Annoying and Interfering waitresses?
Ever had a dancer sit at your table and within two seconds before you can even talk to the dancer some annoying waitress comes over and asks if you need anything or would like to buy the dancer anything? I find this extremely annoying. Even though I never order anything from the waitresses I said no but the stupid waitress persisted and then asked if I would like to buy the dancer something. That was extremely irritating since I didn't even have two seconds to talk to the dancer. Are there lots of irritating waitresses out there like this? Perhaps I should have told the waitress off so she might remember me next time. In fact I think I will if a waitress does this to me again unless the dancer sitting next to me is the hottest thing I've seen in a long time.
If you want to lose the respect of a "real" woman in a "normal" club or bar then buy her drink.
Excuse me, Fondl, that doesn't make any sense. If it's my opinion, I say so, I don't say there "could be some truth" in it. Silly man! Anyway, these are things I've heard managers and SC employees say over and over about customers, even in GOOD clubs that don't run drink scams. It's bound to work its way into their thinking about how they can exploit us when we're most vulnerable. Customers would do well to guard against acting meek and compliant for fear of rufffling feathers. Be assertive about not putting up with their rudeness, and waitresses will give it up. Sometimes.
Everybody here seems to be at a loss as to why clubs would think they can get away with pushing drinks so rudely. I offered an explanation.
There could well be some truth in their thinking, especially for new customers. I know I fell for the tactic a couple of times early on. That's another reason why they pounce on us right after a dancer arrives. They figure typical strip club customers are more even flummoxed than most guys in the sudden presence of a pretty girl. Easy marks.
And then, it's just possible that a small few of the meekest among us actually APPRECIATE being given the opportunity to buy a "lady" a drink, something they would never summon the will to volunteer on their own, even in a club. God, that's almost too pathetic to think about. Maybe I'm thinking too much.
Does any of this sound familiar? Things haven't changed all that much in strip clubs over the years. The system works, why change it...I Haven't been in a strip club in over 20 years that gave dancers their drinks for free.
I would alway love to buy drinks if the waitresses can give us a chance to talk to the dancer and get to know her.
Technical name for someone running interference on your "play": cock-blocking.
*catch breath*
Jesus, I make it sound like a soap opera.