The first time I went to my ATF's apartment I couldn't believe my eyes. The kitchen hadn't been cleaned in months, there was trash piled everywhere, doors and walls kicked in...she would make an excellent rock star when it came to trashing hotel rooms!
But to be fair, she was living with a few guys that were not really housebroken. She has just moved into her own place, which I hope to see when she's settled. I trust it's not so bad!
Ever been a guys bachelor home/apartment? Often the same. When my SO is away, I can see where I would get somewhat the same. Not the trash and such, but clothes all around, sure.
King,thats nothing,I had a CF not to long ago who would let the dog shit and piss in the house and say"Oh look he did a booboo".And her two friends were the biggest fattest slobs I have ever seen.Thank God she passed the belly button test.
Good post. Better than yesterday's red head gals. All the pics were nice, but especially numbers 7, 17 and 22.
@ Clubber- I'd say that's often true, the bachelor comment you made. I guess I'm kind of the exception to that because I'm a bachelor and live with my cousin who's also a bachelor and our pad is pretty clean. I don't know, I just can't stand a mess. And you know what really grinds my gears? When people leave CDs/blu-ray's/DVD's out of the case. It's like you pay all that hard earned money for stuff and just leave it out of the case, so that it can get dust on it and get damaged. My cousin did that with my Madden 25 a few days ago.
But to be fair, she was living with a few guys that were not really housebroken. She has just moved into her own place, which I hope to see when she's settled. I trust it's not so bad!
@ Clubber- I'd say that's often true, the bachelor comment you made. I guess I'm kind of the exception to that because I'm a bachelor and live with my cousin who's also a bachelor and our pad is pretty clean. I don't know, I just can't stand a mess. And you know what really grinds my gears? When people leave CDs/blu-ray's/DVD's out of the case. It's like you pay all that hard earned money for stuff and just leave it out of the case, so that it can get dust on it and get damaged. My cousin did that with my Madden 25 a few days ago.
I've got to be careful not to click around on that site, I could waste a lot of time.