
Asking for EXTRA's

Tuesday, November 26, 2013 12:22 PM
Anybody have any advice for how to ask for extra's, without saying extra's? I'm trying to avoid the first lapdance if I can. In the past I've asked to be taken to the most private area in the club, but I guess the babes aren't clueing in.


  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    11 years ago
    Even with PG-rated dancers, I've seen a lot of them take me and other customers to the most private location in a club for their dances. Even they appreciate being able to have maximum privacy with their customers. So, that alone is not a sign of getting extras. I'll also message you on another subject you've mentioned.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Try The System. By RickyBoy. Just kidding. Forget that shit. Just ask however you like as long as you are clear what you want. Try "You're hot! You should me fuck you sometime." That oughta get the conversation going. Good luck!
  • crazyjoe
    11 years ago
    Ask ans you shal recieve
  • Ermita_Nights
    11 years ago
    Please read this recent discussion on the same subject: [view link]
  • bang69
    11 years ago
    do it in a respectful mannor
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    Hand signals. LOL
  • DirtBoy313
    11 years ago
    Read this thread. [view link]
  • rl27
    11 years ago
    Since I do a bit of research I normally don't have to ask for extras. In those cases when I either haven't been able to do some research, or found out much I'll look to see which dancers are in the back for a while and invite them over to my table. We'll talk a bit and I'll mention that I noticed she is very popular, and the dancer may take the lead from there and we'll get some dances. If she doesn't I'll ask her what makes her dances so popular. If she takes the lead from there and she seems convincing I'll get some dances, otherwise I'll go for the next gal. Before the dance starts, I also might mention that if she does good I'll stay for at least say 4 songs, unless she gets me too excited.
  • jestrite50
    11 years ago
    We're not in high school here. We are talking to professional sex industry people. I find it best to just tell them what you want and ask the price. They will tell you at that time if they fuck, give blow jobs, facials, titty fuck or whatever you want. I have only ever been slapped by one stripper. She used to slap me every time I bit down on her nipples hard. I kept doing it because I thought her slapping me was hot and it was sexy !
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    Use the force, Luke.
  • georgmicrodong
    11 years ago
    @dirtboy: I notice that you posted that thread on the other board right around the time you posted the link here. If I were a cynical, suspicious old man, I might accuse you of writing that thread over there and then linking to it here 10 minutes later. Don't you think it's kind of tacky to use Founder's resources to pay for your other interests, without paying him? And why has the administrator over there "disabled public write access" to that thread. Could it be that *you* are the administrator, and you just wanted to generate some clicks?
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    You can't pull a fast one on GMD.
  • rl27
    11 years ago
    Jestrite, it depends on the club. I have been in clubs where if you ask the dancers too explicitly you will get ejected from the club.
  • DirtBoy313
    11 years ago
    georgmicrodong- "I notice that you posted that thread on the other board right around the time you posted the link here. If I were a cynical, suspicious old man, I might accuse you of writing that thread over there and then linking to it here 10 minutes later. Don't you think it's kind of tacky to use Founder's resources to pay for your other interests, without paying him?" *********************************************** I see your points. I just did it that way because this topic seems to come up a lot, so I thought it would be a good thread to start on Peeler Review. I figured some of the Detroit heavy hitters would add their two cents and make it more informative, so I posted the link. I'm sure me posting a link to another site isn't going to put TUSCL out of business, I'm sure he makes a pretty penny off this site lol. So, no, I don't think it's tacky. georgmicrodong- "And why has the administrator over there "disabled public write access" to that thread. Could it be that *you* are the administrator, and you just wanted to generate some clicks?" ***************************************** I am NOT the admin on that site. Once you register the admin still has to approve your account, that's why you can't post in that or any thread except the "Welcome Center" (I think) If you look, a few people have replied to that thread (most of them teasing me in good fun) Unlike here the teasing (banter) is just in good fun, we are all good friends. I hope this makes you feel a little better. Joe Dirt [view link]
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