
Imported Strippers

Blue Ridge Foothills
In clubs around Detroit and Ontario, there have been a lot of Russian and Romanian strippers working over the past few years. I never get dances from them, although I hear they can be very high mileage. They seem very mercenary. And I'm put off by the chance that they are here as sex slaves, whatever. I may be completely off base, but I can't put that out of my mind. I haven't encountered any Brazilian strippers yet. What has your experience been with imports?


  • minnow
    19 years ago
    OK Chandler, here goes. But first, the preface of disclaimers & qualifiers. Firstly, I'm loosely defining "import" as being other than Anglo-Saxon, or African American. I'm also lumping nationalities/ethnic groups in, whether or not they're fully assimilated US born, or they just got off the boat. Lastly, I'm not labeling any group, merely reporting unscientific sampling of my personal observations. Encountered entire spectrum of behavior/mileage from all groups. JAPANESE & FILIPINOS seem to be more polite & deferential than avg., esp. the former. THAI & HAWAIIAN have greater proportion of ROB's. KOREANS Good, but seem to have a certain hard edge to them. Maybe living under constant threat of invasion few miles away will do that. VIETNAMESE/FRENCH: Probably the most charming , beautiful dancer I met was this half breed mix. CTTOI, I could say the same of several French Canadians. As for Mexican/Latin American, or Russian/E. Europe... YMMV!!
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    I like a good accent. It adds something. Other than a hot Russian dancer I've not much experience with the imports. I usually "buy American". Unless I'm in Canada.
  • chandler
    19 years ago
    Tell us about any imports you care to, Minnow. Eastern Europeans and Brazilians were just the examples I led off with.
  • minnow
    19 years ago
    Chandler: By "imports", do you mean just E Europe& Brazilian, or also other nationalities(eg Mexican, other Lat. Am, Asian, etc). As for Russian, just encountered in SF or Seattle area. Across the board from charming, ingratiating, good scale mileage to stiff and mechanical. I could probably write a book on other nationalities, regardless, YMWV!
  • SuperDude
    19 years ago
    Detroit has long had a sizeable population from Eastern Eurpe and Russia. With the collapse of the Soviet Union, a lot of Russians have moved to Detroit, connecting with relatives. I have noticed an increase in women from Russia and the former USSR employed as medical/dental technicians, waitstaff, store clerks and, yes, dancers. The USA is still the place everyone wants to move to.
  • Yoda
    19 years ago
    yeah, strip clubs in Brazil are pretty much either brothels or pick-up joints for finding girls to take back to your room. Don't get your hopes up. Most Brazilian girls who come here didn't work in those clubs back home...but some did....
  • Yoda
    19 years ago
    I mostly do Brazilian dancers for the last five or six years. A few Asians are in the mix as well. The Russians and other Eastern European ladies are good to. I'm constantly dissapointed in the American women that I try. Once you go Brazilian you'll never go back!
  • chandler
    19 years ago
    From what I hear about clubs in Brazil, it's expected that you do the dancers there. An acquaintance who came back from a trip told how he tried to describe American strip clubs to a Brazilian guy. He couldn't understand why we would go to clubs and pay for dances where we don't even get to fuck the girl. (Sometimes I wonder myself.)
    19 years ago
    Chitown, Playhouse Lounge is about as far removed from your favorite place as a club could be. While I gave it a pretty good review, I really didn't care for the place. The girls mostly struck me as over-the-hill hookers and the customers all struck me as degenerates, it was that kind of atmosphere. I had one private dance with the youngest and best looking Brazilian girl there and I couldn't wait for it to end so that I could leave. It was obvious that she was willing to do almost anything but I wasn't interested. Some of the ladies were pretty awful and the best ones weren't very attractive. None of them were anything like the cute youngsters that you find at Brad's. I like my dancers under 25 or so and they didn't have any. Most of them were in their 30s and looked like they'd led pretty hard lives.
  • JC2003
    19 years ago
    Not a whole lot of imports in my neck of the woods (Central Florida), but there are a few -- mostly Latinas with a few Eastern Europeans. As far as I can tell, their dances and attitudes aren't much better or worse. They become Americanized rather quickly, too, except for their accents.
  • chitownlawyer
    19 years ago
    "If your idea of fun is to have an older and not very attractive woman come up to you at the bar and stick her toung in your ear while grabbing your crotch, then heading off to a private and unsupervised cubicle with her for $30 a song, you might like it there."

    Well, FONDL, I guess I'd need to know how "not very attractive" we're talking here.....
  • metaldude
    19 years ago
    FONDL, thanks much for the report I will do my best to put it to good use.
    19 years ago
    Metaldude, my favorites in the Philly area are Club Risque in Bristol and The Erotic Cafe across the river in NJ. Neither are very fancy but are fun laid-back places. Both are hit and miss in that you usually can find some very attractive dancers but not always. Erotic Cafe is quite small and doesn't have many dancers on at a time so it's somewhat chancy but I've seen some really gorgeous girls there. Both places are inexpensive and have lots of contact but no extras because the LD rooms are supervised slightly. Risque is my favorite because it has a party atmosphere, lots of young pretty girls, and a decent free lunch buffet. The only drewback is they sometime require pasties. I also used to really like Dangerous Curves but haven't been there in a long time. All three places are fairly close to each other north-east of center city. And if you want something truly different you might try Show-n-Tell Showbar, which is the highest contact place in Philly. It's downtown near the river. There are other pretty decent places too, although I don't know much about the big downtown GCs, that's not my thing. Have fun.
  • Shekitout
    19 years ago
    Got dances from an exotic Brazilian gal at Bare Assets in Holiday, FL by the name of Fatima. One hell of a body & a tigress in the dance area!
  • chandler
    19 years ago
    I prefer all-American girls, too, although they can be any color or ethnicity. Speaking good English isn't enough. Unless strippers talk and act very American, the experience somehow doesn't register for me. Without getting too Freudian about it, I suppose I get my kicks from playing out lifelong fantasies about the type of girls I grew up with. Outside of strip clubs is another matter altogether. I enjoy making friends with people of all cultures.
  • metaldude
    19 years ago
    FONDL, just for the record, on both my trips to the place in NJ there were an ample number of brazilians who, to me anyway, appeared to be less than 30 and very attractive. Of course there were also quite a few who fit your description. Both my trips were weekday afternoons. I've heard the evenings can be slim pickings. In any case your dead on about the focus of that place, not that I'm complaining. I will be making another trip to Philly in a few weeks if you'd care to let me know your rankings. Thanks.
    19 years ago
    In theory I don't much care where they're from but in practice I always seem to prefer the all-American girls.

    I've also been to the #1 rated place in NJ and found it to be mostly older Brazilian women who didn't do a thing for me. I think that club is grossly over-rated, I don't consider it to be in the top 10 in the Philly area alone, let alone the whole US. The only thing the place has going for it is high mileage. If your idea of fun is to have an older and not very attractive woman come up to you at the bar and stick her toung in your ear while grabbing your crotch, then heading off to a private and unsupervised cubicle with her for $30 a song, you might like it there. Otherwise skip it.

    I have had very entertaining experiences with a young Russian student in Greenville SC who barely spoke English, a young Puerto Rican girl in north Philly, and an Australian graduate student in Providence. Those are probably my only experiences with imports.
  • metaldude
    19 years ago
    We have some clubs around here with the Russian/Eastern European girls but most of the non American dancers here are Spanish of some origin. There are more than a few clubs that predominantly have strippers from Puerto Rico. In this area those clubs also attract a mostly (but not exclusively) Spanish clientele. My limited experience in these places is that they are strictly about the extras and as such get busted fairly often. There are others that have a mix of Columbian, Brazilian, Central American and Puerto Rican girls along with the Americans. Like I mentioned in the other thread, in clubs with a high percentage of Brazilians it seems to have raised the level of contact/extras depending on the club. The highest rated club on this site is a perfect example. The couple of times I've been there the Brazilian strippers out-numbered the Americans 3 to 1 or more. The mileage/extras are what give it the high reviews, there's nothing else extrordinary about the place. For me I don't care if the girl is American or not as long as she speaks English. Most of the time when I go to a club I'm planning on being there a few hours. This can be difficult in a club where most of the girls only speak limited English.
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