Another one of a kind review by this particular reviewer

avatar for Papi_Chulo

A woman should know her place.

At Flashdance International the women (i.e. dogs) understand this fully.

I come to Flashdance International because i like to slum it.

I'm looking for a woman that has known nothing but hard times. Child abuse, her husband or boyfriend beat or beats the shit out of her.

Today i'm looking for a white stripper with some ass that was born in a trailer, was raised in a trailer, is currently living in a trailer, and fully expects to die in a trailer.

I'm looking for white trash of the lowest, nastiest & dirtiest order.

I walk into Flashdance International and i lean against the bar. I'm known here, i have had my dick sucked here on several occasions. The dogs (i.e. strippers) flock to me like to a kennel owner carrying a bag of dog food.

I ignore them at first and order a beer (a corona, no lime)

Then i focus on my dogs. I want to see what i can get for free. I push up the bikini top of a younger stripper white, 25, 120 lbs, blonde, blue eyes, nice body,i ask her to play with her tits. She immediately tries to get me to go VIP. I pull out a wad of 15 of those brand new 100 dollar bills with the holographic thread. They feel like plastic to me and i unfold the bills to expose one 10 dollar bill, i hand her the 10 and thank her for her time.

Her lips were actually quivering when she walked away. I think she knows she just past up on a huge pay day.

I return my attention to the other strippers standing around me. They now look like trained dogs waiting on a command from their Master.

I look at each one slowly taking my time. I appraise each strippers body, i look at her face & hair (especially her mouth.) I ask each stripper to turn slowly for me. I say to the four of them "show me your bodies baby". Three of them are decent looking about a 6 on the cunt scale.

But the forth stripper has to be pushing 50. She actually has wrinkles around her eyes. She's 5'2", 130 lbs, brown hair, green eyes, c cup tits that sag badly, but she has a good ass.

If hard times had a poster her face would be on it. She looked like the face on the back of a milk carton all grown up. Pure trailer trash of the lowest order.

I ask her to come closer. She tells me her name but i dont remember. I tell her infront of the others that i want to take her to VIP. I tell her infront of the others that i will make her do things that she won't believe. She grabs my hand and says let's go. I ask how much? She says we can negotiate in the back.

We get in VIP, i sit down and she sits beside me. I slowly stroke her hair (the way you would with a shaggy dog) and i say to her. "You look really old, i'm not sure i made the right decision." She starts to recite her menue, i put my finger to her lips stopping her.

I tell her that i will tell her what to do & when to do it. If she pleases me she'll make a big bonus. If not i will pay her 150.00 and bring in her replacement. Something younger & juicier.

I tell her to strip. She obeys my quickly. She stands infront of me, i lean back with my hands behind my head and take a good look at this cunt.

My God this woman has some miles on her. Saggy tits, her belly is not flat, her legs have those dimples around her thighs, she has wide hips & a small waist her saving grace. I almost turn up my nose, but i stop myself.

I twerl my finger, she starts to turn for me, i'm thinking maybe she'll look better from the back. I take my foot and i use the bottom of my shoe to access the toness of her thighs. I then take my foot and i rub on her big wrinkled ass.

Her back is to me. I say to her "hands & knees". She drops to the floor. I tell her to back up a little and open her legs wider for me. I then lightly place my feet on her ass using her big ass as a foot rest. I get no objection. I tell her to hold her head up, i then say "higher !!!" (like the prized dog you are) I then grab the adult brochure i picked up as i walked in and i peruse it for like 7 or 8 minutes.

I lay my brochure down and with my feet still on this cunts back i say to her "do you give good head baby?" She says she's had no complaints. I stand up take my pants off and sit back down.

I tell to her to turn around but to keep her hands on the floor like a dog. She obeys me. I tell her that i want her to lick only underneath the head of my cock slowly and nothing else until i say different.

I want to get into the menusha of her obedience. What do Navy Seals call it? "Attention to detail"

I look at her flicking her tongue at the underside of the head of my cock and i say to her "now wag your tail for your Master" she starts to sway her ass from side to side.

I reach in my pants pocket and i throw three new 100 bills on the floor. She smiles & looks deeply into her Masters eyes licking & swaying her ass back and forth.

I grab my cell phone and i start playing my favorite game blackjack.

I kept her in this position for almost the entire hour. I waited until the last 5 minutes of our one hour session before i let her engulf my cock and finish me to completion bbbjcimws. Mmmm.


last comment
avatar for Hard4Dancers
11 years ago
He literally put her in her place. Just wish Alucard was enough of a man to do so.
avatar for ime
11 years ago
this guys is a true treasure
avatar for sclvr5005
11 years ago
Lol what a joke
avatar for Papi_Chulo
11 years ago
He should consider posting his review over on stripperweb
avatar for toysales
11 years ago
Wow. What trash. This is not a man. I bet his mother beat the shit out of him as a child.
avatar for Hard4Dancers
11 years ago
You sure you didn't write that Chulo? Both live in the same area.
avatar for Alucard
11 years ago
"what a joke"
"What trash"

avatar for Papi_Chulo
11 years ago
"... You sure you didn't write that Chulo? Both live in the same area ..."

No way am I that “eloquent” or disturbed in my writing.

But yeah – we have reviewed many of the same dives; sometimes within days of each other (I wrote the previous review of the same club)– and we also hit a lot of the same black dives which makes me think we may have run into each other (I actually think I may have seen this dude b/c usually I’m the only white guy in the black dives I visit with sometimes maybe another whitey but usually only in the dayshifts).

I’m not sure he lives in my area though; he may just come by often since he also hits clubs in Tampa which is about 5 hours away.
avatar for grand1511
11 years ago
Does PETA know about this guy?
avatar for Papi_Chulo
11 years ago
His previous review was even more outrageous
avatar for jackslash
11 years ago
I read this review before Papi posted it. I thought of flagging it because it was so objectionable and because it was not really a review of the club. It's more of a sick fantasy by a man who hates women and who probably had sex in his life.
avatar for jackslash
11 years ago
^^^ "who probably never had sex in his life."
avatar for Estafador
11 years ago
This man is truly man amongst man....or just a perverse freak amongst humans. Should I get Jigsaw on this gentleman?
avatar for Estafador
11 years ago
Remember that other wackjob review...did this guy write the same one?
avatar for joker44
11 years ago
Fantasy Island for sadist misogynists.

Sounds like a badly written dream script by a narcissist. Must spend a lot of time in the "dirty" bookstore reading jerk-off books.

Hey TUSCLers we're lucky so far, almost one year as member and no articles, discussions, or comments!
avatar for kingcripple
11 years ago
wow. just... wow
avatar for ATACdawg
11 years ago
I flagged it yesterday. It' still there:-( I agree with all of you - this review is either a really sick joke, or this guy is a real sociopath.
avatar for juiicebox69
11 years ago
Lol !
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
Props to Estafador for the Jigsaw reference.

If this guy is serious, he's an asshole. If it's fiction then it's some pretty decent writing.

If he's serious then we'd look at him as a sociopath. But if he wrote a book or a movie like this then we'd all watch it and say how great it is. Who are the real sociopaths? Those who live it or those who fantasize it?
avatar for crazyjoe
11 years ago
Good question Slick. People are funny
avatar for Otto22
11 years ago
Dr Freud would have a field day with this sick freak.
avatar for Dolfan
11 years ago
Funny, I thought about flagging it to. I'm not that twisted and really don't enjoy reading/thinking about shit in that way - but I'm not going to start judging folks or flag it on that basis. However, I strongly suspect the review is total and complete fiction - the only reason I didn't flag it as such was because of the little line at the bottom of the site: "Everything written on this site should be considered a work of fiction"

I've been to that same club more than a few times, I was just there Tuesday having read that review. Curious, I asked a few dancers, the waitress, and a bartender how much VIP was. All responded the same: "Its the little couch area underneath the TV near the shower show area, your supposed to have to buy a bottle to go over there but you can just go sit there if you want - its free." So, it's not the area with small curtained off/private rooms where this kind of story would play out, those are called champagne rooms or more commonly just rooms. I kind of move on, maybe he's just applying different terminology that's popular elsewhere, no biggie.

Then he gets to talking about prices and it gets less credible. Rooms are prepaid at the rate of $170 for 30 mins. Prepaid and consistent rate for every girl in there. So if he wanted her in there for an hour he'd have to have paid $340 up front. If he wanted to pay the $170 and see how it was going after 30 minutes, the waitress would have come midstream to send someone out to pay the bartender for the 3nd half hour. In either case, he would have been paying the bartender - not throwing cash on the floor in the room. He also mentions the brochures that commonly sit outside strip clubs. There are none at Flashdance.

I almost flagged his earlier September review of the same place for the same reason. I just read his earlier April review and it does nothing to make me think he's actually been there. The stage is in the center as you walk in, the bar is. The main stage is off to the right, with another smaller stage on the left of the bar. Daytime dances are done on the couches against the wall - the bar is a rectangle with the only real back being up against the DJ booth with no area behind it. Dancers do 2 song sets, not three. I doubt Coronas are $7 - maybe $5. It's also got the same BS about negotiation - prices are fixed by the club, if you want to negotiate a deal on the club's end you can do so with the manager but not the dancer.
avatar for Estafador
11 years ago
To answer slick's question, we could be considered equal in our sociopathic views. Its more of a debatable thing. No doubt people will say "we aren't doing it, so we're not as sick as him". True but you egg on viewings like that because your engrossed in viewing it. You egg the producer on and continue to push for sociopathic viewings, making us more...narcissistic??? Me? I cant even watch scary movies so if something like that was made film, I'd avoid it like the plague. Probably skim it for my rally speech notes lol.

Dolfan you should have flagged it anyway. Even of we consider all things a work of fiction (what I'm saying is a work of fiction. But then that makes my previous statement true but its a work of fiction...PARADOX), us the readers read reviews not for a bedtime story but to know what the club is like. He lied flat out to the core so there is no credibility. Can we attest to that PC since apparently you went there almost the same time as him?
avatar for tumblingdice
11 years ago
^^^^ Mongo want tits.
avatar for shadowcat
11 years ago
In the early days of TUSCL when an editor actually read a submitted review before publishing it, this review would have been rejected as a personal experience rather than a review of the club.
avatar for skibum609
11 years ago
Barrack Hussein Obama is more believable. Watching the posts people make here it amazes me that most women aren't lesbians.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
11 years ago
Apparently I’m in the minority; but I think his reviews are funny as shit – l literally LOL when I read them.

Of course I don’t condone mistreatment of people and the reviewers supposed M.O. is def not my M.O.

What the reviewer is supposedly describing happened b/w consenting adults - he did force the dancer to do anything. Is what he did any more “bad” than when a dancer slurps-up/swallows a custie’s cum even if she may not necessarily enjoy it but does it b/c of the $$$? Probably many if not most things many, if not most dancers, do, do it solely for the $$$ and would not do it o/w.

Many people do what they gotta do in their jobs in order to get paid – a dude working in a rock pit in the blazing hot sun for 8 hours a day may have it just as bad or worse than what this dancer experienced? As long as she was not forced to do it against her will; then “all is fair in love and war” as the saying goes.
avatar for Dolfan
11 years ago
I really just don't like that he misrepresents the club. It's a dive, and I have no doubt one could have a similar experience with consenting stripper who would turn around say she had a "good day at work, made $300" to her friends after it was over. It's not my thing, I have less than zero desire to participate or hear about that kind of thing. If he would have accurately described other aspects of the club (room price/duration, club layout, drink price, etc) I'd be all for letting it stand. I'm not here to tell two adults what they can and can't do.

As it reads, some dude might go in there next week and pay $300 to go sit in the "VIP" area I described above. Or he may have a girl tell him $170/30 $340/60 up front and think he found a ROB, when that's just SOP for that club. With that in mind, I'd say it fails miserably as a review and have flagged it...

I am a bit curious as to where the line is between personal experience and a review, but I guess thats just gonna remain a bit blurry...
avatar for Alucard
11 years ago
"Probably many if not most things many, if not most dancers, do, do it solely for the $$$ and would not do it o/w."

It seems that they do have their price sometimes. And sometimes not. I guess we all would like to find the one that does it out of sheer fun & delight & at a reasonable cost - of course. [What the "Cost" is, entails another whole discussion]
avatar for georgmicrodong
11 years ago
@Papi_Chulo: "Apparently I’m in the minority; but I think his reviews are funny as shit"

Yeah, me too.

Of course, being who I am, I don't find what he *claims* to have done very offensive at all, compared to what he *might* have done. *I* have done more hard-core BDSM stuff (not just whips and chains, but the whole humiliation things some girls like so much) than what he's described. What he's supposedly done is actually pretty tame.

Plus, I suspect I am a bit of a sociopath, so I tend to find stuff funny that other people don't.
avatar for tumblingdice
11 years ago
I pull hair and slap ass,then she retorts with,"You wanna fuck that pussy", Works for the both of us.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
11 years ago
I don’t consider myself much of a sociopath or into BDSM (have never really tried it (BDSM) but could be fun?) – I am actually pretty tame and vanilla but I do enjoy a good laugh and clever exposition/writing.

And IDK about him (reviewer) being so much of a “sociopath” – it just looks to me he has some kind of a fetish or likes a particular form of role playing – as I said b4 – if both parties are game; then let the games begin.
avatar for shanny72
11 years ago
This dude is just a novelist.

I've been to all the same tampa spots. Details are always a bit off bu t if u take his work for what it is, you realize he just wants to share his fantasies with other hounds.

Great imagination and composition though.
avatar for duomaxwell
11 years ago
lol @ "menusha"

I also read this in the voice of the comic book guy from The Simpsons.
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