
I wanna open a [strip] club!

Sunday, November 3, 2013 12:59 PM
Anyone feel the same way here? I wish I could take all my idea and thoughts and put them all together for my own! I am about to graduate from college with my Bachelors in Business Admin. Future entrepreneur here... Idk how my wife would feel but if anyone on here has wealth and would want to be a partner, we should get something rolling...


  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    I suspect the truth is a bit harder than the fantasy. You have groups of people opposed to all strip clubs, then you have lawyers and politicians who like to make life more difficult at times and then you have the work force (young girls working temporary jobs) who believe they are entitled to certain things. I'm not sure how the more successful clubs grease the wheels to keep from being raided or hurting their business by not having things so restricted that no one wants to get lap dances. I have wondered if some clubs have pay offs in secret to the police or other groups to overlook certain infractions. Of course none of that would be considered ethical to running a business and a new guy starting out might not find out until he sunk some major money into an operation.
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    Of course the devil is in the details. Where would you locate to be profitable and to fit in all the zoning requirements and where the community would welcome you? Do you start off small with limited funds and what could you do? The business model has been something I have been curious about. I do not have any funds to start a business though. I'm just talking.
  • mojito90
    11 years ago
    Yeah, sadly the truth sucks but I feel like the big boys and chain clubs, such as Ricks Cabaret group I.e. tootsies in Miami, bring in so much revenue that they are welcomed with open arms. But also yeah, I bet there is a lot that gets 'overlooked' if you catch my drift. Ethics sort if get thrown out the door or covered up in some industries. I'm not talkin financial ethics, I support that 150% but what I'm talkin about is strategy and operations. Getting what you need to done and out competing the rivals is what its all about. The devil is DEFINITELY in the details. Dang. But yep, startin small is cool in my book. Hell, Google started in a freaking garage.
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    11 years ago
    Whenever this type of situation comes up, I usually recommend two things. 1. Instead of going right out and buy a strip club, or start a new one, get a job in one, so you can observe the business, learn from it, and then make an intelligent decision as to whether or not that's something you could handle. At this point in your life, it's likely you don't have the financial resources to fund a strip club business. 2. If you really feel the need to start your own business, begin with something much smaller. A strip club is not a "starter business." Note Sharkhunter's comments carefully. Begin with something very small, and maybe work your way up to a strip club.
  • jester214
    11 years ago
    Nice rewards but big risks. Need a lot of capital to make a good go of it. Also tough to find good staff to run your day to day.
  • mojito90
    11 years ago
    Yeah I hear you all! For sure. Yeah, the only part I don't like about it is that to be successful ya almost have to always have alcohol. Personally I could never trust any one to bar tend for me. Over pour under pour free pours LOL. Someday ill own a small business. But this is a neat conversation. Anyone else have experience with this sorta thing?
  • boomer37
    11 years ago
    So, what are your ideas on making a strip club awesome, profitable, long lasting business? I guess that's a question for everyone. If you were magically the owner of a club (all the issues resolved with zoning and laws) how would your club be different?
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    OP: "how my wife would feel but if anyone on here has wealth and would want to be a partner, we should get something rolling..." Yeah, I'm sure there are just tons of readers on this site with the money to open a strip club, willing to put up all the cash, but who are scratching their heads wondering where they can find a soon to be Bachelor of Business Administration to manage the dang thing! Good thing you showed up and resolved the dilemma for them. For advertising the opportunity!
  • mojito90
    11 years ago
    @Dougster LOL.
  • mjx01
    11 years ago
    I would not. All the evidence I see is that SC's are a dying industry. Fewer customers and less revenue more and more. Girls can't make 'good' money. So they level or turn to extras. Top talent leaving hurts the club, and extras girls put you at more risk with LE. The only scenario I could see working is if you have an area where there's 2-4 shitty clubs, and your business model is to be a significantly better club then the dumps with the expectation your club eventually puts the dumps out of business and consolidate the other clubs' custies into your club. Unless of course the mobsters behind the other club whack you for moving in on their turf.
  • mojito90
    11 years ago
    Dang. I don't really see that. People will always need their "relationship" even if its not real. And yeah, OTC or extras do kinda have a negative impact and can lead to problems ... Unless youre in mexico or somewhere ha! But hmmmm... Hey that's a good scenerio! The part about the mobsters is funny, I can picture that.
  • jackslash
    11 years ago
    I used to think I would like to own a strip club. But then I came to the realization that what I enjoy is being a strip club customer. Being an owner is completely different. To be a successful strip club owner, you need to have the soul of a pimp and the morals of a whore. You have deal with shady characters. You need to bribe politicians and cops, face down motorcycle gangs, reach an accommodation with the mafia, hang with drug dealers and addicts, and manage a circus of lying, thieving, drunken dancers. Your business degree will not prepare you for this world.
  • mojito90
    11 years ago
    That kinda sounds fun, not going to lie. But yeah I hear ya
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    PM inno23.
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    That should be inno123. Sorry for the typo.
  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    I suggest upon receiving your Bachelor of Business Administration; you get a hot dog cart and move up from there.
  • mojito90
    11 years ago
    Alright Alucard. And hell, if I lived in a freakin city I would get a hotdog cart haha
  • lopaw
    11 years ago
    I think owning a SC would be a nightmare, mainly for the reasons that jackslash mentions. Being a customer is challenging enough ;)
  • mjx01
    11 years ago
    I would agree, good points by jack.
  • jester214
    11 years ago
    Jack, that's what you need to MANAGE a SC. If they can find good management then the owner is above that shit. Much of that stuff is also non-existent in some locales.
  • crazyjoe
    11 years ago
    Sounds like a broke mofo wants someone to fund his ability to see tits
  • crazyjoe
    11 years ago
    Lol dougster
  • mojito90
    11 years ago
    Being a customer IS hard enough for sure. And yup,owning vs management is sometimes a thought too. That's another route to try to go!
  • jabthehut
    11 years ago
    Oh, to be young and naive. You want to have to deal with a bunch of crazy ass strippers on a day-to-day basis? Almost all of them will be older than you as well. Have you learned nothing from TUSCL? You should try to find an ATF instead and enjoy. There are discussions and articles by members who will tell you how to get you an ATF in no time at all. Rickyboyduggan even has a system that will certainly get you started.
  • zipman68
    11 years ago
    OTOH, it worked out well for Larry Flynt. Except for the whole shooting thing. But interracial is now much more accepted than it was in '78. Hmmm...wait a second....did you pervos know that Flynt's would be killer was never tried? Perhaps the real "assassin interrupted" is still out there. Bonerbreath, you're a racist asshole...where were you when Flynt was shot?
  • crazyjoe
    11 years ago
    Yoing dum. And full of cum
  • Estafador
    11 years ago
    according to jackslash, sounds like owning a strip club is for blacks only lol
  • bvino
    11 years ago
    I worked in the industry for seven years. Some titty bars and some not. If you have not had experience in an alcohol driven enterprise you will be ripped off in so many ways you will never see it leaving. The amounts I know for payoffs are anywhere from 1-3K a week to the police in my area. That plus the "free" drinks and meals for every politico for a hundred miles around. Good luck newbie! Check the rules on liability insurance for a licensed establishment. If that doesn't give you pause you are not thinking.
  • mojito90
    11 years ago
    Woah yea. ThiThis is startin to sound a bit crazy. Damn.
  • bvino
    11 years ago
    Glad to see that you have regarded the advice given here. One last thing. Do the owners of these places ever look happy to you? The ones I know are forever singing the blues about business and revenue. Could be crocodile tears but form what I see it is probably true.
  • goodsouthernboy
    11 years ago
    Follow your dreams man, don't let the naysayers get to you! Bankruptcy isn't that bad I'm told. Lol. Jk, there's a shit ton more than meets the eye when you own your own business.
  • mojito90
    11 years ago
    Thanks goodsouthernboy! Yeah, literally a shit ton of behind the scenes stuff! and another prospective business is a cigar shop - which is also probably a dying industry sadly.
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