
Another stripperweb storie courtesy of Yoda

Tuesday, February 18, 2014 7:29 AM
[view link] All fun and games, but the excuse making! Get this: "I had someone the other day say that I look great for y early 30s.(.but that isnt everyone's' opinion).. What I see moreso is that my age is hurting me..When ur over 30 even if u look like a superhot porn star guys rnt gonna necessarily gravitate towards that look..The young, skinny, flat chested girls seem to draw the men here over the bombshell look...Dont get me wrong I have my regs who adore me but I am talking about the overall reg bar clientel...I think sometimes bc I have more of the bombshell look it makes me unapproachable so I naturally stand out and guys sense they cant get over on me and therefore dont even try sometimes...Idk maybe I would be better in an area which more rich and upscale clientele who can appreciate a bombshell over the cute girl next door look..." Sorry for the run on sentence, but I wanted to quote her perfectly. See, she's to beautiful to be approachable. Well, unless by her regs or something. But all guys should be into her! They have no likes or dislikes on their own! Maybe she needs to go to a rich area and be a bombshell. (Cuz you know, guys never have a "I'm in the mood for a..." or they are just little children and she needs a real man like the rich kind!) But she just can't comprehend why ALL MEN aren't into her. It's soooo strange. Huh.


  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    Sounds like a stuck up female to me. Everybody should be able to understand that not everyone will either find them attractive or even find them a person that they'd like to be friends with. It's called life.
  • mrrock
    10 years ago
    I bet she's the type that sits in the club on her cell and expects all the PL's to come to her cause she's such a godess! I suspect her attitude is what's affecting her amount of clientele no her looks (if she is really as good looking as she says she is).
  • rockstar666
    10 years ago
    I'm not attracted to the 'bombshell' types at all, but there was this one who was a friend of my ATF so I got to know her just hanging out. Despite her collagen lips, huge fake boobs and suicide blonde hair, I actually found I liked her because she was funny, and not stuck up, and had an unusual past that she made interesting. Just goes to show...we all have prejudices to overcome. I'd have danced with her eventually but she got another job before I could. Oh well.
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    @Rockstar-I had a similar experience with a blonde bombshell. This chick was hella cool. She was a military brat who was born in Singapore, spoke English, Spanish, Korean, Mandarin, and Hindi(she loves Bollywood and Indian culture), has lived around the globe, she scuba dives and snorkels, and a host of other cool shit. Never judge a book by the cover.
  • dutchman2000
    10 years ago
    Personality goes a long way. If she just sits and waits, she could easily be passed over. But if anywhere near as good looking as she thinks, pick a guy, have a seat, spend 5 minutes making him feel like you think he is awesome. Bet you get a dance. If not, you've blown 5 minutes. I sent at least 7 nice looking ladies on there way Friday due to poor attitude. Then a "bombshell" comes along and took 5 minutes , maybe 10 to chat and then "suggested" a dance. She got it, and I knew within the first 2 min she was going to get my money. But maybe that's just me.
  • Alucard
    10 years ago
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