
The good and bad of cultivating favorites

Another long boring topic to flog to death. I like to have favorites at the clubs I go to regularly. I started to do this defensively at a time when the dancer quality at my local clubs was at a low ebb. I wanted to know there would be someone hot there, so I got to know the names of a few dancers and started checking the schedules before going. Obviously when I did go they were the best looking dancers and I spent most of my time with them, putting me in the catagory of "regular". I noticed some advantages to being a "regular". Once you get the stripper seal of approval from a girl your reputation in the club goes up. Dancers and bouncers are friendlier, your waitress is a little quicker and friendlier, and gradually you may even get some comps. My regular girls and I have reached an agreement, I'll take care of you and you'll take care of me. I know that she has put some effort into learning what I like. I've had regulars change into my favorite costume when they see me show up, or switch sets with another girl so they could go up on my stage then come sit with me. On her part, she knows she doesn't have to hustle quite so much that night, because if she does her job with me, she knows she'll get paid. Being able to sit and dance for a regular takes a lot of the uncertainty out of the night, and if the regular is a decent guy, you may actually enjoy yourself as opposed to hitting every lurker in the house to try to cover the tipout. The downside is it can get almost like dating. She may start to depend on you rather than appreciate you. What happens when you see another dancer that catches your fancy or you get tired of your CF? You have to be careful or that cultivated rep as a nice guy who takes care of the girls can suffer a bit of damage. Other thoughts?


  • ShotDisc
    19 years ago
    One major downer is when your Favs retire or disappear. It's like losing a friend.
    19 years ago
    Komey, I agree, I never really go looking for a regular either, it's just that when I run into a girl who I really enjoy I will usually go back to see her again. And again. And if I continue to like her I end up becoming a regular.
  • komey1970
    19 years ago
    I never intentially cultivated favorites. They just happened. One of them at a topless bar asked me to buy a ticket to a private party where the dancers get fully nude after only one visit because she felt comfortable with me.
    19 years ago
    Shadowcat, I think a big difference between how you operate and how I do has to do with the club that you've found. I don't think I've ever been in a club where 5 or 6 girls appealed to me. In fact usually I have trouble finding one. If I could find a place with that many girls who appealed to me I probably wouldn't bother having a favorite either, there'd be no need to.

    Sounds like Chandler and I like the same type of girl, the very young ones with a high flake factor. They can be a lot of fun for a one-nighter. But every once in awhile I run across one of those whose flake factor isn't as high as usual, because she's a little more intelligent and a little more mature than most. That's the girl who becomes a favorite for me. I kind of enjoy a little flakiness as long as it's not too bad, I find it amusing.
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    Chandler likes to walk on the wild side. I can understand going to a club for something different or exciting, and as I said I do that also, but it is nice to have that standby. One thing I will note, most of my favorites have been older dancers (usually at least late 20's). I think if they make it that long in the buisness without the burnout they've come to a few realizations (or rationalizations). Most of them that I know consider having a few good regulars their bread and butter.
  • chandler
    19 years ago
    I guess a big reason I don't cultivate favorites is that the type of girls I fall for have too high a flake factor. They're usually younger, under 25, the type of girl who'll give you her phone number one month, and the next month it's been disconnected. Then you get that one, and it turns out it's for a cell phone somebody loaned her. And so it goes. They're the type Fondl talks about who don't scheme, they react. I've gotten so I know when to not even bother trying to set anything up with them. I've always had a weakness for fast girls like that, even long before I first set foot in a strip club. With the type who are more reliable and more responsible, I may have a great time when I see them, they may be gorgeous, super sweet girls whose lap dance mileage is unreal, they just don't excite me as much, and the idea of centering my clubbing around them seems rather boring.
    19 years ago
    Chandler, you are absolutely right, it can become too routine. That's sort of what I meant by saying the girl can take you for granted and stop trying as hard. I used to break it up by doing what AN does, which is to go to other clubs now and then for the excitement of the unknown, especially when I traveled alot, and someetimes that is a lot of fun if you hit it right. But when you want to just kick back and relax with as little hastle and effort as possible, it's nice to have a regular at your beck and call. At least for me it is. But I recognize that everyone is different, we don't all go to clubs for the same reasons. In fact some of us probably go for different reasons at different times, depending on our mood, I know I do.
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    When I go to my local club it's usually to blow off some steam and relax, so think of it as the weekend cabin (to extend your metaphor). Safe, reliable, known, somewhere you know you can relax. I do enjoy the adventure part you mention. I usually do that when I travel, but every so often I'll break out of the routine and try some different clubs locally. I will agree that as FONDL says it is kind of tough to keep a stable regular. I think 6 months is about right for the flake timescale, so I try to keep a second and third happy so it isn't so tough to find a good solid regular when the CF flakes.
  • chandler
    19 years ago
    First of all, AN, I appreciate that you recognize both a good and a bad side. Too often, I hear advocates talk as though it's always all for the good. That eveyone's goal should be to have an ATF. I don't deny that there are advantages to having a favorite you can rely on. When I'm sitting alone in a club where all the girls seem to be monopolized by their regulars, you can bet I think about it. But my main objection is how it changes the whole experience from an adventure to a routine. It depends on what you're looking for, and I go to clubs to escape the routine. To me, ATF-centered clubbers are like people whose idea of camping is to haul trailers with all the modern conveniences so that they can make their campsite as close to home as possible. I try to keep my baggage to a minimum.
    19 years ago
    I agree with your discussion of the benefits, which in my opinion make it worth doing. The downside depends on the girl but may include: (1) some girls will eventually take you for granted and try less hard to please you (I find this is the most common problem); (2) some will expect you to spend more and more as time goes on and get annoyed if you don't, particularly when business is slow; (3) some will eventually try to play you, for example, they'll start saying that they want to get together outside the club when they have no intention of doing so, again in hopes of getting you to spend more; and (4) there's so much turnover in the business that sooner or later thay all move on and you have to find another one, which takes some time and effort. It's been my experience that you can keep having fun with the same girl for maybe 6 months to a year and then it will begin to head south. It's rare to find a girl who won't eventually do any of these things and with whom you can maintain a long-term club-buddy relationship. They become ATFs.
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