
Ideal Visit

Ok, another oppurtunity for unbriddled wankery: What would your ideal visit to a SC be like?


  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    A blast from the past ala RL.
  • davids
    19 years ago
    Anyone just has to read their "is the stripper really into me?" posts by the likes of shadowcat and FONDL to know what these men are really looking for in SCs. They can deny it all they like to themselves and try and convince us but we know better.

    FONDL, speaks of low intelligence, but if after 40 years he still hasn't figured out that the way to land the girls he wants is to not spend money, then he is truly a retard.

    Oh, wait: he has told on other occasions that he can get those kind whenever he wants for free (but still pays anyway) and that he doesn't want them anyway (but still pays anyway). Yeah, right, FONDL. When did you become a liar, btw?

    FONDL you are the most pathetic poster on this board by a longshot and that is saying quite a bit.
    19 years ago
    AN, thanks for pointing out the obvious, that I do have a full social life outside of clubs that includes all the friends that I want. For me strip clubs are an occasional diversion from from my real world where I can be someone else for a little while (or as I like to say, I can let my inner child out to play.) I suspect it's Davids who is lacking for real friendship, unless he has a very different personality in person than he presents here.

    As I've pointed out many times here, I don't go looking for friends in clubs, in fact quite the opposite, I try not to take it OTC because more times than not that ends up screwing up a good "club buddy" relationship which I enjoy. I'm convinced that Davids either (1) doesn't bother reading anyone else's posts, or (2) his low level of intelligence doesn't permit him to understand or remember what he reads, or (3) he just enjoys tormenting the rest of us no matter how big an ass it makes him. That's why I rarely read his posts and when I do I rarely respond to them.
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    DavidS. I would do sign language, or let you read my lips, but it seems that the RL method is all we have for emphasis. First let's review your complaint.

    "Why not get friends for free outside of strip clubs?"

    Who says FONDL doesn't have a full social life with all the friends he wants? You apparently, absent any evidence whatsoever. Why is it that you seem to assume that what we talk about here is the whole of our lives. I know I post here a lot, but I also play online chess a lot, read movie reviews, news, shop, get computer tips, and buy and listen to music. These are passtimes, not the very definition of who I am. I actually spend very little time in strip clubs compared to sports bars. Would you assume that then I need to find real friends to watch sports with, or get my own TV? The fact that I like sports bars or titty bars does not preclude having a life outside them. Now, as to why FONDL likes to have relationships, BECAUSE HE WANTS TO. Was that clear? guess what, I LIKE TO ALSO. I have friends and family, I enjoy spending time with them, and I have many interests outside the clubs. When I go to the clubs I do so to relax. If I find a dancer I like I will form a relationship because then my visits are more enjoyable. Apparently this offends you and RL, who I'm starting to suspect are one and the same, to the core of your being. GET OVER IT. One last thought that might not have crossed your mind. This board and our lives are not about you and the way you see things. My desires and life are not subject to your approval and I feel no obligation whatsoever to conform to your skewed view of reality. If half your posts are going to be about other posters and how pathetic they are my advice is to go to the pink board and start a flame war there. Your unique views of strippers would undoubtedly spark a lively conversation and you could display your mental superiority to your heart's content (or until they banned you).
  • ralphyboy
    19 years ago
    Gotta love a guy who answers a compliment with a name-calling attack on the person who extended the compliment. Takes a real class act, and the type of person who makes these forums a pleasure to participate in. (NOT). And speaking of wankers, it is "unbridled" and not "unbriddled."
  • davids
    19 years ago
    FONDL: "But when you're older intimacy is it's own reward. With that distinction in mind, I enjoy the intimacy that's sometimes available in clubs but I'm not looking for sex."

    Why not get friends for free outside of strip clubs? FONDL, you are truly sad and pathetic. And you say you have been going to strip clubs for 40 years and not once in that time did you figure out that paying for friendship is the wrong way? How dumb are you?

    19 years ago
    BTW, davids, I liked your "unbridled wankery." Well done.
    19 years ago
    Ralphy and Chandler, we're obviously in agreement here. Seems to me that the friendliest places are usually the local downscale clubs, but today's dancers and clubs all are trying to go upscale. Beats the shit out of me why, they're ignoring what most customers want. Which is why a lot of clubs and dancers aren't doing very well anymore, and why I'm moving on.
  • ralphyboy
    19 years ago
    Been in this game 35+ years and I'm with FONDL on this one. It's an increasingly rare dancer who will actually take a few minutes out of the dollar hustle to kick back and talk like a human being. Not surprising--it takes a certain maturity, intelligence and chemistry, all endangered qualities in most joints today. If it ain't sex object vs ATM anymore it just ain't happening. Those elements will never be taken out of the strip club encounter, but when they dominate to the exclusion of all other human values dancer and PL both are losing out on so many deeper and more interesting levels of inter-action. Just part of the reason our new SHOW ME THE MONEY world can be such a lonely place to walk around in.
  • chandler
    19 years ago
    Fondl, please note that I wrote "physically intimate" to distiguish it from emotional intimacy, which I don't look for in a strip club. I draw the same distinction you describe (as surely any adult should do), and I've decided which one I'm better off seeking in the real world.
    19 years ago
    Chandler, I draw a big distinction between intimacy and sex. I think that's a distinction that older guys can make more easily. When you're young, you tend to view intimacy as foreplay. But when you're older intimacy is it's own reward. With that distinction in mind, I enjoy the intimacy that's sometimes available in clubs but I'm not looking for sex.
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    Good point, three, cause the path and geometry works out.
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    The MATH works out that is.
  • chandler
    19 years ago
    My ideal visit would be something different from whatever my last visit was like. It would include getting physically intimate with pretty girls I don't know well, some of whom I may never see again. They might be hard working girls with good attitudes, lazy girls, girls with flaws, low self esteem, bad habits, filthy imaginations. There would be inappropriate touching, breaking of rules and possibly a statute, lies would be told, bullshit would be in the air. I might hear one true thing said that I would remember. I might feel in danger, like in my first visits when it was all new and strange. My ideal visit would include disappointments and pleasant surprises, things I never could foresee or wish for.
  • chandler
    19 years ago
    Only one dancer for wild monkey sex?? Gotta be at least two or it's less than ideal. Twins, of course. No, triplets! Make that quad.....
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    Given that for the most part we'd all want to meet a 10 that would fall in love with us immediately, charge us nothing, have her buy our drinks and come home for wild monkey sex all night, I think "ideal" may need to be considered as within the realm of possibility of normal strip club experiences. Given that limitation, I think FONDL is pretty close. A nice club, reasonable prices, some good high mileage (no extras necessary for me, I'm not into public sex) two way contact with a hot girl who dotes on you all night. Leave happy, with a light buzz and not broke (with a hot dancer ready to give you wild monkey sex all night).
    19 years ago
    My ideal visit acually wouldn't be x-rated. I'd go into a club with a really friendly laid-back atmosphere, meet a really attractive and interesting lady, we'd have a few drinks and talk for awhile, she'd smile and laugh alot while maintaining good eye contact, I'd watch her dance on stage a couple of times, we'd go do some excellent but legal private dances that include a lot of 2-way contact, she'd give me a phone number and invite me to come see her again, and the entire time we're together she'd be totally focused on me. And it wouldn't cost an arm and a leg. Sounds so simple that you'd think it would be pretty common but it isn't. But I have had the experience with 2 of my 3 of my favs (the third worked at a place that was overpriced.) Which is why they were favs.
  • chitownlawyer
    19 years ago
    I, personally, am to embarrassed to say.
  • chitownlawyer
    19 years ago
    That's "too", of course.
  • chitownlawyer
    19 years ago
    Which, for a lawyer, is saying a lot.
  • Clubber
    19 years ago
    I think there is a limit on how much we can type. Also, most postings would likely be quite similar.
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