
Playhouse Romulus Opening?

Monday, December 16, 2013 9:34 AM
I just got off the phone with the PlayHouse-Romulus-Michigan (number off website) and "he" said they were planning on opening this Friday 12/20.Does any one have any opinions on hitting a club in the first weekend they open? This is a restart for this club but they have been out of business for about two years. If it sucks there are certainly other options in the neigborhood but I wonder what it would be like to be the first person in the VIP for once.


  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    I did this once many years ago. The club had imported dancers from other affiliated clubs [National Chain]. The behavior of the dancers was a lot more "liberal" that 1st weekend.
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    11 years ago
    I will have the same opportunity soon. A new club is due to open next month, here in Seattle. Usually, my first visit to a brand new club is to go just to survey the scene, then come back a later date to have some real fun. This club will open on a Wednesday. But, I'll probably wait until the Friday or Saturday night to go see it. Then, maybe a few months later, I'll go back with the intent actually spending serious money on lap dances. If I read reviews that are particularly encouraging, I might go back sooner. Historically, my observation of brand new clubs is that they're not very interesting in their first year of operation. They know that they have to behave themselves for a while, then they can start to get away with stuff. That will be especially true with this club. It has a cast of character(s) that may attract law enforcement's attention.
  • georgmicrodong
    11 years ago
    My experience matches Club_Goer's. I've been to five local clubs within a couple of weeks of them opening (or more accurately, *re*opening, as all of them were strip clubs in previous incarnations). They were all pretty lame until they'd been open for more than a year, and with the exception of two, have improved pretty well.
  • Detroit248
    11 years ago
    Personally, never been to an opening weekend of a club other than the dance clubs about 10-15 years ago. Been following the Playhouse progression since their announcement of the remodel/reboot. My plan is to go on either Friday or Saturday, and then a follow up visit in a few months to measure the changes.
  • Hard4Dancers
    11 years ago
    If I were Scores, I'd be watching out for Play House and vice versa. I see that they both have ads out in Real Detroit Weekly. All of these clubs can't survive in a city losing population...things should get real interesting after they both open. Might get ugly.
  • jackslash
    11 years ago
    The Playhouse never had as attractive facilities or dancers as some other Detroit area clubs like the Penthouse, Flight Club, or even Landing Strip (also in Romulus near the airport). I will wait to see some reviews. Unless I hear very good things, I see no reason to be unfaithful to my favorite clubs.
  • Tyres
    11 years ago
    Since the Playhouse has been consistently pushing back dates since they announced the reopening, I wouldn't expect much.
  • Otto22
    11 years ago
    Visited Landing Strip in Cocoa Beach the first few nights they were open. They had imported agency dancers. Lousy attitudes. It was apparent rather soon that the club would not make it, at least as a nude club. Sure enough, a year later they are reopening as a Mexican restaurant.
  • MikeP2
    11 years ago
    Are they bringing back Star and Venus?
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    I remember one club when they opened up in a new location, they took a lot of pics that ended up under a whole lot of bar glass. I thought for years they missed me. Then over 10 years later a dancer told me she remembered seeing my picture in the bar glass. I suppose some wouldn't like that. Even if I visited, the odds of finding one picture out of hundreds would be like a needle in a haystack. Not like when a bartender at the beach took my pic and said he had it up on his wall for a month. I was thirsty. He never saw anyone drink beer like water before. Apparently little things impress some people. I never drink soda that fast. Well not usually. Some Hooters girls did talk me into gulping down a large free soda one night.
  • scatterbrain
    11 years ago
    Interesting, I might go check out PH. Had some good times in there in the distant past.
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