All these multiple aliases. Between alutard and Juice, can't tell who is who. Or is it whom you faggot English majors?
What is to be done.
If the situation doesn't improve I may have to leave the board forever and then only drop in to comment on stock market threads. You folks won't want that would you?
^^^ alutard will never get over the fact that I met Stilleto many times and he never did. Despite their supposed "very close" friendship. You've never answered if this "very close" friend of your still talks to you, alutard. Don't worry we all know what your refusal to answer means. ;-)
Still don't know why you (say) you want me to leave alutard. You are completely transparent. You love the abuse we dole out on you here (because it makes you feel like a persecuted hero) and you know it. LMFAO!
NO, DON'T GO! Who could possibly replace all of that good content you provide, including all of that great Seattle intel, or those spicy and offbeat stories about OTC with interesting strippers, or those cutting insights into the behaviors of dancers, or...
Wait a minute...obviously I was confused. You don't post any of that stuff anyway. Nevermind. ;)
RickyBoy: " those cutting insights into the behaviors of dancers,"
Hey, we can't all be inventers of The System like you, RickyBoy. That feat will never be topped even if TUSCL I around for 1000 years. That's for sure.
last commentWait a minute...obviously I was confused. You don't post any of that stuff anyway. Nevermind. ;)
Hey, we can't all be inventers of The System like you, RickyBoy. That feat will never be topped even if TUSCL I around for 1000 years. That's for sure.
You less than most Fraudster. ;)
But hey, keep up the good work with all that "steering." :)
Should hope so, since only a complete faggot could come up with that stuff.