
Higher Mileage from Hotties

Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
Where I did most of my clubbing back in 1995 to about 2001 or so, predominantly in the New England states and parts of NY, there was a lot of truth to the notion that the hotter girls generally did less for their money as opposed to the girls who needed an extra edge to compete. There was just so much money coming into the clubs during those days, in that region, that girls did not need to do high mileage stuff ITC to earn well. Indeed, HM dances were fairly rare outside of a few crappier cities in CT, and when they could be had the girls providing them were often not much to look at.

My very first high mileage experience with a truly beautiful and sexy dancer actually took place in Miami circa 2002, where I was visiting on a business trip. That stunning girl did things to me in the CR that my girlfriend at the time wouldn't do, lol, and to this day it remains as one of my best backroom experiences ever. I paid a bundle for it, but it blew my mind away after becoming so accustomed to the either tame experiences with the beauties of the northeast or rushed and generally unremarkable experiences found in the dives of CT.

Since the economic collapse in 2008, the old truisms simply don't hold so much anymore, even in areas where the divide was historically wide. IMHO economic realities and heightened customer expectations have largely leveled the playing field, though IME even today some of the hottest girls will do a bit less and/or hold out for more. But the gap has narrowed a lot in my experience.

I have been seeing this on the OTC front as well over the past 5 years. In some areas, it used to be that OTC with a 9+ was near impossible, at least for a few hundred bucks. After all, they were often making so much in the clubs that it simply was not worth it for them. But 2008 really changed things a lot of things. In my experience it is still tougher to source truly hot and talented girls, but it can be done with a little time and effort.

Now I know that some guys on this board reside in areas that have been higher mileage for a very long time, so are probably seeing less of a difference between then and now, but where I cut my teeth I have to say that the changes have been significant.


  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    What I've noticed for the past few years is that the clubs are being filled with lazy dancers. Also, there seems to be gals dancing that shouldn't be seen without Blu Blockers on. The Tip Me Generation of dancers-They want tips for breathing and taking up space.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    It's no harder RickyBoy. In fact, it's easier. Now mind you, you report a success rate of only 35% with your The System, which is much lower than others are experiencing. So this is proof that you either do not go to clubs in reality yourself - just in your imagination, or your stupid system doesn't even get the part that you have to ask (since preserving your all important "cover" is so important, and because if you ask there could be serious fallout in this fantasy world).

    Sometime you ought to pull your head out of your ass, visit clubs in reality, and just ask. Then you'll see it's no harder. Easier in fact. Maybe get with the program one of these fine days, RickyBoy?
  • rickdugan
    11 years ago
    Slick, I am seeing some of those phenomenons as well. A lot of clubs seem to care less and less about the quality of the girls so long as they can collect house fees.

    My recent trip to L.A., and specifically to Deja Vu Hollywood, was a case in point. With the exception of a couple of those girls, whay they allowed up on that stage was just shameful. They looked bad even in that very dark light - I can only imagine how they would have looked in the light of day. Some girls just shouldn't be dancing.

    But there are still hot girls still to be had out there, as you know. Those are the ones I normally focus on and I just try to block out the rest.
  • jackslash
    11 years ago
    An ebbing tide lifts my boat.
  • skibum609
    11 years ago
    The best full contact club in Providence coincidentally also has the best looking dancers.
  • mjx01
    11 years ago
    Right on Slick!!!
    Lazy, ugly, 'tip me's' are messing things up.
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