Missed Oportunities In Houston

avatar for farmerart
While I was in business I made uncountable trips from Calgary to Houston on oil business. I always detested the city of Houston and the ridiculous humidity. I would get business done and hop the plane back to Canada as fast as possible. I am a prairie farm boy and I have always been most comfortable in high altitude low humidity environs.

I have recently read a bazillion reviews of Houston SCs here on tuscl. Every review of Treasures or St. James or any other suspect was a dagger in my lecherous heart. Oh, those opportunities lost over all those years of business trips to Houston!


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avatar for Dudester
14 years ago
I know the feeling. In the mid 90's, there were some trailers for extras in back of St. James. Had I fully understood, I would've partaken, but I was chicken (I had some good reasons-now gone).
avatar for samsung1
14 years ago
I was in Indianapolis several times before I knew about TUSCL. If I would have been on TUSCL, I probably would have checked out Brad's Brass Flamingo.
avatar for txtittyfan
14 years ago
A winter visit in Houston would be a good getaway from the Canadian winter.
avatar for CTQWERTY
14 years ago
Art, write the Houston Chamber of Commerce and tell them you stand ready to bring your tourism dollars if they'll hook you up with a strip club "Super Pass" that gets you 1) free cover to any Houston metro club, and 2) $10 off the hourly rate at local motels.
avatar for Pablo Antonio
Pablo Antonio
14 years ago

Houston is not rated the second best destination for Strip Clubs for nothing. There are many good clubs here, and you would not be disappointed. Lots of girls in the 6-8 range, and many 9-10's too. You are always welcome here. Please come and visit, its not too late!
avatar for samsung1
14 years ago
Just wondering how did Houston become such a good strip club destination? Was it Rick's Corporation that helped build up the strip club industry (they are based in Houston)? Or was it before Rick's with all the oil money?
avatar for Dudester
14 years ago
Sam, in request to your question as to why Houston is a great SC destination-keep in mind that the Chicken Ranch (1850-1978) was only 100 miles up the road from Houston. The real life "Best Little Whorehouse in Texas" was actually staffed with Houston girls working their way through college (Schulenberg is the center of a triangle between Houston, College Station (Texas A & M), and Austin ( U of Texas). When the Chicken Ranch closed, the girls and hospitality merely moved to Houston. Right about that time, a strip club called the Crystal Palace got a shot in the arm, and their advertising was a naked girl on a swing on the front porch of the club. Although the Palace was closed because it was across the street from an amusement park (children) it created the business model that other clubs followed, such as-it's a topless club, but panties are optional in certain parts of the club.
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