
Strip club offers ‘guilt-free' lapdances with proceeds going to charity

A strip club is offering ‘guilt-free' lapdances to customers by promising to give the proceeds of the performances to charity.

The promotion by the Burke and Hare in West Port, Edinburgh, means dances will be half the normal price in order to raise money for a seriously injured friend, who has not been named.

‘I don't know if it's an Edinburgh first but we thought it was a great way to raise money for charity,' said the club's spokeswoman, who added that it ‘certainly isn't going to be your average 
Sunday afternoon tea and cake sale'.

‘All the girls are getting a bit nervous now as it's nearly here but we're hoping it will go really well.'
.Not everyone is pleased with the Sunday fundraiser, though, with some critics arguing there are better ways to contribute to good causes.

Street harassment prevention activist Jacq Kelly added: ‘This begs the question about why men would feel guilty about receiving a lap dance in the first place?

‘Giving a few quid to charity may salve their conscience in the short term but if they feel guilty about visiting lap dancing clubs in the first place they should probably examine the choices they make.'



  • jestrite50
    11 years ago
    I have heard of clubs in the US doing this before. Can't recall which to raise money for breast cancer research etc. I think the clubs should donate a certain amount from each dance to the charity so that keeps everybody willing to work and makes it fun for everyone and doesn't put all the burden on the girls to give up all their pay. It puts dancers in a better light as well as the community sees them making sacrifices for good causes.
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    Who feels guilty about Lap Dances?
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    I remember some dancers can make you feel guilty if you don't get a lap dance.

    I do not understand the thought that some can actually feel guilty for getting one. Maybe if someone is married and the wife and kids need the money and you were going to spend it anyway. That would make sense. So now if you are a deadbeat broke bum who should feel guilty, now you don't need to be because you're giving away money you need to charity? It still doesn't make sense to me.
  • CarlosDanger
    11 years ago
    I wonder which charitable organization will be receiving the money. Perhaps the Association For Single Moms Whose Rent is Past Due?
  • georgmicrodong
    11 years ago
    Jacq Kelly added: 'This begs the question about why men would feel guilty about receiving a lap dance in the first place?'

    Good question? Why *should* I feed guilty about having a pretty young woman half my age sitting on my lap naked with my hands on her boobs, nipples in my mouth and fingers teasing her pussy?

    What is wrong with that after all?
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    ^^^ Well maybe they think it's exploitive because she's only doing it to support her drug habit?
  • georgmicrodong
    11 years ago
    ^^^ I'm sure "they" do, at least in public, where other people can hear them.
  • jackslash
    11 years ago
    I've never felt guilty. Not even when I was married.
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    Years ago, some nuns at Catholic Charities were giving out free lap dances. They were part of the Sisters of Mary Magdelene. It didn't last that long. They couldn't make it part of their habit.
  • Ermita_Nights
    11 years ago
    Doesn't make sense to me either. And if I somehow did feel guilty about getting a lapdance, how would it make me feel any better to know that the money isn't going to the dancer?
  • Ermita_Nights
    11 years ago
    Slick: I want nun of your kind of humor
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    @Ermita-Please forgive me. I'm a sinner.
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