Giving strippers a fake name?

avatar for StripReviewer
Anyone ever do this, just for fun or whatever?


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avatar for Alucard
11 years ago
No, why would I? Why would anyone?
avatar for Ironcat
11 years ago
I do, for a couple reasons:
1) I live and work in the city where my favorite club is and I wouldn't want to run into her with my wife and kids and have her call me by my real name. This way I can always tell my wife that she must have mistaken me for someone else.
2) The dancers use fake names to protect their identity so why shouldn't I?
3) What difference does it make - I always use the same fake name - I'm not looking for a long term relationship - I just want to rent the girl not buy her.
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
SlickSpic is my Christian name.
avatar for shadowcat
11 years ago
When ever I meet a Mercedes or a Lexus, I introduce myself as Ford.
avatar for mikeya02
11 years ago
@Slic What do your friends call you? My friends call me Mikey.
avatar for rockstar666
11 years ago
Too late for me; everyone knows me!
avatar for sofaking87
11 years ago
They can't pronounce my name, so I'm not worried. But I dislike them asking.
avatar for tumblingdice
11 years ago
I got three passports,couple of visas.,I don't even know my real name.
avatar for DandyDan
11 years ago
I don't because who's to say they will remember it the next time? This one girl at my #3 club has the really annoying habit of calling me Steve and I don't know why, but it isn't helping her sales any.
avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle
11 years ago
It's not uncommon for customers to use fake names. Even customers at an ordinary neighborhood bar do that. In that use, it's known as a "bar name." I certainly concur with Ironman's statement no. 2

However, I think I've benefitted from the opposite strategy. Not only do I give dancers my real first name, but my last name as well. More than one has said it gave them a lot of confidence and trust in me. (I'm single, live alone, and retired, so I have nothing to fear about dancers making use of the knowledge of my full name. Hell, they even know where live because I do all my OTCs at my house.)
avatar for luvthepus
11 years ago
I usually do I tell them I'm John well with my newest Favorite we started with that name and after about 3 or 4 visits I was telling her a story and some how my real name came out now we laugh about it. whenever I talk to her I never call her anything but her real name unless someone else is around 1 night a family friend came in and asked for her by her real name and the bouncer and barmaid stared at them because they had no clue who that was, while I sat there knowing exactly who they wanted but didn't say anything he had to describe her before they had a clue. Well 5 months and 40 visits later just last week I hadn't seen her for 3 weeks because of holidays I was telling her how much I missed her and she said I missed
avatar for Pablo Antonio
Pablo Antonio
11 years ago
Why would I give dancers a fake name? They already have a fake name.
avatar for Subraman
11 years ago
I do, and my reasons are identical to Ironcat's. I never ask, but if she eventually tells me her real name, I tell her mine. But I keep things level, if she gives me a fake name, she gets one back.

One interesting thing as a result of smartphones, there are programs like Voxer that aggressively look through all your contacts to see if it can find anyone you might know. Occasionally I swap phone numbers with a stripper, and the next day she shows up on my Voxer contact list with her real name.
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
@Mikey-My friends stopped calling me so I started posting on TUSCL.
avatar for motorhead
11 years ago
They call me Mister Tibbs
avatar for georgmicrodong
11 years ago
Nope, I give 'em my real first name. Don't have the patience to remember a fake one.
avatar for motorhead
11 years ago
Roscoe B. Juice
avatar for farmerart
11 years ago
Once, as a joke, I gave my real first name to a stripper.

'What's that?' she said. 'Do you have something stuck in your throat?'

It is a traditional Swedish name and virtually unpronounceable for any non-Swedish speaker. When pronounced properly my name sounds like you are attempting to hork up a great gob of goop from your lungs.

'OK, just call me Art' I replied to her.
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
They call me Sir.
avatar for rh48hr
11 years ago
I love it when you call me big poppa
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
The Show Stoppa, The Rhyme Droppa.
avatar for Tiredtraveler
11 years ago
Always: They use a fake name so why shouldn't I.
avatar for Estafador
11 years ago
I always give them a fake name. Why give them a real one?
avatar for GoVikings
11 years ago
You guys actually give a fake name? Why? Man you cats are paranoid.

Even after reading the reasons listed, I still don't see why a customer wound give a fake name.

Dancers have to give a fake name and it should be very self explanatory why
avatar for sclvr5005
11 years ago
No. Why bother.
avatar for 59
11 years ago
This has been discussed before so I decided to give it a try one time. Used my middle name with a stripper that was new to me at a club I don't get to too often. We did a decent set of lap dances.

Wouldn't you know it 3 months later I bump into her again and now she's the bartender. "Steve, how are you?". Memory of an elephant. I had to do some explaining to the dancer I was sitting with. "Uh, I think she has me confused with someone else".
avatar for lopaw
11 years ago
lol 59....a good reason not to do it.
avatar for Alucard
11 years ago
59, that's why you shouldn't lie. These things catch up to you. LOL
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
"I always tell the truth, even when AI tell a lie."
-Antonio Montana
avatar for tumblingdice
11 years ago
Puddnin Tain,you ask me again I'll tell you the same.-Little Rascals
avatar for Subraman
11 years ago
You have to commit to your fake name, man! I've been using the same fake name for 10 years now.

If they ask me my last name, I say Papageorgio
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
@Subraman-I use Cousin Eddie.
avatar for tumblingdice
11 years ago
Tumblingdice is my government name.
avatar for Estafador
11 years ago
@GoViking If a stripper ever happenstance to run into me in the street, and especially if I'm with friends or neighbors, can't have her identifying me. Had an incident where, giving a fake name saved my relationship. This one whore (real whore) saw me walking down the street, and I was with a previous girlfriend. She kept yelling out james, and being that I wasn't james, I didn't answer. Lo and behold she came in my peripheral and tried to get my attention and I pointedly ignored until she gave up (she was across the street). Girlfriend was none the wiser.

You never know what may happen if your name gets into the wrong hands. For those that do give aliases, don't show any form of ID to those your fooling.
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
Why bother giving them ANY name at all when at the end of the night the gal's will be calling me Oh God, Yes!
avatar for GoVikings
11 years ago

Everyone has a reason as to why they do what they do, so if you really feel it's needed to give a fake name, then more power to you!

Even after reading your little story, to me, giving a fake name is just weird and it makes you come across as mad paranoid. It is no way comparable to a dancer giving a fake name.

I can't believe you guys have the patience to remember a fake name. Do you, when meeting a friend or interviewer for the first time, sometimes mistakenly say your fake name rather than your real one? Lololol
avatar for Subraman
11 years ago
@Estafador, that was exactly the scenario that first got me using fake names, although as I said above, now I just do it because I like the fact that the stripper and I are "even". In my case, I didn't run into it in real life like you did. But I was talking to a stripper who told me, "me and some of the other girls here partied at YYY last night". As it turns out, I was also partying at YYY last night with then-girlfriend, and realized that gf & I just missed the drunken strippers by an hour or less that night, and it turns out we all party on that same general street all the time, so we could have run into each other at any time ... I don't think any of the strippers would purposely out me, but if they're in drunken stripper party mode, and don't see my gf is with me, you bet they'll be screaming my name. And I figured if they were screaming the wrong name, at least I could play it off and exit stage left.
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