
Annoying and Interfering waitresses?

Ever had a dancer sit at your table and within two seconds before you can even talk to the dancer some annoying waitress comes over and asks if you need anything or would like to buy the dancer anything? I find this extremely annoying. Even though I never order anything from the waitresses I said no but the stupid waitress persisted and then asked if I would like to buy the dancer something. That was extremely irritating since I didn't even have two seconds to talk to the dancer. Are there lots of irritating waitresses out there like this? Perhaps I should have told the waitress off so she might remember me next time. In fact I think I will if a waitress does this to me again unless the dancer sitting next to me is the hottest thing I've seen in a long time.


  • davids
    19 years ago
    FONDL: "A lot of guys go to strip clubs because they don't want to put up with the hassle and BS of going to a bar and offering to buy a "real" girl a drink at that particular moment, they're just looking for entertainment and a few laughs."

    If you want to lose the respect of a "real" woman in a "normal" club or bar then buy her drink.
  • chandler
    19 years ago
    Fondl, I missed until now where you wrote: "Chandler, but you followed it up by saying there could be some truth in their thinking, which makes it your opinion as well as theirs."

    Excuse me, Fondl, that doesn't make any sense. If it's my opinion, I say so, I don't say there "could be some truth" in it. Silly man! Anyway, these are things I've heard managers and SC employees say over and over about customers, even in GOOD clubs that don't run drink scams. It's bound to work its way into their thinking about how they can exploit us when we're most vulnerable. Customers would do well to guard against acting meek and compliant for fear of rufffling feathers. Be assertive about not putting up with their rudeness, and waitresses will give it up. Sometimes.
  • v.i.perv.
    19 years ago
    i want the anoying waittress to leave me alone can i pay her to what do you tink guys
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    At JP's in DC for many years the day waitress Joanna was their biggest daytime draw. She was that hot. More guys went in to see Joanna clothed (barely) and to sit with her and buy her drinks than the day dancers. There were a few hot day dancers occasionally, but it is no coincidence that the JP's dayshift has almost collapsed now that Joanna has moved on. Oh, and on topic I understand that in some cases they're required to do so, so I try not to let it get to me. I'll usually say not yet, then explain to the dancer I'll either buy her a drink unless it's a $20 cranberry juice, or I'll just give her a tip and she can get one if she likes.
    19 years ago
    Meant to add to my last - Waitresses are often the best looking because in many clubs the waitresses make more money than most of the dancers and they don't have to get naked or put up with a bunch of crap to do it. It's often the most desirable job in the place.
    19 years ago
    Chandler, but you followed it up by saying there could be some truth in their thinking, which makes it your opinion as well as theirs. I think the reason that clubs do stuff like this is that they think that customers don't care how they're treated as long as there are naked women hanging around. I think they're wrong. I think the poor customer service is a major reason why so many clubs are hurting for business. Guys have a lot more options today. Clubs think their only competition is other clubs that treat the customers the same as they do. They're wrong.
  • ShotDisc
    19 years ago
    waitresses should be seen and not heard. i will let you know if i need your help or service. just as easy to get up and walk to the bar. in many clubs, the hottest woman is usually behind the bar anyway. anyone ever get a dance from a barmaid?
  • chandler
    19 years ago
    Fondl, I refer you to the first words of my post, "I bet the *CLUBS* figure..." (emphasis added). I wasn't writing about what *I* think of customers, except in that last bit, which I thought I qualified sufficiently. I pretty much share your estimation.

    Everybody here seems to be at a loss as to why clubs would think they can get away with pushing drinks so rudely. I offered an explanation.
    19 years ago
    Chandler, I think you're reading way too much into this. A lot of guys go to strip clubs because they don't want to put up with the hassle and BS of going to a bar and offering to buy a "real" girl a drink at that particular moment, they're just looking for entertainment and a few laughs. I'd bet that most guys in strip clubs either have an SO or don't want one. It isn't a question of whether or not they have the balls, it's a question of what are they in the mood for. Yes there are some guys in strip clubs who don't have the balls to approach a girl outside the club, but I think they're a fairly small minority of customers.
  • chandler
    19 years ago
    I bet the clubs figure they can annoy us into buying drinks because they conclude that a typical strip club customer is meek and compliant. "Hey, any chump who lacks the balls to ask a girl for a date..." or, "Any loser who'd pay good money for a little skin that a normal guy with backbone can get for free..." or, "Any sucker who'd walk in the door of this joint..."

    There could well be some truth in their thinking, especially for new customers. I know I fell for the tactic a couple of times early on. That's another reason why they pounce on us right after a dancer arrives. They figure typical strip club customers are more even flummoxed than most guys in the sudden presence of a pretty girl. Easy marks.

    And then, it's just possible that a small few of the meekest among us actually APPRECIATE being given the opportunity to buy a "lady" a drink, something they would never summon the will to volunteer on their own, even in a club. God, that's almost too pathetic to think about. Maybe I'm thinking too much.
    19 years ago
    A lot of the places around here do exactly what Yoda said, the dancers are required to sell something like 5 drinks per shift (drinks for themselves that is) or they have to pay for them at the end of the shift. The waitresses are trying to help them make their quota, that's part of their job. Just one more of the many annoying practices that a lot of clubs have.
  • lopaw
    19 years ago
    I'm enuff of a regular at my fave club that I've gotten to know the waitresses almost as well as the dancers, so they never hustle me. I guess it helps that the club is a small neighborhood type of place.
  • SuperDude
    19 years ago
    What really bugs me is the tag team approach. The dancer sits down as soon as I get a seat. My eyes have not adjusted to the dark, so I really don't know if I want to invest my time with this dancer. Before my pupils can dialate the waitress is there offering to get my drink order and one for the dancer. If, in a rare moment, the dancer declines the drink, rest assured that the shot girl is not far behind. She shows up and sits in the booth with the tray and will not leave until the customer buys a shot for himself, the dancer and the shot girl. If you say no, she will be back in less than 10 minutes. So, I sit at the bar and still pick out dancers for the VIP, avoiding the drink hustle as much as possible.
  • Yoda
    19 years ago
    Many clubs order the waitresses to solicite drinks for the dancers and many clubs order the dancers to accept anything offered. In some cases there is a minimum number of drinks per shift that the dancer is responsible for selling. Years ago, before private dances became popular, dancers, waitresses and often bartenders made commissions off of drink sales. The dancer would sit with you rubbing your leg (or more) while telling you how cute you where or how she sometimes meets guys after work.
    Does any of this sound familiar? Things haven't changed all that much in strip clubs over the years. The system works, why change it...I Haven't been in a strip club in over 20 years that gave dancers their drinks for free.
  • FunSeeker
    19 years ago
    Yes! Yes indeed! It's so irritating and annoying when the waitresses ask if I want to buy the dancers drinks!! This happens as soon as dancer sits next to me. I don't even get a chance to talk to them. Such waitresses are just pushing to sell those expensive drinks and looking for tips. Just disgusting.

    I would alway love to buy drinks if the waitresses can give us a chance to talk to the dancer and get to know her.
  • chandler
    19 years ago
    At a club where I am a semi-regular, the waitresses are told to never ask customers, "Would you like to buy the lady a drink?" I didn't realize this until one time when I was asked it by a new waitress. The dancer I was with, who never drinks, straightened out the waitress. Shot girls, however, are free to use any angle they please, including asking if you want to buy THEM a shot off their tray. They work feelance, like dancers.
    19 years ago
    I think a lot of places tell their waitresses to do this, they're just following orders. It's pretty common. It's also a sign that you're in a club where management is more interested in milking you for every dime than in showing you a good time. In other words it's a clip joint, not a good club. If it annoys you, vote with your feet and leave.
  • davids
    19 years ago
    They're very bad at the local DV. I think they have orders to bug you to buy her a drink within a minute of the stripper sitting down with you. Note, however, that the strippers can get their drinks for free (as one would hope with the "rent" they pay). Ask the strippers off the record and they will tell you to just give the money to them as a tip.

    Technical name for someone running interference on your "play": cock-blocking.
  • chandler
    19 years ago
    I haven't been in a club where this is a real problem lately, but I've learned that you can almost never go wrong by saying no. If you want to be sure the dancer you're with is not offended, then tell her that you'll buy her a drink if she wants but you didn't want to encourage the waitress' rudeness. Usually, the dancers hate it as much as we do. What you don't want to do under this circumstance, when you're caught offguard, is turn to the dancer and ask her if she wants a drink. She might either be obligated by the club to say yes, or, more likely, she might not like being put on the spot and left with a choice of either getting on the waitress' shitlist by declining or having you pay for a drink she doesn't want.

    *catch breath*

    Jesus, I make it sound like a soap opera.
  • DandyDan
    19 years ago
    They are a major pain in the ass at one of the clubs I go to. The really annoying thing is they only seem to show up when a dancer is with you there. I could be out of my drink and I will wait for a reasonable length of time for the waitress, only she won't stop by. A dancer suddenly comes to talk and BAM! the waitress is on you. I have taken to sitting at the bar there, which I really don't like to do unless it's crowded, but it never is anymore. The waitresses there are just weird.
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