
Cornhusker Clusterfuck

In the wind
Republican small government at work for you.

From the Kansas City Star: http://www.kansascity.com/2013/11/29/465…

Nebraska strip club must install exterior windows, paint over them
November 29

LINCOLN, Neb. — The owner of a downtown Lincoln strip club and bar must put exterior windows on his remodeled building and paint them over, the city has told him.

Donald Arena was stunned when he learned he'd have to do more work on his building exterior to meet downtown design standards.

Arena owns The Foxy, which he is expanding into the other side of the building at 18th and O streets on the city's main east-west drag. He'd gotten a new liquor license and a building permit this summer, and inspectors visited the business several times, he said.

No one told him he wasn't following all the city rules, Arena said.

In October he got a city notice to stop the work because he needed a special permit to expand the sexually oriented live entertainment establishment into the other half of the building.

To get the special permit, Arena said he was told, he had to meet the downtown design standards as he did the remodeling.

The standards included windows on the front of the building and installing tile to replace the new stucco that had been applied. But he also was required to paint over the windows so no one outside could look inside at the dancers.

Arena went before the Lincoln-Lancaster County Planning Commission on Wednesday to plead his case and seek an exception to the window rule:

“This is a real frustrating situation,” Arena said. “I really felt that I was making a great improvement to this space and this building.”

He proposed a compromise: He'd make the building front look like it had windows and sign an agreement that would require him to add real windows – without paint – if he ever sold the building.

Planning director Marvin Krout told the commission members, however, that the commission couldn't waive downtown design standards.

Arena said he would have met city standards originally if he had known about them. Now it will cost him an extra $12,000 or so, he said. Krout said a property owner and architect are responsible for knowing and understanding city design standards.

Commissioners offered Arena some sympathy as they approved the special permit, but they retained his requirement to follow the design standards.

“It is a horrible situation to be in, to find out he has to put in more money. It is a shame,” Commissioner Lynn Sunderman said.


  • Ermita_Nights
    11 years ago
    Maybe they could compromise, and have him install the windows without painting them over.
  • skibum609
    11 years ago
    Republicans just make strip club owners comply with the law. Democrats on the other hand allow tv stations to commit crimes while soliciting sex from dancers in Providence, then threaten to band champagne rooms. I will take Republicans.
  • joker44
    11 years ago
    WTF ski.

    Haven't been in Providence in more than forty years so don't get the ref.
    Let's see, some loosely connected rant featuring unfathomable logic about a local issue involving Dems, [local] TV and attempts to put live music in SC Champagne rooms.

    Having a bad hair day or an emotional, knee-jerk response while channeling your inner Louie Gohmert [U.S. Representative Louis Buller "Louie" Gohmert, Jr. is an American politician and current Republican U.S. Representative from Texas's First Congressional District.]


    At this point, it’s inexcusable that GOP Rep. Louie Gohmert’s name is not a widely used neologism meaning something like “a person or thing that makes everything worse by being a fucking asshole.” Notice we did not say “a stupid fucking asshole” because Louie Gohmert isn’t stupid — he knows exactly how to formulate his paranoid bilge for maximum rube-rage-stoking effect and self-advancement.

    Here’s a recent example: Raw Story caught Gohmert on the Janet Mefferd Show (lucky them) breezily linking ammunition purchases by Homeland Security to “the provisions in [Obamacare] for the president’s own commissioned and non-commissioned officer corps […] I want to know, are they using weapons to train, or are they being taught to use syringes and health care items?”

    He just wants to know, y’all! Just like we want to know whether Louie Gohmert is actively engaged in fomenting a violent uprising against the legitimate government of the United States, or is he just playing to the cheap seats? Answer: Yes.

    Oh gosh, what else?

    “Some kind of secret security force is the kind of thing the United States is never supposed to have,” he later added. “We’re just not supposed to be doing that. But until we get enough members of Congress stirred up over the things that I’ve been preaching about then we’re not likely to get answers. And the way you get their attention is start cutting funding until you get answers.”

    Louie Gohmert apparently just found out about all this “secret security force” stuff, of which Obamacare’s Ready Reserve Corps is not an example, even though he’s been in Congress since 2005. Good lookin’ out, Louie.

    In case you weren’t sure whether Gohmert might actually be onto something with this “secret” cabal of “medical” stormtroopers that isn’t really a secret because it’s written into the text of a fucking law, Raw Story helpfully provides FactCheck.org’s patient explanation that, no, Obamacare’s Ready Reserve Corps isn’t the Kenyan usurper’s personal Schutzstaffel; they’re doctors, nurses, and other healing types who can be called into service when God gets mad that taxes are too high and does a pestilence or whatever.

    Again, Louie Gohmert is not dumb in the usual sense of the word. He was a lawyer, a captain in the Army’s Judge Advocate General’s Corps, and a civilian judge. He knows exactly what he’s doing. Which, yes, makes it even worse. Ugh, such a Gohmert."

    Interesting that you immediately responded to my light-hearted but snarky joke with polarized, either-or, black-white thinking by assuming I was somehow praising or at least supporting lib Dems by making fun of conservatives.

    I'm an equal opportunity snarker it's just that far right Rs keep hogging the headlines with their arrogant ignorance. Just check out the Daily Show or Colbert who find them a pot-o'-gold for mockery. Lighten-up, man.

  • DandyDan
    11 years ago
    I've been there. The Foxy Lady had the great misfortune to be located close to the intersection of O Street (the main East-West drag in Lincoln, shown on maps as US highway 34) and Antelope Valley Parkway, which has been a longtime construction project in Lincoln and hypothetically in the future, it's supposed to be a main north-south drag. I don't think they want a strip club at that particular intersection, and truthfully, they don't want any strip clubs in Lincoln, which are all lame no-touch pastie bars in the first place. All I can say is I'm glad someone's putting some money into that club, because for years, they used to have a toy train set run through there for some bizarre reason. I just hope they eliminate the smell it has had for years. Of course, my prediction is that the Foxy Lady is gone and not relocated in 5 years.
  • joker44
    11 years ago
    Thanks DD. Figured that was the underlying motive for strictly applying the standards. The CC would have worked to compromise with a valued business in the same location.

    BTW - Never in Lincoln but visited Omaha too many years ago & know the sexually oriented business scene is pathetic.
  • jabthehut
    11 years ago
    Anybody who doesn't check what the law is before he begins construction in any city's downtown is a complete idiot.
  • jester214
    11 years ago
    Oh come on Jab, they blindsided him because it's a strip club.
  • DandyDan
    11 years ago
    Unfortunately, a lot of strip club owners are idiots.

    When I saw that headline at first, I thought it referred to the football team and the way they played today. As for the strip club scene, I find it unbelievable how many clubs in the region have just died in the 17 years I lived here. Then again, most of them sucked, and most of them sucked because LE wanted them to suck.
  • Ermita_Nights
    11 years ago
    It's not always possible to know ahead of time what all the requirements are going to be, even if you hire experts who should know. I once owned a commercial building that the City wouldn't issue an occupancy permit for, because it didn't have enough on-site parking. And a different department of the same City wouldn't let me put in the parking they were demanding, because it would be too much impervious surface and stormwater runoff. I ended up selling it as a tear-down. Which almost didn't happen either, because it was in a historic district.
  • tumblingdice
    11 years ago
    That's BS!Once the town signs off on a set of prints you're good to go. I had the same thing happen to me and when the lawyer served papers with intent to sue I got a call ten minutes later saying"Mr Dice! Please proceed". On top of that I burned $10,000 worth of debris and collected a $500 fine just to say "Fuck You". Yes you must know the laws.
  • jabthehut
    11 years ago
    Emita, if you go to city hall and ask you can find out ahead of time what the laws and regulations are. When I had a house built, I went to City Hall to find out if I needed to set my house off from the centerline or boundry of an abandoned alley. The contractor also got all the permits that were needed to build. Put an idiot owner together with an idiot contractor and you make headlines. If the dumbasses had done things correctly, the only headlines would have been ones that told of a downright refusal to allow the construction if there was one.
    Did you mean to say that you purchased a building and then found out about the impediments? I really don't think that you owned a building and then one day you found that you could't get an occupancy permit.
  • tumblingdice
    11 years ago
    If you're not a dickhead the town will work with you on parking spaces. They need the revenue also.
  • zipman68
    11 years ago
    Right on Joker for calling ski on his BS. I'm amazed by the willing ness to forgive Republicans for their idiocy on this board while slamming Democrats. Neither party is protecting liberty, especially with respect to sexually oriented businesses.

    I remember in the '80s in Albuquerque that the city made the porn shops clean up the outside and put out some planters with flowers. I'm down with requiring little cosmetic shit like that. Not everybody wants their toddlers to read "dildos 'r us" and "free bottle of astroglide with every 5 pack of butt plugs" as they walk down the street. But let the perverts rock out with their cocks out on the inside my bros. Booths with "Girls Girls Girls" signs? Keep the neon "live nudes" signs inside the shop. But let a million nudes bloom...that's my motto.

    But none of the politicians embrace that attitude. After all...who will stand for the right of perverts? If you think it's the republicans you're delusional. (And it ain't the democrats either...our choices are douche and turd)
  • Ermita_Nights
    11 years ago
    Jab, it was a change of use. We reverted to the previous use before selling the building, and had no problem with that. I should have known better, but it was many years ago when I was young and stupid.
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