
Leave it to guys in a strip club to find a new way to upset a girl

One guy tipped a hot dancer ten dollars in bills. I remember seeing him keep tipping. No one else was but I was going to wait to tip her a dollar. After he left I did. As expected she went over to him. About an hour later she came over to me asking for a dance. She has danced for me a few times.

She told me the other guy asked her if she was a dike. Somehow the conversation went to whether or not her pussy was pushing out through her bikini bottom. Not that I could see. She left him. She said she wasn't going to dance for him after that question. Some people really know how to charm a girl. lol, well I didn't mind. I enjoyed getting dances from one of the hottest girls in the club. After a few minutes, she said, " I wonder if he was just trying to see my pussy?"
hmmm, maybe.


  • crazyjoe
    11 years ago
  • lopaw
    11 years ago
    Funny but if I ask a girl if she's a lesbian she'll snuggle up closer to me and say that she is, whether she really is or not.Never have had a bad reaction yet.
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    I think the dancer worded it more like the guy was asking if she had a dick because according to her, it looked like her bikini bottom was sticking out more than normal. Maybe that wasn't said but that's how she interpreted whatever questions were asked. Anyway some guys say all the wrong things and send the girls away, lol.
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    She actually has a visible landing strip since her bikini bottom is cut low. I thought seeing the landing strip in a topless only club was sexy but she is all over. There must have been more to the guys charm then she told me. I don't know. I haven't experimented with asking dancers I tipped on stage if they were a dike. Maybe the guy asked her if she had a dick. Maybe that's what his question was. I could imagine that question causing a dancer to get up and walk away.
  • tumblingdice
    11 years ago
    How'd that adams apple look?
  • lopaw
    11 years ago
    "I haven't experimented with asking dancers I tipped on stage if they were a dike."

    Not a good idea. Best to leave a question like that to us girls. It is received much better coming from another female. Coming from a guy it will generally not go over very well.
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    Lol, I guess not. I didn't notice anything unusual about her. She looked very female. The guy must have been a weirdo.

    I see no point in insulting dancers in the club asking weird questions.
  • jester214
    11 years ago
    Every stripper in the world is bi-sexual. They've all told me so.
  • ReadyPayerOne
    11 years ago
    My ATF sometimes mentions the obnoxious things guys say to her and I wonder if these guys are just assholes, or whether they're trying to use the Pick Up Artist concept of being negative to win her over. Amongst other things, she's been told she comes across as a dyke, she's been told her look is cheesy...
  • alabegonz
    11 years ago
    One thing I did to piss off a fave dancer was to tell her: I think I'm falling in love. She said: f**k you and things changed for the worse, never got better after that. Oh well. I saved a lot of money when it was over, anyway.
  • alabegonz
    11 years ago
    This wasn't me, but a customer would stare to intense at the vag longer than anyone can. And then drop a dollar after two songs. Really pissed the dancer.
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    Happy Stripper=Better Mileage. Keep the strippers happy.
  • zipman68
    11 years ago
    It wasn't you alabegonz? C'mon dude! You're among friends. Tell the truth. 'Twas you a starin' at the pussy with yo' unblinkin' eyes.

    You were all like the all seeing eye of Sauron my man, but you were only focused on the poon. You were like "Poonon the all seeing".

    Not that there's anything wrong with that.
  • skibum609
    11 years ago
    The old adage regarding women goes like this: "treat a lady like a whore and a whore like a lady". Want to be unique in a strip club? Be polite, sensual and courteous. Be complimentary, but not the stupid way strip club men think is complimentary. See a woman with big boobs and say gee you have great tits and you arte just another loser since she's heard that a zillion times, is not blind and can see herself in a mirror. Instead, look at her and say something like you have such a beautiful face, I love women with beautiful eyes. Winner, winner, chicken dinner. She never hears that and now you have set yourself apart from the crowd.
  • rockstar666
    11 years ago
    @skibum: Also tell the beautiful ones they're smart, and the smart ones they're beautiful.
  • Tiredtraveler
    11 years ago
    I asked a girl at the rail as I tipped her "are we having fun yet?" she responded "I will if you assholes would tip more". I told her if she was better looking I would then left and went to a different club.
  • alabegonz
    11 years ago
    last night i made a stripper upset. while i was watching this dancer, she whispered into my ear "i like you so much i will give you the best LD tonight." and i said "the ATM machine is just right there, no biggie i will get some for us to have some fun."

    then, another dancer (@100%) took me to the bar and we had a chat. she was a 100% that i had to get two dances from her.

    when it was over and i was alone, the first dancer approached me and told she was upset.

  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    Some guys just know how to say all the wrong things. lol.
    I just hope they don't piss the dancers off too much or get them crying. It takes them longer to recover. I guess a familiar face is a welcome relief after some guy says the wrong thing.

    I remember one time a nice looking dancer was in tears when she came over to me. I only remember that happening one time. I guess she wanted to talk to me more than anyone else. I do not remember what she said someone said. I do remember seeing a dancer tear up but that was because I was telling her goodbye. Some people get emotional real easy.
  • alabegonz
    11 years ago
    here's another bad move from me.

    yesterday night, at a different club, been seeing this dancer for a month now it is going so well. then last week i fumbled and said something not right and that pushed her button so bad she started a war.

    what i said was this: "please babe if you are going to be so naggy dagger eyes from now on, i guess you should delete my number." i never got any text from her.

    lat night, i apologized to her and was trying to get a convo going, she went to dance on stage, and this better looking dancer just swirled into the moment and grabbed my attention. we made good progress with high IOI on her part. i promised her a dance.

    naggy dancer A did not like what she saw, and while we were in the back she just shouted at me saying "f**k what you just did?" mean words flew like missle nuclear warheads launching, after about one minute it ended right there. i said "this is definitely not working, i'm sorry it ended this way."

    then dancer B came up on stage and called me. after stage we went to the back. awesome experience. for sure, she is a good catch.
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