Average lap dance price

I was just curious what the average lap dance price was in other cities across America. I live in St. Louis and they usually range from $25-$35, over the weekend I visited a club that was $40 a song which is a all time high from my experience. I know the higher class joints tend to be on that side of the scale but the quality at this club sure didn't match the price.
Also, at what price do you guys usually draw the line? I tend to back off when the price gets over $30 a song... if the girl is irresistible then I guess I have no choice, but that has not been a real issue lately.
last commentThe club that I most recently hung out in charges $30 for a fully-clothed sit-on-hands LD and $150 per half hour for their cheapest VIP room where some touching is allowed and laps are topless. Girls expected a tip on top of that. I stopped going there. There are too many clubs around where $20 topless laps with medium-to-high contact are readily available. Two decent ones that come to mind are the Erotic Cafe in NJ and Club Risque in Bristol, PA. There are many others. I won't pay more the $20 anymore and I won't buy LDs that are less than medium contact. Too many clubs have become too expensive.
I hope the dances you guys get are as much of a bargain as they sound. There's a few clubs in the N.J. area where the prices are much higher. One charges $180 a half hour for a private room. Questionable that it is worth more than the 5 minute $20 dances you get in the semi-public area. It if is, nobody's talking, and I have not taken the opportunity. If I hit the lottery, then its a different story. The number club on the rating here (and I'm sure you've read) charges $30 for 5 minutes in the private room. Generally, the dances at any other club I've been to charges $20 for a song/5 minutes (depending on how they price it). I remember years ago, this club, the Go-Go Rama, with the $180 half hour, they raised the price on the LD's (long before they had the private room) to $25. They almost went broke and had to lower it again to $20. The girls have control over attracting us, but we do control the bankroll. Now if the GGR would only lower their price to something more reasonable on the private booth!! I would think the option of $30 for 5 minute or even $90 for 15 minutes would be more reasonable. $180 in one shot is a lot to blow for an unknown quantity.
I haven't been to Shadowcat's club, but I did go to the Memphis Pure Platinum around 1998, and I didn't care for it at all. I never met so many ROBs in one joint, with the possible exception of Mitchell Brothers in SF. The main room with stage dancing I found boring and dreary in the extreme. A total contrast with the King of Clubs, where I went and had a blast. I would expect the Columbia PP to be different. I've been to Chitown's club once, just recently. I liked it a lot for the atmosphere and the whole setup, although the lineup was less than stellar on that particular night. The pricing options -- dollar mini-laps -> $10 couch dances -> $50 half hour VIP -- are just about ideal. And, I wonder if the mileage has improved since FONDL was there. I'm sure Shadowcat would say it's no match for his club, but I think he'd find plenty to enjoy. Who knows, Shadow might uncover mileage that none of knew existed at Brad's.
Shadowcat, I think you would be disappointed in Brads. It's not as high contact as you're obviously used to. It's just an inexpensive little place with a lot of young pretty girls. It feels more like a party than a strip club, which is what I like most about it. Everyone seems to be having fun.
As I'm sure many of you know, chitown's favorite club is mine also but I haven't had the opportunity to visit there in some time and maybe never will again. And I always followed pretty much the same strategy that he's outlined. And I've never had a dancer appear to lose incentive. If for no other reason, they want you to come again (no pun intended.) Guys, just remember, the only thing you get to take with you at the end are the great memories. Start collecting them now.
Chitown, I was brought up to believe it's bad manners to splooge in your pants, and I guess it's hard for me to unlearn that. Some of the best talents out there have made it their mission and none have come close. But never say never...
If you don't mind me asking, why not?
Chitown, it was your #1 I had in mind. With one at at time dances, a good dancer slowly turns up the heat to get you to keep buying another dance. So each song can be better than the one before. It's hard to see that happening over a half hour and with the suspense removed over how long you'll keep buying. But I understand the points you make. Your #2, however, isn't a possibility for me in a club.
Chandler, your last message was a bit ambiguous to me, as far as talking about dancer incentives to keep you going, and the loss of same. I am unsure what you mean concerning the event that would cause the dancer to lose her incentive to do well...I see two likely possibilities:
1 If you mean that, having gotten you into VIP, she would lose her work ethic, since her goal has been accomplished, then I would point out that, even once you cross the threshold of VIP, there are two powerful incentives:
a. the tip;
b. the possibility of re-upping for more VIPs. ALthough I know some dancers claim that they can make more money, given the fee structure at Favorite Club, doing couch dances, this is only true if the dancer continues to do a half hour's worth of consecutive couch dances. IF the dancer has even one change of customer, much less if she has to go prospecting for more business, she is likely to lose these dances. Plus, I suspect that from a physical point of view, VIPs are less tiring than couch dances.
One thing I like about going one song at a time is how momentum can work for you, and you can learn to sense when it's about to be lost. I try to avoid that feeling of realizing a few seconds too late that the best has already happened and I should have bailed after the previous song. It's not the waste of time or money that bothers me as much as preferring to end on an up note (and I don't mean that the way Shadowcat does).
I have to wonder how the last part of a half hour VIP would play out when the girl no longer has an incentive to keep me going. (Until I lose my VIP virginity, that's all I can do - wonder.)
Shadow: I think that your first and second concerns are different ways of saying the same thing, and I agree entirely. For that reason, I have a staged selection process:
Tip at the rail->
Couch dance->
with prospective VIPs dropping out at each stage. Two way contact is key to me, so I definitely need to check that before commiting to VIP. Also very important is personality, as in whether the dancer has one. Another consideration is the dancer's ability to keep dancing in new and fresh ways, rather than just keep repeating the same 1 1/2 minute routine. IF a dancer satisfies all these requirements, I'll take her back to VIP. Whenever I have been burned in VIP, it has been because I did not follow this pattern. On the other hand, a couple of times I have picked up good vibes and gone straight to VIP, including for a very rewarding trip last Saturday (however, that was with a dancer who had been well reviewed on this site). Overall, the chances of getting burned are high enough that I do tend to be cautious about who I take to VIP. Frankly, given the time I invest to get to favorite club, the waste of time from a bad VIP pisses me off more than the waste of money, although I'm not happy about either.
Damn, the exchange was less than $15 USD about a year ago. Good to hear Canada isn't going to $25 and up. What area is this, Corey?
Favorite club-->$10 laps.
I think the $50 1/2 VIPs are a better deal, but I don't think that Chandler and I have reached a consensus on that.
I have spent as much as $25, but that is probably where I draw the line. And that has to involved full two way contact. I would not pay $25 for an air dance. I can't rule out the theoretical possbility of paying $25 for a one-way contact dance, but unless Salma Hayek starts dancing, it is difficult for me to picture a circumstance under which I would knowingly and willingly pay $25 for one way contact.
$20 canadian which is about $17 USD
I agree the pricing is nuts, for the most part the girls offer little more than they do at the stage. I can only wish we had someplace around here with $10 lap dancers - they would definitely get me to spend more money but I would be glad to do so.
This topic was covered here just a few weeks ago. I think the consensus was that laps range from $10 to $20 in smaller markets to $25 and up on the coasts and in the big cities. I usually pay $10 with rare visits to clubs where it's $20 or $25. I always spend more at the $10 clubs. I go to St. Louis a lot, and I never buy laps there. I don't see why anyone would, when you can get it all at the stage for $2. For that matter, I don't see many guys getting laps there, so it's ridiculous that they keep raising the price.