Central Illinois

avatar for chitownlawyer
OK, I'm laying out my travel plans for business next week, which will take me to Favorite Club in Indy, then up to northwestern Indiana. Club 390 across the Illinois line has been strongly endorsed, but I am wrestling with Industrial Strip, which is highly rated, and extremely close to my ultimate destination (the object of which, I keep reminding myself, is my business).

The trip back will take me through northern and central Illinois...does any one have any recommendations...Crazy Rock in Joliet? Kappa Kabanna in Bloomington? Clib Cabare't (or something like that) in Peoria? Big Al's in Peoria?

The wise counsel of those on this list is appreciated.


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avatar for FONDL
19 years ago
Chitown, what's even more amusing is that after she quit dancing she took a job as a waitress in a sports bar/restaurant where all the kitchen help and busboys were Hispanic. They all thought she was too and they all had the hots for her. She played it to the hilt, flirting unmercifully with them, it was really funny. But she got better service from them than anyone else in the place.
avatar for LonelyExec
19 years ago
Crazy rock is a rip off... Kappa is decent Big Al's is decent

Silver Bullet in Urbana is decent

all the same as Brad's basically
avatar for FONDL
19 years ago
Shadowcat, you are correct that my ATF has given my wife massages, they know each other quite well. And there's not much to hide, the things that my ATF and I have done together are really quite tame compared to the things that many of you talk about here. We've never done anything remotely close to extras.
"BTW, my ATF is 5-5, A-cup, shoulder-length brown hair. Everybody thinks she's Hispanic too, especially when she puts red highlights in her hair which she often does, because she has the coloring and the round face, she even has a Hispanic-sounding first name"

FONDL, I thought that you and I were cyber-buddies, and here you come along teasing me with the shit set out above. Someday, perhaps I will find your ATM's little sister. Or, perhaps I will save up my pennies and contingency fees for a trip to Houston or El Paso.
avatar for kiddo
19 years ago
ChiTown--Sorry you weren't impressed with IS-it'smy fav-
but I realize I'm in the minority, at least on this board, and
that's fine. On your visit, you should have grabbed Bentley or Breezy. I've danced with Rosa and Eva, and neither tripped my trigger. But I wanted to mention that they do have several hispanic girls on the night shift--Gina,
Annabelle, and Bionca are especially fun. As far as the
ambiance, or attitudes, I'm puzzled. I'm in there at least
once a week, more, so they know me, but the only "rules"
I've ever seen enforced were dealing with some idiots.
No standing? several hundred visits, and I've never heard
of it. And I have a great time shooting the breeze and
"flirting" as you, or someone said. Don't know how the
place could be more friendly. I'd have to give the edge
to a place like Treasures in Tex, or Mons in Fla, but I couldn't afford those places every few days like IS. But on
your next swing this way you'd be better off to skip the other Chicagoland joints, you'll be disappointed. Best off
going back to Brads, or out to Davenport--3 hrs west.
Good luck. Oh, by the way, the pasties at IS come off with
just a little coaxing.
avatar for FONDL
19 years ago
Chitown, I had exactly the same reaction to IS when I visited it a couple of years ago. On paper it seems to have everything I look for in a club but my overall impression was fairly negative. As I recall there just wasn't a very friendly atmosphere. But I do remember a truly great lap dance, once I found someone who would sell me one, which as I recall took awhile. You're right, the place is a lap dance factory, a pretty good one too. The other thing I remember is that management contacted me after my review - that's the only time that has ever happened.

BTW, my ATF is 5-5, A-cup, shoulder-length brown hair. Everybody thinks she's Hispanic too, especially when she puts red highlights in her hair which she often does, because she has the coloring and the round face, she even has a Hispanic-sounding first name, but she isn't at all Hispanic. She has a little American Indian blood and I think that's what does it. Sounds like you'd like her, but then just about everyone does because she's so personable. But she doesn't dance anymore, she's a licensed massage therapist.
avatar for dennyspade
19 years ago
Chitown and Shadowcat:

I feel exactly the same as the both of you, when I assess the credibility of the reviewer. If I have been to the club and we summarily agree on the majority of points in his/her review; I am apt to accept their recommendations for clubs I have not visited to date. I would hedd your advice before following the advice of a reviewer who never rates a club above a (6) six.

IS in Hammond, IN works for a lot of customers. I, too, like the "party atmsophere of Chitown" FAV SC in Indy. IS leaves me cold in that envirionment. (Maybe I was just sober.) I like the chance to converse, flirt, and be teased by several dancers before I decide on whom to spend some time and money.

I enjoy the "CHEERS with tits and ass-type SC's" whereby, you can BS with management, DJ's and other staff while waiting for your #1 girl in that club to arrive or finish with other customers.

Chitown -- As far as your Latinas are concerned, you should check out CRAZY ROCK, COWBOYS, and Club 390 if you are travelling in ther South Suburban Chicago area.
I still have not figured out why so many guys (including me) like the IBTC and don't give a damn about breast size. Yet so many dancers think that surguical augmentation will increase their bankroll. Go figure.

That's IBTC...but you already knew that.
No., unfortunately I could not put in the top tier of clubs, although it hits all the bases. Of the factors that you mentioned, the eclectic selection of dancers is a point in its favor. As I think you know, Favorite Club is located in an area that does not have a large population of latin women. Since latin women are my weakness, I have a better chance of being able to scratch that particular itch if a club has a large selection of diverse women. I also tend to like women with smaller builds, including women are out-and-members of the ITC. Again, the more women there are at a club, the more likely I will find the ideal: 32A, 5'5, straight brown hair to her shoulders. (Describes past ATF, but not current one, who is outside all of prior rules/policies.)

With respect to no booze, this isn't a big deal one way or the other. Of course, no booze is a trade off for all nude, and since I don't need to see more than I can see on a woman wearing a g-string, the all-nude part doesn't add anything to my opinion of the club. At any particular club, on any particular night, I can take or leave drinking, but I wouldn't like it if all clubs were dry.

Pasties on the nipples are a turn off. State law governing Favorite CLub requires that nipples be covered, but most clubs in that state do it with latex that, truth be told, probably circumvents what the legislature had in mind. HOwever, some of the dancers at IS actually wear more than is necessary. I almost expected to see tassels. Again, it is incongruous to have a women grinding her cooch against you to the point that the inner labia are exposed, but her nipples are covered. Bizarre.

However, the main reason that I would not give IS a 9 or 10 is that the place seems blatantly commercial....I was reminded of the phrase, "Lap dance factory." My favorite clubs have an open, lighthearted atmosphere, almost like a private party. It seems that everytime I turned around at IS, someone was being told some rule. I still am a little confused by the "no standing on the floor" rule. When the very nice young man told me that "club policy requires that guests be seated at all times in the show room," my first thought was to walk out the door while telling him, " We'll solve that problem...I'm not your guest any more" The ironic thing is that none of these rules related to how customers treat the girls.

The fact that girls are constantly leaving the floor to go upstairs for privates (as opposed to being able to do couch dances in the main floor), also prevents the formation of the kind of dancer/customer bonding through the night that I like. You also tend to a feel a little sorry for the girls left on the main floor while the others are upstairs doing privates...like the last kids picked at baseball.

So, if you were to put together a list of ingredients that a good sc should have, IS would get a check mark by every one. But sometimes the whole is less than the sum of its parts, and that's the case here.

But Ava and Rosa both give excellent dances...well worth the $55 and a nice tip. By the way, they did run a three-for-$45 special while I was there.
avatar for dennyspade
20 years ago
ChiTown --

Having just read your review of Industrial Strip in Hammond, IN, I have to ask you: Do you believe that this is one of the highest rated clubs in the U.S. ? No booze, pasties, and an "eclectic array of dancers."
avatar for dennyspade
20 years ago

KAPPA -- strictly air dances ... same in the VIP. This club looks better once you're inside; however, you just have local hotties teasing older regulars and travelling businessmen. "Yawn ..."

CLUB CABARET -- Have heard good things ... have no persaonal experience with CC.
Denny: Thanks for the info, and thank God for Indiana. Who would have believed that this dyed in the wool conservative Republican state would have such great strip clubs? I'll just be glad for my time spent in the neighboring state to my east.

What is contact like at Kappa Kabanna? Do you know anything about Club Cabaret, which is apparently just to the east of Peoria, across the Illinois River?
avatar for dennyspade
20 years ago

It is going to kill you to find out that Illinois clubs pale in comparison to your favorite venues in Indy. I have submitted reviews for some of these clubs that you have mentioned. Read 'em. For purposes of brevity and personal interest, I summarize these:

CRAZY ROCK in Romeoville:
The McDonald's of Adult Entertainment -- $10 "fantasy dances" ABSOLUTELY NO TOUCHING permitted by customer. Bikini dances on stage. However, easy-going atmosphere and reasonably priced drinks. STOP by for an hour-- no more.

KAPPA -- This is a lame club in a remote area. The Dancers think their HOT (compared to whom?) PASS on this one.

BIG AL's in Peoria
This is a classic club in downtown area, You gotta go check this place out later in the evening or weekend to see why it's a Must See.

BONUS -- If you are ever near Champaign-Urbana between 9 PM and 12:30 a.m.; you will never imagine your luck at the SILVER BULLET. This is one of the best-kept secrets in Central Illinois. Do not ever go to Malibu Bay in same town.
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