
BadAss-ery vs RickyBoy

Wednesday, February 5, 2014 8:39 AM
Here is a YT clip about passing the test women throw to me as a way of filtering men. [view link] Apply that to the SC, I think it would work to a point because the environment is different, dancers see men as ATM and will use techniques to separate money from them. On the other hand, Ricky Boy's System is what I see as being taken from ideas that were floated before on the net long before I became a member here on TUSCL. Ricky Boy's does not eliminate the money angle from the system, instead money is used to get the dancer to play a different game. Now I wonder if there is a way be means of synthesis, get dancers to follow the money your way.


  • sofaking87
    10 years ago
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    Ah, just as I was leaving for work. :-) Hope to post some comments on it later.
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    LOL! Interesting indeed.
  • jackslash
    10 years ago
    This is useless nonsense in terms of dating attractive women. It is pointless in terms of fucking attractive strippers.
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    LOL! I like how he stated the 96% figure so exactly. I wonder what Mr System2's take on this would be.
  • alabegonz
    10 years ago
    Ive actually usef several tricks PUA use, for example the Plow technique got through the insult of a dancer straight to her pussy. She said somehow i managed to sneak around her ploy.
  • joker44
    10 years ago
    jackslash: agree wholeheartedly. OP: From your one and only review: “I was on a road trip and it was that time of the day when I had to find a place to sleep. Around 7:00 pm I found a cheap motel near the highway. I parked the car and went to the cashier and paid the amount. Then proceeded to the room and prepared for the night. Got dressed, went out of the room and into the car. Pulled the GPS out and typed-in the address. Drove the car until the GPS said I was at Ten's. Parked the car then went inside.” “At the door, I was greeted by the usher/gate cashier. Paid the entrance and off I went walking to the main floor. I proceeded to the bar where I bought a drink. Holding the glass I walked towards the main stage, chose a good location, comfortable at best, I sat in one of the lounge chairs. “ “She sat down, greeted me. I never showed her how excited I was, just played it cool. Told her I was just passing and will only stay one night in Tucson. We exchanged a lot of stories and from there I could tell the chemistry was there. I just need to get her closer and start the intimacy right away. Not really sure how it happened but somehow out of that smooth convo, we ended going to a dimly lit place, it's not the VIP, more like a lounging area. She gave me dances, she definitely was a pleaser. I really enjoyed the moment. After that, we moved to the VIP section, definitely dark. I don't exactly remember how many songs were played but I just had a good time with her. Of course, the lapdance was awesome, plus the touches/kisses to her to increase intimacy level to something I would remember up to this day. You need to use your vivid imagination here to picture what I'm trying to say. When I say touches I meant my hands went everywhere. Before the the closing, she gave me her digits and off I went. My mind was still thinking about her. I sent her another text message when I got to Phoenix, she texted back. And that was it.” Barf! @#^%
  • joker44
    10 years ago
    OP: “’PUAs [always] have “sure fire” ways to pick up chicks... the first PUA book, aptly titled How to Pick Up Girls (1970) had a supermarket method. It sold 2,000,000 copies. The advice was simply, “Just go over and say [insert lame pick up line].” Not kidding. That book was turned into a really, really, bad TV movie. But the author, Eric Weber, became a multi-millionaire! So 21st century PUAs think they can become rich giving the same useless advice. Not a one of them has any idea how to find, meet, talk with and date! Not a one!’” 21st century PUAs know the ‘pick up lines routine’ game has been played out so they now offer the ‘Seven surefire techniques to...’; the ‘Three characteristics of successful...’, etc. Go to BadAsses website and you get another ‘setup’ video preceded by a dire warning that the following video may be ‘shocking’ to some. Oy! Got a new ‘hi-tech’ startup you might want to invest in, too. Nigerian email scam anyone. OP: listen to the video CAREFULLY; BadAss offers nothing but general though plausible BS until near the end when he dangles the bait ‘Seven techniques to pass the three tests’. The only ‘game’ being played is on PL suckers and the goal is to get them to spend $$$ to buy into the SYSTEM by attracting some male viewers to his website. You are an ATM — not to dancers but to BadAss. And one guy’s assessment of why young women go to bars— “eighty percent are there to: SATISFY HER CURIOSITY ABOUT BARS PROVE TO FRIENDS SHE CAN ATTRACT GUYS PLAY COCKTEASE FOR HER OWN ENJOYMENT GET DRUNK ON DRINKS GUYS BUY HER. PUNISH OR ESCAPE HER BOYFRIEND ENJOY BEING LOOKED AT AND APPROACHED BE SOMEWHERE THAT’S COOL AND TRENDY COCKTEASE FOR FRIENDS’ ENTERTAINMENT PRACTICE TALKING WITH MALES PRETEND SHE’S GROWN UP JUST DANCE AND LAUGH” See my post “You need a BOYFRIEND!”
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    At the end of the day the thing that is most ridiculous about RickyBoy's system is that is a stupid attempt to apply PUA-like tactics in an arena in which no tactics are needed - i.e. paying hookers for sex with the whole point being that you don't any game or tactics. So they are completely disjoint worlds if are just going to end up paying at the end of the day. (Now if you are looking at scoring without paying that is whole different game.)
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    A better title for this thread might be "Bad Assery Versus RickyBoy's DumbAssery".
  • crazyjoe
    10 years ago
    Funny commentary Dougster
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    @Doug-I wonder if you have to be a bad ass 100% of the time or only 35%?
  • crazyjoe
    10 years ago
    Bad ass all day every day
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    @Spic: maybe badass 100% of the time equals = 100% success, but 35% of the time only gets you a 35% success rate?
  • crazyjoe
    10 years ago
    All day every day
  • crazyjoe
    10 years ago
    That guy in the video is a bad ass at being a poser
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    I was a bad ass once. Told about 5 dudes, I'll fight y'all at once. Boy did that turn out very un-bad ass.
  • sharkhunter
    10 years ago
    I thought about the video. I think something's wrong. Lots of times when I refuse to buy a dancer a drink, she leaves. It's like sending a message that you don't want to spend money on her, unless she picked up other clues. Although a couple of times I had a dancer say she didn't want a drink anyway or that she was glad I told the waitress no because the waitress kept butting in as soon as she sat down asking if the customer wanted to buy her a drink.
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