Yo pervo types. I'd like feedback on whether the system is universal. If I go to a Vulcan strip club (see my review of Club Akhlami) and try it, will I get extras. Mind you that Vulcan strippers ain't saddled with drug addictions and such...they are way to logical. So I think your tactics would have to differ. What say my pervo bros?
It only works better than "just ask" on the imaginary planet which is RickyBoy's narcissistic fantasy world. In that world
a) strippers are very attracted to guys who have triumphed in our capitalistic system to the point where they are the only ones who can afford to wear white three piece polyester suits into dive clubs
b) also in this imaginary planet, RickyBoy is a psychological genius for finding subtle flaws, such as a) in the minds of what are otherwise hard-nosed sharks i) all while avoiding the big trap of falling in love with said sharks (look out it's a trap! the shark doesn't really love you, just smells blood!) ii) carefully timing his trips to capitalize of when strippers are most in need of money iii) carefully selecting his targets (thereby sharking the sharks) to pick the weakest/most pliable, while still being beautiful, to the idea from amongst them
c) Strippers who do do OTC only do it with a select few customers. The bar is high, and wearing the suit goes along way to showing you qualify.
Okay, that's how it goes in RickyBoy's narcissistic fantasy world. In reality, what happens is RickyBoy is discovering that it really doesn't matter what you do, stripper either have sex for money or they don't. Even though his big suit/ass clown act is undoubtedly a turn off to many, they already resolved that they will have sex for money with basically anyone who asks for money because they are indeed, hooks. Since RickyBoy sometimes refrains from asking, in according with the parameters of The System, he actually gets a lower success rate than others. But, hey, The System keeps him amused and fuels his fantasy about his own rich studery/genius.
So answer the original question The System ought to work on any planet where hookers are having sex for money. Not because of anything in The System, however, but merely because it doesn't matter much what you do when dealing with a hooker, she's going to have sex with you if you pay - that's kind of the point after all.
Give the strippers the Vulcan peace sign with 4 fingers. If that doesn't work, you can go down on the number of fingers, lol. If she's not Vulcan, you're out of luck.
last commenta) strippers are very attracted to guys who have triumphed in our capitalistic system to the point where they are the only ones who can afford to wear white three piece polyester suits into dive clubs
b) also in this imaginary planet, RickyBoy is a psychological genius for finding subtle flaws, such as a) in the minds of what are otherwise hard-nosed sharks
i) all while avoiding the big trap of falling in love with said sharks (look out it's a trap! the shark doesn't really love you, just smells blood!)
ii) carefully timing his trips to capitalize of when strippers are most in need of money
iii) carefully selecting his targets (thereby sharking the sharks) to pick the weakest/most pliable, while still being beautiful, to the idea from amongst them
c) Strippers who do do OTC only do it with a select few customers. The bar is high, and wearing the suit goes along way to showing you qualify.
Okay, that's how it goes in RickyBoy's narcissistic fantasy world. In reality, what happens is RickyBoy is discovering that it really doesn't matter what you do, stripper either have sex for money or they don't. Even though his big suit/ass clown act is undoubtedly a turn off to many, they already resolved that they will have sex for money with basically anyone who asks for money because they are indeed, hooks. Since RickyBoy sometimes refrains from asking, in according with the parameters of The System, he actually gets a lower success rate than others. But, hey, The System keeps him amused and fuels his fantasy about his own rich studery/genius.
So answer the original question The System ought to work on any planet where hookers are having sex for money. Not because of anything in The System, however, but merely because it doesn't matter much what you do when dealing with a hooker, she's going to have sex with you if you pay - that's kind of the point after all.