adapt to her- no honey, its' the other way around for me.
  • ReadyPayerOne
    10 years ago
    @Lone-Wolf - I don't mind being butt-slid closer to the edge of the seat. Part of it is probably that I'm in my 30s, but in my experience I enjoy those dances better than the ones where I'm sitting with proper chair posture. Maybe I just haven't met dancers that really know how to give a proper dance when one is sitting "normally"?
  • MrDeuce
    10 years ago
    I agree with ATACdawg and RPO (of course -- I've already cast my vote). You don't lose control when you sit the way the dancer says, you just increase the chances of getting off.
  • joker44
    10 years ago
    Agree with Wolf. Too old for that, especially on the usual cushioned but straight-backed couches. One local club has couches with an additional back cushion that gives more support and makes the position more comfortable. Wish other local clubs would provide these.
  • shadowcat
    10 years ago
    I only get that from one dancer and I ain't complaining one bit. I'm sitting on a bar stool and she is a short spinner. That allows her to rub her bare pussy against my cock. Otherwise she couldn't reach it.
  • pineconepartyliquor
    10 years ago
    Kind of depends on the couch or seat you are in, but never really bothered me at all. If thats what I need to do for her to give the best LD possible, then I am happy to do it.
  • hardman
    10 years ago
    As long as the seat has some cushion against my back, I'm happy to slide down. As others have mentioned, she is in a better position to give me a high friction dance. I've also found that girls who ask for this are more comfortable with the idea that I'm going to get hard during the dance and the various things that might occur as a result. She's more likely to understand exactly how I want my cock to lay so she can give me the most pleasure during the dance. She's more likely to not be bothered if my erection starts to poke out from the top of my pants. And she is more likely to get me off during the dance, and girls who ask to slide down seems to expect and try to make this happen.
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    At first I thought the butt-slide was when she slides my cock between her butt cheeks.
  • Ironcat
    10 years ago
    I agree with LDK - I automatically assume that position without being asked.
  • Fanky
    10 years ago
    I don't enjoy it either
  • rl27
    10 years ago
    That happened to be my favorite position, and I dislike it when the dancer asks me to scoot back and sit upright. Every time a dancer has asked me to sit upright I have had a mediocre dance at best. When she asks me to scoot down to the edge of the couch I usually known I am in for a very good dance.
  • bvino
    10 years ago
    I suspect this has a lot to do with the size of your gut. I am lean and mean and my lap starts in a an upright seated position.
  • Prim0
    10 years ago
    Not only a big gut but a small package under it. I've been asked to sit upside down on the chair so she could find it.
  • rl27
    10 years ago
    Sitting upright doesn't allow the dancer to get into the full range of motion.
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