She's cute for sure, but she's alittle odd when it comes to the whole jesus issue, lol! Aside from that I hope she attacks all sides of the political spectrum. A democracy works best when it can stand up to criticism.
What I should've said was, how come the Republicans go after Democrats for doing what the Bush administration did and vice versa? Both sides are assholes.
If you can't see that the media in general is very left-leaning...then you are probably a leftist in the first place. Fox does tend to lean to the right...but it's the only one that does.
Nobody can honestly say that President Obama has been treated the same way by the press as President Bush. Bush was blamed for the Abu Ghraib stuff where some idiot contractor security made the muslims pile up while naked...meanwhile, nobody even tries to tie Obama to the IRS/TeaParty scandal, Gun running to the mexicans, Benghazi, and a laundry list of other issues since Obama took office.
So take off your blinders and at least admit the differences!
You are so wrong! You have to remember "O" knew nothing about any of those things till he heard about them the same time we did. I guess what he's trying to say is that he isn't a liar, just a idiot. But he sure is angry about them all! List to him talk after each one. They will get to the bottom of it and get who's responsible. Name one that has been "solved"?
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Fuck yeah. Not Megyn who I don't really dig, but I still dig the Fox chicks! Yeee-waaah!!!!
Nobody can honestly say that President Obama has been treated the same way by the press as President Bush. Bush was blamed for the Abu Ghraib stuff where some idiot contractor security made the muslims pile up while naked...meanwhile, nobody even tries to tie Obama to the IRS/TeaParty scandal, Gun running to the mexicans, Benghazi, and a laundry list of other issues since Obama took office.
So take off your blinders and at least admit the differences!
You are so wrong! You have to remember "O" knew nothing about any of those things till he heard about them the same time we did. I guess what he's trying to say is that he isn't a liar, just a idiot. But he sure is angry about them all! List to him talk after each one. They will get to the bottom of it and get who's responsible. Name one that has been "solved"?