Ripping off a customer vs "Teaching him a lesson"?

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
So is the title of a SW thread.
Must say the OP kind of made my blood boil – but it could just be SS from the SW OP.
And must also say that what the OP describes although happens is probably far far from normal IMO – and not one dancer that replied agreed with the premise of the OP:…
I mean it.
(I’m sure I beat out a few with this PL line :))
I kind of want to expand on this though, that line of thinking with strippers is extremely problematic. The only lesson they would realistically teach that guy (aside from how to hide bodies) is that there is absolutely no reason to respect strippers/women as people because they obviously don't hold anyone else in the same regard. Plus, he would probably never return to that club again and they're losing out on a potentially long-term customer.
Contrast that with our recent thread about a dancer who suffered a sudden weight gain. Very little sympathy, just a lot of comments that such things are par for the course with scummy loser strippers.
Not really sure management would do much. I'm guessing they'd say they can't control what happens outside the club. Clubs don't seem to fire stripers for having multiple DUI/DWIs, even though that could take someone's life rather than just their money.
"Why the fuck does she care if this person is not being faithful to his wife?" -Alucard
You can answer that question better than anyone else here could, Alucard.
The funniest part is her reason for doing it lol. Because he thinks he can just take strippers home like that lmao. Idiot.
I believe there are a number of murderers on the loose and some of those might visit strip clubs so I wouldn't want to tick off the wrong person. I guess if a murderer puts on a ring and lies to a stripper just to see if she gets upset and she thinks she's going to teach him a lesson, I hope she has a safe place to hide at. She might be safe. Then again I believe there may be thousands of unsolved murders in the US alone, maybe it's only hundreds.…
Just remembered.