Steve229 Sighting
Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
He had not commented on the board since Nov. 2012 and not written a review since before that.
He recently wrote a review which was published yesterday 1/12/14.
1320 II
7039 Brookfield Plaza
Springfield, Virginia 22150-2918
Reviewed on: January 12, 2014
Visited on: Tuesday Evening
Dancers on Shift: 1-5
First visit since the remodel, which proved a real upgrade. Dancers seemed much friendlier than in the past. Before dancers were known for sticking to their regulars, but I had a dancer ask to join me at my table soon after I arrived. Stage on the left with two poles. Dancers do a set of 2-3 dances, play their own music from an electronic jukebox.. Nice mix of dancers as far as ethnicity & body types. This is Virginia so girls wear pasties and you can only get beer & wine. Prices still reasonable, had a Sam Adams seasonal on tap for $6.25. Like what they've done, & I will be back.…