
Happened to Me with few different strippersI dated in the past

New York
Posting this in good spirits and fun and for opionion gathering.
I'm an attractive good looking male.
I'm dating a stripper or having sex regularly with a stripper. I'm involved romantically and or sexually with a stripper. She's a perfect 10.Or can be considered a perfect 10 or is in My eyes lets say.
She was the only perfect 10 at the club or just the one that stood out as the most attractive of the 8,9,10's.
Maybe she had the biggest breasts or the tightest jlo butt or biggest butt in club. We date or see each other romantically outside the club. Starting off as perhaps being unapproachable She has become or is one of the best paid strippers at the club or most sought after if not popular lets say. When with Me she doesn't ask for money or anything or sometimes pays for Me lets say. I go visit her from time to time at the club when asked to or so I can talk to her friends or co-workers. During them visits we make out or kiss in front of other patrons watching etc... or I get lapdances or get stuff that others don't get otc etc...Word comes out that she is romantically or sexually involved with someone or a patron. Maybe it gets discovered that I'm the patron when I go visit lets say. She has told many a patron she's taken involved or doesn't do freebies or is well taken care of in the sex dept. I notice when I visit her at the club or just her friends people seem to ignore her or shy away. So I make it a habit of not coming to that club often. say once a month or so. Word comes back from time to time that she went from being one of the best paid strippers at that club to barely breaking even. Having now to ask Me for money from time to time.
Question(S) would be whats your opinion on this or what gives?


  • shadowcat
    11 years ago
    Sounds to me like you are asking if your good looks and relationships with one or more dancers has resulted in them losing business.

    No! Most strippers are married or have boy friends and it does not stop them from making money.
  • Djscudmaster
    11 years ago
    But if they go from say 1000 a week to now 500 a week to even less what now?
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    Either she's about her hustle or she's slipping. Simple as that.

    Also, read The Art of War. There's a lot about deception in that book.
  • shadowcat
    11 years ago
    Maybe they just find it easier to take your money!
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
  • Djscudmaster
    11 years ago
    No I went a couple of months with one girl I was involved with not paying a penny to her to having to be her bread winner for the last month and a half because when I saw her a few times when I went to visit at the club try and hustle clients were just giving her dollar tips or rejecting lapdances
  • bigman226
    11 years ago
    You are her man now. She has gotten comfortable. You are expected to take care of her. She's a woman. With woman/stripper logic working against her
  • Clackport
    11 years ago
    If you're dating her, then don't visit her at the club.
  • Djscudmaster
    11 years ago
    YOUR right ranukam but BigMan and Ranukam what if lets say she is Married and the bread winner of the household or wants to help in their lavish lifestyle or maybe something else and I spend a few months with her sexually or just as her regular or favorite patron spending :nothing or very little and when I visit the club ignoring her majority of the time if needed or she keeps rejecting my offers of money then all of a sudden she starts complaining about how slow or lackluster the club has become and starts to ask Me for money which I give her when she's desperate to not go home broke to find out through co-workers if not by her that she is losing her clientele or regulars to other girls, What now?
    Should the same rule apply if she was single rather then if she was My date?
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    It's hard for any of us to know what's going on in the mind of a stripper especially one we have never seen. Luckily you came to the psychic mind reading strip club site. She's getting tired of stripping. She's hot. Guys know it and hope she approaches but she's just not that interested any more. Could she be in love and just doesn't want to dance for other guys so she's not even trying? Good question. I've seen one hot girl in one club and even though I tip her, she never attempts to sit and talk with me or ask for dances. She's a bit strange for a dancer. If not for all her tatoos, I might rate her a 9.
    I often see her sitting or standing alone rather than dancing when they do two for one dances. I think your dancer and this dancer are obviously suffering from quantum entanglement exhibiting the same strange behavior. I know of no cure. Sorry to break the news.
  • Djscudmaster
    11 years ago
    Good Insight SharkHunter but lets say (whether accurate or not-not) I've dated or been involved with 1/2 dozen to a dozen strippers in lifetime as long term/short term relationhips or fuckbuddy relationships whether attractive or not and 75 to 80 percent have suffered the same fate of losing clientel to other girls when at one time , they were popular or sought after or fun to be with or gave good lap dances,
  • Djscudmaster
    11 years ago
    Or is it the qualirt of the patrons that visit
  • Djscudmaster
    11 years ago
    I meant Quality sorry
  • tumblingdice
    11 years ago
    Jerkoffs say what.
  • skibum609
    11 years ago
    I find the story unbelievable because dancers kissing patrons in the public areas of clubs is a non no everywhere I have ever been and boyfriends coming in is a no no at most clubs as well. If the story is true and she is losing customers, maybe they think you're diseased.
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