How often do you see a '10'?

avatar for chandler
I've seen very few strippers I would rate as 10s. I go to more dives than upscale clubs, so I'm sure that has something to do with it. Earlier this month, I went back to the last club where I remembered seeing any possible 10s about five years ago. This time no 10s and hardly any 9s. I see far more 10s in the real world, but still they are rare. I think they should be rare, or else it doesn't mean anything. I read reviews where 10-rated strippers are as common as butt tattoos. I can't believe there are that many out there, all happening to work in clubs I don't go to.

How as it been for you? (And, please, if you don't like numerical ratings, just accept them for the sake of discussion. I'm not crazy about them myself.)


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avatar for FONDL
19 years ago
What does it matter whether we agree or not? If a girl is a 10 to me, I'm delighted if no one else in the club agrees, I don't want her to become too popular that she doesn't have time to spend with me. To me that's the perfect dancer, one who I find really hot and everyone else thinks is pretty average. Unfortunately that doesn't often happen.
avatar for Clubber
19 years ago
We could never come to an agreement on this subject since it is so subjective. I kind of like chandler's two two rating system.
My favorite system has two ratings: I'd do her or I wouldn't do her.
avatar for JC2003
19 years ago
What is a 10 anyways? It's hard to say how often I've seen a 10 if I don't know what the criteria are for someone I've seen being one.
avatar for Clubber
19 years ago

Understood, but if the "10", in your eyes were perfect, what would you then decide she would be if somthing changed for the better. Something could always be better.
Clubber, if something were changed on a '10', I don't know what she would become. I'd have to see the result to tell you. I would expect it to make her a 9 or less. Like I said, one of the defining characteristic of the 10s I've seen is that the question of improving any feature never enters your mind. Apparently, you and I have quite different conceptions of all this. That's why numerical ratings are so confusing.
A '10', to me, is unsurpassable. Unattainable would be an '11'.
avatar for Clubber
19 years ago

You stated "Clubber and some others seem to define a '10' by an absence of flaws. I certainly don't." What I am saying is that a "10", to me, is unattainable. I just figure there is always a woman out there, somewhere, that I will never see or meet that could be better than any I know.
avatar for FONDL
19 years ago
I don't recall ever seeing Mr. Roberts but I remember the name so maybe I did.

Getting back to the original topic, to me a 10 is a girl who makes you stop and stare and think, "holy shit, she's gorgeous." The first time I saw my current fav, I had gotten up from the bar and was heading for the door when out she walked onto the stage. Instead of leaving I stopped to watch and though exactly that but I also thought, "major attitude alert" because she wasn't smiling. I went up to the stage to give her a tip and she gave me a great smile and told me how nervous she was because it was her first day, so I asked her to join me which she did as soon as her dance was over. She's the best dancers I've ever seen anywhere. Her club had a Miss Nude contest last year with a $5,000 first prize that attracted dancers from all over, and she won. I would have been shocked if she hadn't, she's that good.
10 in SC's.. a rarity. Can't nail down exactly what a 10 is, but each individual in own mind will recognize 1 when they see it. In addition to boilerplate items of beauty, charm, etc, 10 dancer should also stand out; both from all the dancers in club, and all dancers that you have seen in last 1-5 yrs.
FONDL, are you lobbying for a Supreme Court nomination?
I'm strictly on the Disney/Pixar circuit these days. But when I did go to see adult movies, my favorites were 1 A CLockwork ORange; 2 A Face in the Crowd; 3. All the King's Men; 4. Breaker Morant; 5. SOB. All of these satisfied my fairly dark sensibilities.
avatar for FONDL
19 years ago
I think all the great movies of that era had a little of the bitter-sweet to them. My favorite was probably "Breakfast at Tiffany's." Talk about bitter-sweet. When she tossed Cat out of the cab I probably came as close to crying as any movie I've ever seen. "Bell, Book and Candle" and "North by Northwest" are my other 2 favorites. But I'm showing my age. I rarely go to movies anymore.
FONDL, I'll defer to you on the origin of the use of "10" as a rating for women. I was a senior in high school when the movie came out, so it may just be that the release of the movie coincided with MY awareness of that use of the term.

I did see the movie in the theatre, so I saw the telescope scene that you are referring to. That movie was one of the funnier ones to come out during the 70s, although I think there was a little melancholy aspect to it, in the sense that Dudley got exactly what he thought he always hump a woman like Bo...and it still didn't make him happy. I think that the moral of the movie is that happiness comes from wanting what you have, rather than necessarily from having what you want. I suppose there is something optimistic in that message, in a sort of sick, Hallmark-card sort of way.
Clubber and some others seem to define a '10' by an absence of flaws. I certainly don't. A girl with no flaws would probably rate no more than an 8 with me. For me, a '10' is a beauty so rare and exquisite that what would be considered flaws in others only contributes to her beauty. I've seen a few, and there was never any question of one thing or another being 'better'.
avatar for FONDL
19 years ago
I have to disagree with the contention that referring to a beautiful woman as a "10" originated with the movie of the same name. I'm old enough to remember that this expression was common long before the movie ever came out, the movie just capitalized on it and expanded it's popular usage.

Incidently, I've seen at least 2 different versions of the movie. I refer specifically to the numerous scenes where Dudley Moore is spying through a telescope on his neighbor's pool parties. In the made-for-TV version, the girls are all in bikinis. In the original screen version they are all naked, which is one of the best parts of the movie. Rent it if you've never seen it. It's one of the funniest movies ever made IMO.
avatar for DandyDan
North Iowa
19 years ago
I have never seen a '10'. I wouldn't what one looked like if she fell in my lap. I have seen girls who had '10' figures, and others who have '10' personalities, and others were '10's' when it came to dancing, but none have ever combined them all.
avatar for Clubber
19 years ago

NOTHING about her could be better?
avatar for FONDL
19 years ago
I can only recall 4 10s that I've ever met in strip clubs: the first one was in a little titty bar in Ft. Lauderdale 30 years ago and coincidently was probably the first girl I ever saw dancing completely nude in the US, the second was my first fav 10 years ago in Key West, the third a girl in a little titty bar in NJ about 3 years ago who gave the most erotic LDs ever which is maybe why the place is called Erotic Cafe, and my current fav in Baltimore. My current fav is the only across-the-board (face, body, personality, dancing ability) 10 dancer who I've ever met. She is my idea of perfection. Which is why she's also my last fav. When she quits so do I.

Don't tell her I said so but my ATF is probably only an 8 or 9, but she more than makes up for it in personality.
avatar for Clubber
19 years ago
I think a 10 exists only in our minds. I know I've never seen what I would consider the perfect woman in my 56+ years on this earth. Now I have seen many 9.99999's, but 10's, to me, only exisit in the Olympics.
Ah, yes, the glories of court reporters..particularly the young freelancers looking for a lawyer husband. Brings back fond memories of pretty blondes in their early 20s telling you, during breaks at depositions, how they "just don't have anything to do this weekend." This would lead to an invitation to have breakfast Saturday morning..after arranging to pick them up at eight o'clock Friday night.
"10's" are rare in SC's these days. Club owners have no standards or quality control in the Detroit area. Any girl who wants to walk across the stage in a bikini can get hired. Most of the dancers wouldn't get a second look from guys if you saw them in a shopping mall. I saw better looking babes in my courtroom when I was a judge.
Although I would not let it be known that I had such a clause in my will, since it could put in place some fairly undesirable incentives.
I'm not sure I'd "lol" about it. Frankly, in terms of people who have given me enjoyment over the years, I seriously don't think that anything would be wrong with a clause in a will providing something along the lines of, "$x to Destiny at _____________, or , if my executor cannot find/identify her, to be split equally among all dancers working the 9 to close shift on the date of my death at _________________, or at any other strip club in ________________ (city), to be determined by my executor."

or, as will probably happen in my case, "$X to whichever dancer happens to be on top of me in the VIP room when I have my fatal heart attack."
No, that was a gracious "extra." However, I suspect that as a recently divorced man, your will wasn't too hard to write. Frankly, my secretary can prepare most of the "everything to my spouse, and to the children thereafter" standard wills that are part of a standard general practice. Wills are also loss leaders...I charge 75 for a single person's will, 125 for a couple, and I think that is probably standard. The virtue in doing wills is that the heirs think they have to use you to handle the estate (not true), and if the estate is complicated, as when a business owner dies, the fees can be attractive (not as good, however, as when I first went into practice, and you charged a flat six percent of the estate, regardless of how easy it was to do the work. Unfortunately, the Supreme Court held that practice to be unethical, for the very reasons that it was such a good deal for the lawyers....)
Shadowcat, you're exactly correct, and therefore I stand corrected.

I'm reducing my fee for that flawed post to 50% of the customary charge.
Bo Derek was a 9 at best. When her lips moved, she lost another point or two.
During the last presidential campaign, I saw an article discussing the Republican minority among Hollywood types, like Bruce Willis, Bo Derek, Chuck NOrris. Bo attributes her failure to get a decent role in 15 years to being known as a Hollywood Republican.

I sympathize with her political views, but I have several other possible explanations for her silent, "Bolero", "Tarzan: THe Legend of Greystoke," and several others too painful to remember.

A nice rack only gets you so far. There was a reason taht Jon Derek used to trade in for a new 19 year old every ten years or so.
I think the main difference between strippers in gentlemen's clubs and the better looking ones in dives is not innate beauty but polish and presentation: hair, makeup, outfits, "seasoned" dance moves (not that I'm always a fan of what passes for this). Presentation can improve a girl's rating, but can it make a '10'? I'd say only if bad presentation had made her something less.
Chandler, I'm not sure that hanging out in dives destines you to see fewer "10"s than if you went to "Gentlemen's clubs." If you think of the rating as embodying the whole dancer, then what a better-looking dancer gains in the looks scale, she may lose in the personality scale, esp. if 10+ years of always being the best looking girl around in her life have corroded her personality.
Never, and I likely won't see one in a strip club. I use the rating "10" in its historical and literal sense. As some of you joining me in middle age, or older, will remember, the use of that phrase with respect to women came into being as a result of the Bo Derek/Dudley Moore movie of the same name, which came out somewhere around 1979/80. "10" is a very conservative, moralistic movie which also just happens to feature a naked Bo Derek riding Dudley Moore cowgirl (who can forget the beads in her cornrows slapping Moore's face as she is screwing him?). The point is, what made Bo Derek's character a "10" was the fact that, to Moore's character, she was the complete culmination of everything he looked for in a woman, to the point that all other women were irrelevant to him. By that standard, and almost by definition, a man can only have one "10" in his life. The ironic thing about BO's status was that, after getting into this affair, Moore's character realized that Bo wasn't his "10", either, and he went back to his droopy, saggy, middle-aged wife, Julie Andrews.

Now, if we relax that standard a little bit, and talk about factors that can be assessed in a strip club...face, body, sexiness, personality, etc., then I would say I have met 2, maybe three, dancers that I would consider to be "10"s. And I consider myself very fortunate to have met that many.
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