I enjoy that most when it's someone I've had sex with before and I know she likes me. I like to take my time and enjoy all the options. Tantric type sex.
For a first time girl I am rather fast on purpose. We're talking professional sex providers here, not real world women. They want you to finish in a reasonable amount of time. I'm always good for a slower second pop with no problem if they want me to, thanks to pharmaceuticals. If the girl is into me, she'll say YES but if not, I did her a favor by not expecting a GFE.
last commentFor a first time girl I am rather fast on purpose. We're talking professional sex providers here, not real world women. They want you to finish in a reasonable amount of time. I'm always good for a slower second pop with no problem if they want me to, thanks to pharmaceuticals. If the girl is into me, she'll say YES but if not, I did her a favor by not expecting a GFE.